553 research outputs found


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    Movement of the creative industry in Indonesia is growing rapidly, the public began to be interested to explore the creative industries. Inti matahari provides services such as the manufacture of residential parks, offices, public facilities, garden care and agricultural facilities targeting a segment of the people who are becoming aware of the importance of landscaping and wanting to spend more money on landscaping and orchard garden. The problems that arise in Inti Matahari is the difficulty to penetrate the market to new consumers and because the landscape industry is an industry that has a period of costumer in the manufacture of landscape, income gains are sometimes not sufficient to cover operating costs. To the authors want to do research where the authors want to see whether the consumer confidence, percept design quality, pecived capability of order, reputation already owned by Inti Matahari affect the purchase intention costumer interested interest in buying landscape and also the author wants to see how big the influence of price will play a role in repurchasing intention costumer, although costumer already interested in landscape design that give


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    With the economic situation at this time, being able to generate some profits for the airlines is difficult. However, to be able to survive in this changing world is harder. As there are many competitions in the aviation industry in Thailand. Airlines are competing with one another either by price promotion, or cost. Many factors are affecting the world’s economy right now. For example, economic war between the united states of America and China, the appreciation of Thai Baht, the political problems, and others to be able to survive in this crisis, creating the factor of repurchase intention would be the solution to all the airlines. The motive of the study is to investigate the influence of affecting factors: service quality in terms of tangible factors, schedule factors, service provided by ground personnel, service provided by flight attendants, trust, brand image, perceived value, and customer satisfaction on repurchase intention towards one particular budget-airline in Thailand. The researchers gathered data from real passengers of the low-cost airline at Don Mueang International Airport and Suvarnabhumi Airport, Thailand. The sample size of this study is 409 respondents. The data is collected by the questionnaire distribution. Descriptive research with quota sampling, judgement sampling, and convenience sampling under non-probability was applied. The five Liker-scale was used to help with the research instrument. The researchers applied descriptive and inferential analysis methods to complete the process. Besides, the Multiple Regression Linear was adopted to help test all the hypotheses. Based on the findings, the researchers found that service quality in terms of tangible factors, service provided by ground personnel, and service provided by flight attendants, trust, brand image, perceived value and customer satisfaction statistically have an influence on repurchase intention.   Keywords: service quality, trust, brand image, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and repurchase intention

    Ishodi percipirane kvalitete koji se odnose na online prodavaonicu: empirijski dokazi

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    Purpose – Despite tremendous growth of e-commerce, there are reports of concerns about the quality of products and services in online transactions. This study evaluates customer perceptions of product quality in online circumstances. Specifically, the study proposes a model for analyzing the prominent outcomes of perceived webshop quality. Design/Methodology/Approach – The data was obtained through an online survey using a structured questionnaire administered to 515 online customers. Furthermore, regression analyses tested the causal relationship proposed in the hypothesis. Findings and implications – The study found that both the dimensions of product quality and webshop quality affect customer loyalty and satisfaction. Besides, satisfaction and trust affect loyalty. Results also reveal that satisfaction affects trust. On the other hand, product quality has not been shown to affect customer trust. Limitations – Since there is no online customer database, a public online survey with screening questions was used. The sample consists only of the representatives of the student population who have purchased products online. As the sample may not reflect the entire population of online consumers worldwide, caution is to be applied when generalizing the findings. Originality – This study contributes the existing knowledge about how perceptions of quality, satisfaction, and trust combine to increase loyalty in the case of e-commerce. This is a step towards expanding and contextualizing research on perceived quality and its outcomes in a non-traditional Eastern context. This paper provides marketers with valuable insights into the perceptions and attitudes of young online shoppers.Svrha – Unatoč ogromnom rastu e-trgovine, postoje izvjeơća o zabrinutosti u vezi s kvalitetom proizvoda i usluga u online transakcijama. IstraĆŸivanje procjenjuje percepcije kupaca o kvaliteti proizvoda u online okolnostima. Konkretno, predlaĆŸe se model za analizu istaknutih ishoda percipirane kvalitete. MetodoloĆĄki pristup – Podatci su prikupljeni pomoću strukturiranog online anketnog upitnika na uzorku 515 online kupaca. Za testiranje uzročnih odnosa predloĆŸenih u hipotezama koriĆĄtena je regresijska analiza. Rezultati i implikacije – IstraĆŸivanje je pokazalo da obje dimenzije, kvaliteta proizvoda i kvaliteta online prodavaonice, utječu na lojalnost kupaca i zadovoljstvo. Osim toga, zadovoljstvo i povjerenje utječu na lojalnost. Rezultati također otkrivaju da zadovoljstvo utječe na povjerenje. S druge strane, pokazalo se da kvaliteta proizvoda ne utječe na povjerenje kupaca. Ograničenja – Budući da ne postoji online baza podataka o kupcima, provedeno je javno online istraĆŸivanje s eliminacijskim pitanjima. Uzorak je bio samo iz populacije studenata koji su kupili proizvode putem interneta. Stoga je potreban oprez pri generaliziranju nalaza istraĆŸivanja. Uzorak moĆŸda ne odraĆŸava cijelu populaciju online kupaca diljem svijeta. Doprinos – IstraĆŸivanje doprinosi proĆĄirenju postojećeg znanja o tome kako se percepcije kvalitete, zadovoljstva i povjerenja kombiniraju za povećanje lojalnosti u slučaju e-trgovine. To je korak prema proĆĄirenju i kontekstualizaciji istraĆŸivanja percipirane kvalitete i njezinih ishoda u netradicionalnom istočnjačkom kontekstu. Rad pruĆŸa marketinĆĄkim stručnjacima vrijedne uvide u percepcije i stavove mladih online kupaca

    Critical review of the e-loyalty literature: a purchase-centred framework

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    Over the last few years, the concept of online loyalty has been examined extensively in the literature, and it remains a topic of constant inquiry for both academics and marketing managers. The tremendous development of the Internet for both marketing and e-commerce settings, in conjunction with the growing desire of consumers to purchase online, has promoted two main outcomes: (a) increasing numbers of Business-to-Customer companies running businesses online and (b) the development of a variety of different e-loyalty research models. However, current research lacks a systematic review of the literature that provides a general conceptual framework on e-loyalty, which would help managers to understand their customers better, to take advantage of industry-related factors, and to improve their service quality. The present study is an attempt to critically synthesize results from multiple empirical studies on e-loyalty. Our findings illustrate that 62 instruments for measuring e-loyalty are currently in use, influenced predominantly by Zeithaml et al. (J Marketing. 1996;60(2):31-46) and Oliver (1997; Satisfaction: a behavioral perspective on the consumer. New York: McGraw Hill). Additionally, we propose a new general conceptual framework, which leads to antecedents dividing e-loyalty on the basis of the action of purchase into pre-purchase, during-purchase and after-purchase factors. To conclude, a number of managerial implementations are suggested in order to help marketing managers increase their customers’ e-loyalty by making crucial changes in each purchase stage

    The Mediating Role of Adaptive Personalization in Online Shopping

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    In the context of e-commerce, personalization system provides customers with recommendations on what products to buy. Grounded on social exchange theory, this study empirically examines and theoretically articulates the effects of willingness to share information and adaptive personalization on willingness to repurchase products. A survey was conducted and PLS was used demonstrating that adaptive personalization fully mediates the relationship between willingness to share information and willingness to repurchase products. The results suggest that online customers might take risks to provide their information to online retailers in exchange of offerings, and that continuous capturing of customer’s preferences throughout their interaction time with the system can lead to better recommendations from the system, thus providing more incentives for them to repurchase products

    Examining factors influencing the repurchasing intention of credence products: empirical evidence from Thailand

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyThe purpose of this study is to examine post-purchase evaluation factors influencing repurchase intention of credence products, and develop a model of consumer’s post-purchase evaluation for the repurchase intentions. The credence products in this case are dietary supplements, with a focus on consumers in Thailand. The study classifies a conceptual model and hypothesised relationships into two consumer perspectives: product; and brand. This research assumes that trust, expectations, satisfaction factors may relate to repurchase intention for the consumer product perspective. Also, brand trust, brand experience, expectation, and satisfaction factors are correlated with repurchase intention from the consumer brand perspective. The research adopts a hypothetico-deductive method to enable the testing of hypotheses and also a structural equation modelling (SEM) to measure the constructive relationship and regression analysis that evaluates the relationship between independent and dependent variables. Both simple regression and hierarchical multiple regression analysis were used to examine the effect of post-purchase evaluation factors on repurchase intention. These analyses are based on a sample of 504 dietary supplement users of vitamins, minerals, and herbs or other botanical products in four regions of Thailand through face-to-face structured interviews. Findings indicate that from consumers’ product perspective, consumer trust has no significant direct effect on consumer repurchase intentions whereas the relationship between consumer trust and consumer repurchase intentions of credence products are related, when it is mediated by consumer expectation and consumer satisfaction. In terms of consumers’ brand perspective, the study leads to a better understanding of consumer brand trust and consumer expectation, both of which have no significant direct effect on consumer repurchase intentions. Consumer brand trust, consumer brand experience and consumer repurchase intentions are not correlated when mediated by consumer expectation. Other findings reveal that brand experience has a direct impact on repurchase intentions whereas consumer satisfaction is a significant mediating factor when connected with: (1) the relationship between consumer brand trust and repurchase intention; (2) the relationship between consumer brand experience and repurchase intention. The study makes a contribution to a post-purchase evaluation for repurchase intentions of credence products from both consumers’ product and brand perspectives in Thailand. This study also suggests that consumer brand experience is the strongest factor and consumer satisfaction is the strongest mediator for consumers’ P-PE for the repurchase intention of credence products. From a managerial perspective, the findings of this study provide evidence for both the public and private sector in Thailand in terms of devising marketing strategies in accordance with this model

    Modeling the impact of corporate social responsibility on sustainable purchase intentions: insights into brand trust and brand loyalty

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    Green innovation performance deals with the strengthening of the organizations for their competence in enhancement of their green image. Current research examines the role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in improving sustainable purchase intentions. In addition, it explores the mediating roles of brand trust and brand loyalty. It also reveals that how CSR is crucial for green innovation performance in Pakistan. This research uses the structural equation model (SEM) analysis technique to investigate the linkage between constructs in the complex research model. This uses a self-administrated survey-based questionnaire and a convenience sampling technique for data collection. The unit of analysis is buyers from textile and clothing brands consisting 373 respondents. The findings revealed that corporate social responsibility had a beneficial impact on Pakistani purchasers’ long-term purchase intentions. Green innovation performance can also be improved by improving CSR. The link between CSR, sustainable buying intentions, and green innovation technology is partially mediated by brand loyalty. Brand trust was identified as a possible link between CSR and brand loyalty. Brand trust and loyalty, interestingly, modulate the link between CSR and sustainable purchase intentions as well as CSR and green innovation performance in a sequential manner. The article’s findings will be useful for academics, specialists, and policymakers as these provide glimpse into textile, clothing, and fashion brands with a focus on CSR to improve green innovation performance, as well as highlighting the most relevant studies on the topic and showcasing trends in research and gaps in the field

    Understanding Repeat Purchase Intentions And Uncertainty In The Context Of Online Shopping

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    The distant and impersonal nature of e-commerce (EC) and the unpredictability of the Internet infrastructure generate an implicit uncertainty around online transactions. Moreover, customer repeat purchasing is critical to the e-commerce vendor’s survival and success. However, few studies explain online repeat purchase from an uncertainty perspective. The purpose of this study is to propose a conceptual model to examine the sources of uncertainty and types of uncertainty in an online transaction, which affect online repeat purchase intentions. We drew on uncertainty and online repeat purchase literature to formulate a conceptual model that identifies the sources of uncertainty, and three types of uncertainty (seller uncertainty, product uncertainty and environmental uncertainty) are respectively proposed as formative second-order constructs. The proposed structural model is empirically tested with data from 554 experienced online shoppers, and then analyzed using Structure Equation Model (SEM). The results show that seller uncertainty and environmental uncertainty have a negative effect on repeat purchase intentions. Implications for theory and practice and suggestions for future research are discussed

    The Influence Of Brand Experience On Brand Satisfaction, Trust And Attachment In South Africa

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    This study examines the influence of consumer brand experience on their brand satisfaction, brand trust and brand attachment in an African context. Five hypotheses are posited and in order to empirically test them, a sample data set of 151 was collected from Gauteng Province of South Africa. The results indicate that brand experience positively influences brand satisfaction, brand trust and brand attachment in a significant way. Drawing from the study’s findings, managerial implications are discussed and limitations and future research directions are suggested. By and large, this study immensely contributes new knowledge to the existing body of brand management literature in Africa - a context that is often most neglected by some researchers in developing countries
