69 research outputs found

    Understanding tcp incast throughput collapse in datacenter networks

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    ABSTRACT TCP Throughput Collapse, also known as Incast, is a pathological behavior of TCP that results in gross under-utilization of link capacity in certain many-to-one communication patterns. This phenomenon has been observed by others in distributed storage, MapReduce and web-search workloads. In this paper we focus on understanding the dynamics of Incast. We use empirical data to reason about the dynamic system of simultaneously communicating TCP entities. We propose an analytical model to account for the observed Incast symptoms, identify contributory factors, and explore the efficacy of solutions proposed by us and by others

    Incast mitigation in a data center storage cluster through a dynamic fair-share buffer policy

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    Incast is a phenomenon when multiple devices interact with only one device at a given time. Multiple storage senders overflow either the switch buffer or the single-receiver memory. This pattern causes all concurrent-senders to stop and wait for buffer/memory availability, and leads to a packet loss and retransmission—resulting in a huge latency. We present a software-defined technique tackling the many-to-one communication pattern—Incast—in a data center storage cluster. Our proposed method decouples the default TCP windowing mechanism from all storage servers, and delegates it to the software-defined storage controller. The proposed method removes the TCP saw-tooth behavior, provides a global flow awareness, and implements the dynamic fair-share buffer policy for end-to-end I/O path. It considers all I/O stages (applications, device drivers, NICs, switches/routers, file systems, I/O schedulers, main memory, and physical disks) while achieving the maximum I/O throughput. The policy, which is part of the proposed method, allocates fair-share bandwidth utilization for all storage servers. Priority queues are incorporated to handle the most important data flows. In addition, the proposed method provides better manageability and maintainability compared with traditional storage networks, where data plane and control plane reside in the same device

    Re-architecting datacenter networks and stacks for low latency and high performance

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    © 2017 ACM. Modern datacenter networks provide very high capacity via redundant Clos topologies and low switch latency, but transport protocols rarely deliver matching performance. We present NDP, a novel datacenter transport architecture that achieves near-optimal completion times for short transfers and high flow throughput in a wide range of scenarios, including incast. NDP switch buffers are very shallow and when they fill the switches trim packets to headers and priority forward the headers. This gives receivers a full view of instantaneous demand from all senders, and is the basis for our novel, high-performance, multipath-aware transport protocol that can deal gracefully with massive incast events and prioritize traffic from different senders on RTT timescales. We implemented NDP in Linux hosts with DPDK, in a software switch, in a NetFPGA-based hardware switch, and in P4. We evaluate NDP's performance in our implementations and in large-scale simulations, simultaneously demonstrating support for very low-latency and high throughput.This work was partly funded by the SSICLOPS H2020 project (644866)

    Controlling Network Latency in Mixed Hadoop Clusters: Do We Need Active Queue Management?

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    With the advent of big data, data center applications are processing vast amounts of unstructured and semi-structured data, in parallel on large clusters, across hundreds to thousands of nodes. The highest performance for these batch big data workloads is achieved using expensive network equipment with large buffers, which accommodate bursts in network traffic and allocate bandwidth fairly even when the network is congested. Throughput-sensitive big data applications are, however, often executed in the same data center as latency-sensitive workloads. For both workloads to be supported well, the network must provide both maximum throughput and low latency. Progress has been made in this direction, as modern network switches support Active Queue Management (AQM) and Explicit Congestion Notifications (ECN), both mechanisms to control the level of queue occupancy, reducing the total network latency. This paper is the first study of the effect of Active Queue Management on both throughput and latency, in the context of Hadoop and the MapReduce programming model. We give a quantitative comparison of four different approaches for controlling buffer occupancy and latency: RED and CoDel, both standalone and also combined with ECN and DCTCP network protocol, and identify the AQM configurations that maintain Hadoop execution time gains from larger buffers within 5%, while reducing network packet latency caused by bufferbloat by up to 85%. Finally, we provide recommendations to administrators of Hadoop clusters as to how to improve latency without degrading the throughput of batch big data workloads.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Unions Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under grant agreement number 610456 (Euroserver). The research was also supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain under the contracts TIN2012-34557 and TIN2015-65316-P, Generalitat de Catalunya (contracts 2014-SGR-1051 and 2014-SGR-1272), HiPEAC-3 Network of Excellence (ICT- 287759), and the Severo Ochoa Program (SEV-2011-00067) of the Spanish Government.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Re-architecting datacenter networks and stacks for low latency and high performance

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    Modern datacenter networks provide very high capacity via redundant Clos topologies and low switch latency, but transport protocols rarely deliver matching performance. We present NDP, a novel data-center transport architecture that achieves near-optimal completion times for short transfers and high flow throughput in a wide range of scenarios, including incast. NDP switch buffers are very shallow and when they fill the switches trim packets to headers and priority forward the headers. This gives receivers a full view of instantaneous demand from all senders, and is the basis for our novel, high-performance, multipath-aware transport protocol that can deal gracefully with massive incast events and prioritize traffic from different senders on RTT timescales. We implemented NDP in Linux hosts with DPDK, in a software switch, in a NetFPGA-based hardware switch, and in P4. We evaluate NDP's performance in our implementations and in large-scale simulations, simultaneously demonstrating support for very low-latency and high throughput
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