5 research outputs found

    Nanotechnology: emerging tools for biology and medicine

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    Historically, biomedical research has been based on two paradigms. First, measurements of biological behaviors have been based on bulk assays that average over large populations. Second, these behaviors have then been crudely perturbed by systemic administration of therapeutic treatments. Nanotechnology has the potential to transform these paradigms by enabling exquisite structures comparable in size with biomolecules as well as unprecedented chemical and physical functionality at small length scales. Here, we review nanotechnology-based approaches for precisely measuring and perturbing living systems. Remarkably, nanotechnology can be used to characterize single molecules or cells at extraordinarily high throughput and deliver therapeutic payloads to specific locations as well as exhibit dynamic biomimetic behavior. These advances enable multimodal interfaces that may yield unexpected insights into systems biology as well as new therapeutic strategies for personalized medicineDamon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation (Merck Fellow, DRG-2065-10)Howard Hughes Medical Institute (Investigator)Lustgarten FoundationNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (U54CA151884, , Massachusetts Institute of Technology-Harvard Center of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (P41- EB002503, BIoMEMS Resource Center

    Improving Nonviral Gene Transfer and Cellular Reprogramming with Microfluidic Nanomanufacturing

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    <p>The success of gene medicine ultimately depends on the efficient intracellular delivery and sustained expression of nucleic acid therapeutics, yet nonviral gene delivery performed with cationic polymer carriers has been chronically hindered by the slow release of nucleic acid payloads at their targets, as well as the transient nature of exogenous transgene expression. Polymer-nucleic acid nanocomplexes made with passive gene carriers using traditional bulk methods have proven inadequate for most translational applications. The objective of this work is to improve nonviral gene delivery through the selection, formulation, and application of improved nanoparticles. </p><p> After screening a number of number of cationic polymer delivery systems ranging from natural to synthetic, high molecular weight to low, binary and ternary, we identified a bioreducible linear poly(amido amine) able to give sustained, robust expression of both DNA and RNA through serial dosing. We next turned our attention to the process of nanocomplex assembly. Traditional assembly via bulk mixing is poorly controlled, and the poor quality of these nanocomplexes is a significant impediment to both the establishment of robust structure-function relationships and the advancement of nonviral gene delivery. So, we developed an emulsion-based microfluidic nanomanufacturing platform to better control the self-assembly process, and thus the physical properties of nanocomplexes. Confined mixing within picoliter droplets generates self-assembled nanocomplexes that are more uniform and more effective. This microfluidic nanomanufacturing approach possesses broad utility in the production of polymer-nucleic acid nanocomplexes; we demonstrated that its benefits extend to multiple gene carriers, a range of nucleic acid payloads, and translationally relevant cell types. Then, we applied the improved nanomanufactured particles to begin to address an unmet clinical need, namely the lack of a safe and ethical source of cells to treat neurodegenerative diseases. Nonviral cellular reprogramming strategies eliminate the integration of viral DNA sequences and represent a potentially safer alternative to viral transdifferentiation methods to generate therapeutic cells. Using nanomanufactured polymer-nucleic acid nanocomplexes, we improved the efficiency of the nonviral cellular reprogramming of fibroblasts directly to functional induced neuronal cells. </p><p> Nonviral gene therapy will continue to demand more sophisticated delivery systems to continue to progress. Microfluidic nanomanufacturing represents a reproducible and scalable platform to synthesize more uniform and effective nanocomplexes that not only improves their functional performance, but may also help establish clearer structure-function relationships that will inform future gene carrier design. Complementing the innovative chemical and biological approaches to create multifunctional nanoparticles, this study indicates that microfluidic nanomanufacturing can serve as a parallel physical strategy to both optimize the properties of polymer-nucleic acid nanocomplexes and improve their performance in applications with important clinical implications.</p>Dissertatio

    Microarray Structures for Sensing, Stimuliresponsive Releases, Shaped Microcages and Templating Minified Microstructures.

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    PhD ThesesMicroarray structure plays a key role in a variety of fields ranging from optical devices, electronics to drug delivery systems due to the special periodic micropatterns, which can not only perform the capability of light diffraction, show the potential as photonic sensors, but also provide the empty space for drug loading when the highly ordered structures are microwells. Especially, the microarray structure can be transferred onto other polymers, after the introduction of microcontact printing techniques. Inspired by the versatility of microarray structures, this work aims at exploring and expanding its potential multidisciplinary applications including multi-sensing platforms, drug delivery vehicles of microchamber array films and microcages, and structuring templates. These can be achieved by functionalizing the microarray structure with extra properties of differently structured materials including polyelectrolytes, polyester, precursor ceramics. To provide a better understanding of the research subjects of this work, an introduction is presented at the beginning of chapter 1, followed by chapter 2 of a literature review. The description of the experimental section including materials, methods and instruments is followed in chapter 3. The results start from chapter 4 which investigates the possibilities of microarray structure for media, pH, ions and thermal sensing using stimuli-responsive polymers. The potential of the microarray structure for preparing drug delivery vehicles is further determined in chapter 5. Biodegradable polymers were fabricated into microchamber array films with the capability to efficiently encapsulate and enzymatically controlled release small hydrophilic molecules. In chapter 6, a novel method for preparing shape and size defined biodegradable microcages for drug delivery based on microarray structure is presented. Moreover, chapter 7 proposed an efficient route to microfabricate proportionally minified microarray structure with the assistance of novel precursor ceramics. Finally, general conclusions of the overall results of this work along with outlooks are summarized in chapter 8

    Development of Delivery Strategies Facilitating Broad Application of Messenger RNA Tumor Vaccine

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    <p>Genetic modification of dendritic cells with plasmid DNA is plagued with low transfection efficiencies because DNA taken up by non-dividing dendritic cells rarely reaches the nucleus. But this difficulty can be overcome by the use of messenger RNA (mRNA), which exerts its biological function in the cytoplasm and obviates the need to enter the nucleus. Since pioneering work of Boczkwoski et al, the ex-vivo application of mRNA-transfected dendritic cells as a vaccine has been evaluated in numerous phase I trials worldwide and is still currently being actively optimized in clinical trials. </p><p> However, a major disadvantage of using mRNA-transfected DCs as a vaccine is that it requires patients to undergo at least one 4-hour leukapheresis procedure, followed by separation of the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), from which monocytes are isolated and cultured for a week in a defined medium with cytokines. The resulting DCs are matured after being loaded with mRNA and frozen for storage. Aliquots are subsequently thawed prior to administration to patients. This process of harvesting, culturing and loading DCs is more time- and resource-intensive than Provenge, the first FDA approved cell based tumor vaccine in 2011.Recent evidence has confirmed a lack of broad translation of Provenge due to complexity and cost of treatment. This predicates a similar fate for mRNA-transfected dendritic cell vaccine going forward. </p><p> This thesis presents alternative delivery strategies for mRNA mediated tumor vaccination. Through the application of synthetic and natural biomaterials, this thesis demonstrates two viable approaches that reduce or eliminate the need for extensive manipulation and cell culture.</p><p> The first approach is the direct in vivo delivery of mRNA encapsulated in nanoparticles for tumor vaccination. A selected number of synthetic gene carriers that have been shown to be effective for other applications are formulated with mRNA into nanoparticles and evaluated for their ability to transfect primary DCs. The best performing formulation is observed to transfect primary murine and human dendritic cells with an efficiency of 60% and 50% (based on %GFP+ cells) respectively. The in vivo transfection efficiency and expression kinetics of this formulation is subsequently evaluated and compared with naked mRNA via various routes of delivery. Following this, a proof-of-concept study is presented for a non-invasive method of mRNA tumor vaccination using intranasally administered mRNA encapsulated in nanoparticles. Results show that intranasally administered mRNA induces tumor immunity only if it is encapsulated in nanoparticles. And anti-tumor immunity is observed in mice intranasally immunized under both prophylactic as well as therapeutic models. </p><p> The second approach evaluates whole blood cells as alternative cell based mRNA carriers. A method is developed to encapsulate intact and functional mRNA in murine whole blood cells. Whole blood cells loaded with mRNA not only include erythrocytes but also T cells (CD3+), monocytes (CD11b), antigen presenting cells (MHC class II) as well as plasmacytoid DCs (CD45R-B220). Mice immunized with mRNA-loaded whole blood cells (intravenously) develop both humoral and cellular antigen-specific immune responses, and demonstrate delayed tumor onset and progression in a melanoma therapeutic immunization model (using tyrosinase related protein -2, TRP-2, as an antigen). Importantly, the therapeutic efficacy of mRNA-loaded whole blood cell vaccine formulation is found to be comparable to mRNA-transfected dendritic cell vaccine.</p><p> In conclusion, this thesis presents new methods to the delivery of mRNA tumor vaccines that reduce or eliminates the need for extensive cell manipulation and culture. Results presented in this thesis reveal viable research directions towards the development and optimization of mRNA delivery technologies that will address the problem of broad translation of mRNA tumor vaccines in the clinics.</p>Dissertatio