114 research outputs found

    Process versus Unfolding Semantics for Place/Transition Petri Nets

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    In the last few years, the semantics of Petri nets has been investigated in several different ways. Apart from the classical "token game," one can model the behaviour of Petri nets via non-sequential processes, via unfolding constructions, which provide formal relationships between nets and domains, and via algebraic models, which view Petri nets as essentially algebraic theories whose models are monoidal categories. In this paper we show that these three points of view can be reconciled. In our formal development a relevant role is played by DecOcc, a category of occurrence nets appropriately decorated to take into account the history of tokens. The structure of decorated occurrence nets at the same time provides natural unfoldings for Place/Transition (PT) nets and suggests a new notion of processes, the decorated processes, which induce on Petri nets the same semantics as that of unfolding. In addition, we prove that the decorated processes of a net can be axiomatized as the arrows of a symmetric monoidal category which, therefore, provides the aforesaid unification

    Verifizierbare Entwicklung eines satellitenbasierten Zugsicherungssystems mit Petrinetzen

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    Nowadays model-based techniques are widely used in system design and development, especially for safety-critical systems such as train control systems. Given a design model, executable codes could be generated automatically from the model following certain transformation rules. A high-quality model of a system provides a good understanding, a favourable structure, a reasonable scale and abstraction level as well as realistic behaviours with respect to the concurrent operation of independent subsystems. Motivated by this principle, a first Coloured Petri Net (CPN) model of a satellite-based train control system (SatZB) with the capability of continuous simulation is developed employing the BASYSNET method which adopts Petri nets as the means of description during the whole development process. After establishing the system model, the verification tasks are identified based on the hazard analysis of the train control system. To verify the identified tasks for quality assurance, verification by means of simulation, formal analysis and testing is carried out considering the four representing system properties: function, state, structure and behaviour. For structural analysis, the concept of open nets is proposed to check the reproducibility of empty markings of scenario nets, the existence of dead transitions in the scenario nets, and the terminating states of the scenario nets. The system behaviour, in which states are involved, is investigated by reachability analysis. Unlike the conventional method of reachability analysis by calculating the state space of the Petri net, techniques based on Petri net unfoldings are introduced in this thesis. As to the functional verification, two model-based test generation techniques, i.e., CPN-based and SPENAT (Safe Place Transition Nets with Attributes)-based techniques, are presented. In this thesis, the proposed methods are exemplified by the application to the on-board module of SatZB model. According to the verification results, no errors were found in the module. Therefore, the confidence in the quality of the on-board module has been significantly increased.Heutzutage werden in zahlreichen Anwendungen modellbasierte Techniken zur Systementwicklung, insbesondere für sicherheitskritische Systeme wie Eisenbahnleit- und -sicherungssysteme, verwendet. Aus einem Design Modell kann dabei ausführbarer Code automatisch nach bestimmten Transformationsregeln generiert werden. Ein hochwertiges Modell des Systems bietet für die Entwicklung ein gutes Verständnis, eine günstige Struktur, eine angemessene Größenordnung und Abstraktionsebene als auch realistische Verhaltensweisen in Bezug auf den gleichzeitigen Betrieb von unabhängigen Subsystemen. Motiviert von dieses Prinzip wird ein erstes Farbige Petri-Netz (CPN)-Modell eines satellitenbasierten Zugsicherungssystem (SatZB) unter Verwendung der BASYSNET Methode entwickelt, der Petri-Netze als Beschreibungsmittel während des gesamten Entwicklungsprozesses nutzt. Dieses Modell bietet die Möglichkeit zur kontinuierlichen Simulation des Systemverhaltens. Nach der Erstellung des Systemmodells werden die Verifikationsaufgaben auf der Grundlage der Gefährdungsanalyse des Zugsicherungssystems identifiziert. Die abgeleiteten Bedingungen werden zur Qualitätssicherung durch Simulation, formale Analysen und Tests unter Berücksichtigung der vier Systemeigenschaften (Funktion, Zustand, Struktur und Verhalten) verifiziert. Für die Strukturanalyse wird das Konzept der offenen Netzen vorgeschlagen, um die Reproduzierbarkeit der leeren Markierungen der Szenario-Netze, die Existenz der Toten Transitionen in den Szenario-Netze, und die Abschluss Zustände der Szenario-Netze zu prüfen. Das Systemverhalten wird dabei durch Zustände beschrieben und durch eine Erreichbarkeitsanalyse untersucht. Im Gegensatz zu der konventionellen Methode, welche die Erreichbarkeit durch die Berechnung des Zustandsraums des Petri-Netzes analysiert, werden in dieser Arbeit Techniken auf Basis von Petri-Netz-Entfaltung eingeführt. Für die funktionale Verifikation werden zwei modellbasierte Testgenerierungstechniken, eine CPN-basierte und eine SPENAT (Sicheres Petrinetz mit Attributen)-basierte, vorgestellt. In dieser Arbeit werden die vorgeschlagenen Methoden durch die Anwendung auf das On-Board-Modul des SatZB-Modells veranschaulicht. Dabei wurden nach dem Abschluss der Prüfungen keine Fehler im Modul gefunden, wodurch das Vertrauen in die Qualität des On-Board-Moduls deutlich erhöht wurde

    General parameterised refinement and recursion for the M-net calculus

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    AbstractThe algebra of M-nets, a high-level class of labelled Petri nets, was introduced in order to cope with the size problem of the low-level Petri box calculus, especially when applied as semantical domain for parallel programming languages. General, unrestricted and parameterised refinement and recursion operators, allowing to represent the (possibly recursive and concurrent) procedure call mechanism, are introduced into the M-net calculus

    Reversing place transition nets

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    Petri nets are a well-known model of concurrency and provide an ideal setting for the study of fundamental aspects in concurrent systems. Despite their simplicity, they still lack a satisfactory causally reversible semantics. We develop such semantics for Place/Transitions Petri nets (P/T nets) based on two observations. Firstly, a net that explicitly expresses causality and conflict among events, for example an occurrence net, can be straightforwardly reversed by adding a reverse transition for each of its forward transitions. Secondly, given a P/T net the standard unfolding construction associates with it an occurrence net that preserves all of its computation. Consequently, the reversible semantics of a P/T net can be obtained as the reversible semantics of its unfolding. We show that such reversible behaviour can be expressed as a finite net whose tokens are coloured by causal histories. Colours in our encoding resemble the causal memories that are typical in reversible process calculi.Fil: Melgratti, Hernan Claudio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Computación. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Computación; ArgentinaFil: Mezzina, Claudio Antares. Università Degli Studi Di Urbino Carlo Bo; ItaliaFil: Ulidowski, And Irek. University of Leicester; Reino Unid

    Efficient Trace Encodings of Bounded Synthesis for Asynchronous Distributed Systems

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    The manual implementation of distributed systems is an error-prone task because of the asynchronous interplay of components and the environment. Bounded synthesis automatically generates an implementation for the specification of the distributed system if one exists. So far, bounded synthesis for distributed systems does not utilize their asynchronous nature. Instead, concurrent behavior of components is encoded by all interleavings and only then checked against the specification. We close this gap by identifying true concurrency in synthesis of asynchronous distributed systems represented as Petri games. This defines when several interleavings can be subsumed by one true concurrent trace. Thereby, fewer and shorter verification problems have to be solved in each iteration of the bounded synthesis algorithm. For Petri games, experimental results show that our implementation using true concurrency outperforms the implementation based on checking all interleavings