33,754 research outputs found

    Consciousness CLEARS the Mind

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    A full understanding of consciouness requires that we identify the brain processes from which conscious experiences emerge. What are these processes, and what is their utility in supporting successful adaptive behaviors? Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) predicted a functional link between processes of Consciousness, Learning, Expectation, Attention, Resonance, and Synchrony (CLEARS), includes the prediction that "all conscious states are resonant states." This connection clarifies how brain dynamics enable a behaving individual to autonomously adapt in real time to a rapidly changing world. The present article reviews theoretical considerations that predicted these functional links, how they work, and some of the rapidly growing body of behavioral and brain data that have provided support for these predictions. The article also summarizes ART models that predict functional roles for identified cells in laminar thalamocortical circuits, including the six layered neocortical circuits and their interactions with specific primary and higher-order specific thalamic nuclei and nonspecific nuclei. These prediction include explanations of how slow perceptual learning can occur more frequently in superficial cortical layers. ART traces these properties to the existence of intracortical feedback loops, and to reset mechanisms whereby thalamocortical mismatches use circuits such as the one from specific thalamic nuclei to nonspecific thalamic nuclei and then to layer 4 of neocortical areas via layers 1-to-5-to-6-to-4.National Science Foundation (SBE-0354378); Office of Naval Research (N00014-01-1-0624

    Developing the scales on evaluation beliefs of student teachers

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    The purpose of the study reported in this paper was to investigate the validity and the reliability of a newly developed questionnaire named ‘Teacher Evaluation Beliefs’ (TEB). The framework for developing items was provided by the two models. The first model focuses on Student-Centered and Teacher-Centered beliefs about evaluation while the other centers on five dimensions (what/ who/ when/ why/ how). The validity and reliability of the new instrument was investigated using both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis study (n=446). Overall results indicate that the two-factor structure is more reasonable than the five-factor one. Further research needs additional items about the latent dimensions “what” ”who” ”when” ”why” “how” for each existing factor based on Student-centered and Teacher-centered approaches

    Developmental biology of wood formation

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    The wood-forming vascular cambium is responsible for the production of a large part of the biomass on this planet. Yet, there is only limited knowledge on how cell proliferation and differentiation in the cambial meristem are regulated. In this thesis the wood-forming tissues of aspen were used as a model system to identify and characterize molecular factors related to cambial meristem activity. An important regulator of cambial meristem activity is the plant hormone auxin. As polar transport is crucial for the delivery of auxin to the cambial zone, we identified homologues of known regulators of polar auxin transport and described their regulation by environmental and developmental factors. Translating changes in auxin concentration into changes in gene expression involves members of the Aux/IAA gene family. Aspen homologues of Aux/IAA genes were cloned and found to be expressed in a highly tissue-specific fashion, which is further influenced by developmental events and changes in the environment. A major response of trees to environmental changes is the suspension of meristematic growth during winter dormancy. A comparison of gene expression in active and dormant cambia revealed dramatic changes in the transcriptome including the expression of many cold and stress related genes during winter. During the process of wood formation, cells originating in the vascular cambium go through an elaborate process of cell division, cell expansion, secondary wall formation and programmed cell death. Large-scale analysis of gene expression was used to create transcriptional maps of the differentiation process. This extensive dataset allowed us to confirm the proposed functions of various genes involved in wood formation, assign other known genes to specific stages along the developmental gradient and identify a large number of novel potential regulators of wood formation. The data further suggest that the cambial meristem shares regulatory mechanisms with other meristems in addition to its own, specific factors

    Organizing as Improvisations (Methodological Temptations of Social Constructivism)

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    Academic communities in social sciences are still dominated byneo-positivist paradigm, but communities of practice developing socialconstructivism have started to redress paradigmatic imbalances.According to the latter man-made organizational reality is processualand saturated with sensemaking (Weick). Social constructivistssucceeded in reconstructing complex organizational disasters andcontributed to organizational innovation and change (for instance inthe wake of ICT challenges). They belong to postmodernist critics ofmodernity's failure to regulate social development and contribute to abetter understanding of organizing (e.g. implementing a new technologyor managing knowledge production) as patchworking and improvising. Inspite of discriminating practices, they survive in academiccommunities.critical theory;managerialism;improvisation;relativism;social constructivism

    Cytoskeleton and Cell Motility

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    The present article is an invited contribution to the Encyclopedia of Complexity and System Science, Robert A. Meyers Ed., Springer New York (2009). It is a review of the biophysical mechanisms that underly cell motility. It mainly focuses on the eukaryotic cytoskeleton and cell-motility mechanisms. Bacterial motility as well as the composition of the prokaryotic cytoskeleton is only briefly mentioned. The article is organized as follows. In Section III, I first present an overview of the diversity of cellular motility mechanisms, which might at first glance be categorized into two different types of behaviors, namely "swimming" and "crawling". Intracellular transport, mitosis - or cell division - as well as other extensions of cell motility that rely on the same essential machinery are briefly sketched. In Section IV, I introduce the molecular machinery that underlies cell motility - the cytoskeleton - as well as its interactions with the external environment of the cell and its main regulatory pathways. Sections IV D to IV F are more detailed in their biochemical presentations; readers primarily interested in the theoretical modeling of cell motility might want to skip these sections in a first reading. I then describe the motility mechanisms that rely essentially on polymerization-depolymerization dynamics of cytoskeleton filaments in Section V, and the ones that rely essentially on the activity of motor proteins in Section VI. Finally, Section VII is devoted to the description of the integrated approaches that have been developed recently to try to understand the cooperative phenomena that underly self-organization of the cell cytoskeleton as a whole.Comment: 31 pages, 16 figures, 295 reference

    Net Gains: A Handbook for Network Builders Seeking Social Change

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    This handbook provides the growing number of people who are developing networks for social change with practical advice based on the experiences of network builders, case studies of networks small and large, local and international, and emerging scientific knowledge about "connectivity." It is intended to join, complement, and spur other efforts to capture and make widely available what is being learned in the business, government, and civil sectors about why and how to use networks, rather than solitary organizations, to generate large-scale impact
