19 research outputs found

    Understanding and Improving Knowledge Distillation for Quantization-Aware Training of Large Transformer Encoders

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    Knowledge distillation (KD) has been a ubiquitous method for model compression to strengthen the capability of a lightweight model with the transferred knowledge from the teacher. In particular, KD has been employed in quantization-aware training (QAT) of Transformer encoders like BERT to improve the accuracy of the student model with the reduced-precision weight parameters. However, little is understood about which of the various KD approaches best fits the QAT of Transformers. In this work, we provide an in-depth analysis of the mechanism of KD on attention recovery of quantized large Transformers. In particular, we reveal that the previously adopted MSE loss on the attention score is insufficient for recovering the self-attention information. Therefore, we propose two KD methods; attention-map and attention-output losses. Furthermore, we explore the unification of both losses to address task-dependent preference between attention-map and output losses. The experimental results on various Transformer encoder models demonstrate that the proposed KD methods achieve state-of-the-art accuracy for QAT with sub-2-bit weight quantization.Comment: EMNLP 2022 Main Track Long Pape

    Heterogeneous Generative Knowledge Distillation with Masked Image Modeling

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    Small CNN-based models usually require transferring knowledge from a large model before they are deployed in computationally resource-limited edge devices. Masked image modeling (MIM) methods achieve great success in various visual tasks but remain largely unexplored in knowledge distillation for heterogeneous deep models. The reason is mainly due to the significant discrepancy between the Transformer-based large model and the CNN-based small network. In this paper, we develop the first Heterogeneous Generative Knowledge Distillation (H-GKD) based on MIM, which can efficiently transfer knowledge from large Transformer models to small CNN-based models in a generative self-supervised fashion. Our method builds a bridge between Transformer-based models and CNNs by training a UNet-style student with sparse convolution, which can effectively mimic the visual representation inferred by a teacher over masked modeling. Our method is a simple yet effective learning paradigm to learn the visual representation and distribution of data from heterogeneous teacher models, which can be pre-trained using advanced generative methods. Extensive experiments show that it adapts well to various models and sizes, consistently achieving state-of-the-art performance in image classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation tasks. For example, in the Imagenet 1K dataset, H-GKD improves the accuracy of Resnet50 (sparse) from 76.98% to 80.01%

    Tackling the Unannotated: Scene Graph Generation with Bias-Reduced Models

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    Predicting a scene graph that captures visual entities and their interactions in an image has been considered a crucial step towards full scene comprehension. Recent scene graph generation (SGG) models have shown their capability of capturing the most frequent relations among visual entities. However, the state-of-the-art results are still far from satisfactory, e.g. models can obtain 31% in overall recall R@100, whereas the likewise important mean class-wise recall mR@100 is only around 8% on Visual Genome (VG). The discrepancy between R and mR results urges to shift the focus from pursuing a high R to a high mR with a still competitive R. We suspect that the observed discrepancy stems from both the annotation bias and sparse annotations in VG, in which many visual entity pairs are either not annotated at all or only with a single relation when multiple ones could be valid. To address this particular issue, we propose a novel SGG training scheme that capitalizes on self-learned knowledge. It involves two relation classifiers, one offering a less biased setting for the other to base on. The proposed scheme can be applied to most of the existing SGG models and is straightforward to implement. We observe significant relative improvements in mR (between +6.6% and +20.4%) and competitive or better R (between -2.4% and 0.3%) across all standard SGG tasks.Comment: accepted to BMVC202

    Towards Better Query Classification with Multi-Expert Knowledge Condensation in JD Ads Search

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    Search query classification, as an effective way to understand user intents, is of great importance in real-world online ads systems. To ensure a lower latency, a shallow model (e.g. FastText) is widely used for efficient online inference. However, the representation ability of the FastText model is insufficient, resulting in poor classification performance, especially on some low-frequency queries and tailed categories. Using a deeper and more complex model (e.g. BERT) is an effective solution, but it will cause a higher online inference latency and more expensive computing costs. Thus, how to juggle both inference efficiency and classification performance is obviously of great practical importance. To overcome this challenge, in this paper, we propose knowledge condensation (KC), a simple yet effective knowledge distillation framework to boost the classification performance of the online FastText model under strict low latency constraints. Specifically, we propose to train an offline BERT model to retrieve more potentially relevant data. Benefiting from its powerful semantic representation, more relevant labels not exposed in the historical data will be added into the training set for better FastText model training. Moreover, a novel distribution-diverse multi-expert learning strategy is proposed to further improve the mining ability of relevant data. By training multiple BERT models from different data distributions, it can respectively perform better at high, middle, and low-frequency search queries. The model ensemble from multi-distribution makes its retrieval ability more powerful. We have deployed two versions of this framework in JD search, and both offline experiments and online A/B testing from multiple datasets have validated the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Stochastic Precision Ensemble: Self-Knowledge Distillation for Quantized Deep Neural Networks

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    The quantization of deep neural networks (QDNNs) has been actively studied for deployment in edge devices. Recent studies employ the knowledge distillation (KD) method to improve the performance of quantized networks. In this study, we propose stochastic precision ensemble training for QDNNs (SPEQ). SPEQ is a knowledge distillation training scheme; however, the teacher is formed by sharing the model parameters of the student network. We obtain the soft labels of the teacher by changing the bit precision of the activation stochastically at each layer of the forward-pass computation. The student model is trained with these soft labels to reduce the activation quantization noise. The cosine similarity loss is employed, instead of the KL-divergence, for KD training. As the teacher model changes continuously by random bit-precision assignment, it exploits the effect of stochastic ensemble KD. SPEQ outperforms the existing quantization training methods in various tasks, such as image classification, question-answering, and transfer learning without the need for cumbersome teacher networks

    Learning From Biased Soft Labels

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    Knowledge distillation has been widely adopted in a variety of tasks and has achieved remarkable successes. Since its inception, many researchers have been intrigued by the dark knowledge hidden in the outputs of the teacher model. Recently, a study has demonstrated that knowledge distillation and label smoothing can be unified as learning from soft labels. Consequently, how to measure the effectiveness of the soft labels becomes an important question. Most existing theories have stringent constraints on the teacher model or data distribution, and many assumptions imply that the soft labels are close to the ground-truth labels. This paper studies whether biased soft labels are still effective. We present two more comprehensive indicators to measure the effectiveness of such soft labels. Based on the two indicators, we give sufficient conditions to ensure biased soft label based learners are classifier-consistent and ERM learnable. The theory is applied to three weakly-supervised frameworks. Experimental results validate that biased soft labels can also teach good students, which corroborates the soundness of the theory