12,918 research outputs found

    Connectivity Oracles for Graphs Subject to Vertex Failures

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    We introduce new data structures for answering connectivity queries in graphs subject to batched vertex failures. A deterministic structure processes a batch of d≀d⋆d\leq d_{\star} failed vertices in O~(d3)\tilde{O}(d^3) time and thereafter answers connectivity queries in O(d)O(d) time. It occupies space O(d⋆mlog⁑n)O(d_{\star} m\log n). We develop a randomized Monte Carlo version of our data structure with update time O~(d2)\tilde{O}(d^2), query time O(d)O(d), and space O~(m)\tilde{O}(m) for any failure bound d≀nd\le n. This is the first connectivity oracle for general graphs that can efficiently deal with an unbounded number of vertex failures. We also develop a more efficient Monte Carlo edge-failure connectivity oracle. Using space O(nlog⁑2n)O(n\log^2 n), dd edge failures are processed in O(dlog⁑dlog⁑log⁑n)O(d\log d\log\log n) time and thereafter, connectivity queries are answered in O(log⁑log⁑n)O(\log\log n) time, which are correct w.h.p. Our data structures are based on a new decomposition theorem for an undirected graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), which is of independent interest. It states that for any terminal set UβŠ†VU\subseteq V we can remove a set BB of ∣U∣/(sβˆ’2)|U|/(s-2) vertices such that the remaining graph contains a Steiner forest for Uβˆ’BU-B with maximum degree ss

    Space-Efficient DFS and Applications: Simpler, Leaner, Faster

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    The problem of space-efficient depth-first search (DFS) is reconsidered. A particularly simple and fast algorithm is presented that, on a directed or undirected input graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) with nn vertices and mm edges, carries out a DFS in O(n+m)O(n+m) time with n+βˆ‘v∈Vβ‰₯3⌈log⁑2(dvβˆ’1)βŒ‰+O(log⁑n)≀n+m+O(log⁑n)n+\sum_{v\in V_{\ge 3}}\lceil{\log_2(d_v-1)}\rceil +O(\log n)\le n+m+O(\log n) bits of working memory, where dvd_v is the (total) degree of vv, for each v∈Vv\in V, and Vβ‰₯3={v∈V∣dvβ‰₯3}V_{\ge 3}=\{v\in V\mid d_v\ge 3\}. A slightly more complicated variant of the algorithm works in the same time with at most n+(4/5)m+O(log⁑n)n+({4/5})m+O(\log n) bits. It is also shown that a DFS can be carried out in a graph with nn vertices and mm edges in O(n+mlogβ‘βˆ—β€‰β£n)O(n+m\log^*\! n) time with O(n)O(n) bits or in O(n+m)O(n+m) time with either O(nlog⁑log⁑(4+m/n))O(n\log\log(4+{m/n})) bits or, for arbitrary integer kβ‰₯1k\ge 1, O(nlog⁑(k) ⁣n)O(n\log^{(k)}\! n) bits. These results among them subsume or improve most earlier results on space-efficient DFS. Some of the new time and space bounds are shown to extend to applications of DFS such as the computation of cut vertices, bridges, biconnected components and 2-edge-connected components in undirected graphs

    Space-Efficient Biconnected Components and Recognition of Outerplanar Graphs

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    We present space-efficient algorithms for computing cut vertices in a given graph with nn vertices and mm edges in linear time using O(n+min⁑{m,nlog⁑log⁑n})O(n+\min\{m,n\log \log n\}) bits. With the same time and using O(n+m)O(n+m) bits, we can compute the biconnected components of a graph. We use this result to show an algorithm for the recognition of (maximal) outerplanar graphs in O(nlog⁑log⁑n)O(n\log \log n) time using O(n)O(n) bits

    Derandomization Beyond Connectivity: Undirected Laplacian Systems in Nearly Logarithmic Space

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    We give a deterministic O˜(log n)-space algorithm for approximately solving linear systems given by Laplacians of undirected graphs, and consequently also approximating hitting times, commute times, and escape probabilities for undirected graphs. Previously, such systems were known to be solvable by randomized algorithms using O(log n) space (Doron, Le Gall, and Ta-Shma, 2017) and hence by deterministic algorithms using O(log3/2 n) space (Saks and Zhou, FOCS 1995 and JCSS 1999). Our algorithm combines ideas from time-efficient Laplacian solvers (Spielman and Teng, STOC β€˜04; Peng and Spielman, STOC β€˜14) with ideas used to show that UNDIRECTED S-T CONNECTIVITY is in deterministic logspace (Reingold, STOC β€˜05 and JACM β€˜08; Rozenman and Vadhan, RANDOM β€˜05).Engineering and Applied Science
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