356 research outputs found


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    In this paper, a nonlinear adaptive heading controller is developed for an underactuated surface vessel with constrained input and sideslip angle compensation. The controller design is accomplished in a framework of backstepping technique. First, to amend the irrationality of the traditional definition of the desired heading, the desired heading is compensated by the sideslip angle. Considering the actuator physical constrain, a hyperbolic tangent function and a Nussbaum function are introduced to handle the nonlinear part of control input. The error and the disturbance are estimated and compensated by an adaptive control law. In addition, to avoid the complicated calculation of time derivatives of the virtual control, the command filter is introduced to integrate with the control law. It is analysed by the Lyapunov theory that the closed loop system is guaranteed to be uniformly ultimately bounded stability. Finally, the simulation studies illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control method

    Degraded planetary tracking control of an omni-directional vectored-thruster aerostat

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    The problem of horizontal-plane tracking control of an omni-directional, four vectored-thruster aerostat when subjected to actuator failure is considered. The actuator failures result in the aerostat becoming underactuated, so it can only effect surge force and pure yaw moment about the body centre. To achieve accurate position control in the horizontal plane, direct position control is used instead of heading control. This mode of controller is called degraded tracking control in contrast to full authority control of the overactuated four vectored-thruster aerostat. This degraded tracking controller uses commanded yaw rate to track lateral position, and yaw moment to eliminate lateral position error, therefore yaw angle is not directly controlled. To guarantee the stability of the yaw motion, a Virtual Reference Point (VRP) tracking strategy is proposed, where the VRP is used instead of the body center (BC) in position tracking. The VRP generates a negative compensated force in the surge direction which makes the side-force and yaw moment have the same sign and so ensure that the aerostat is in a stable tracking configuration. Meanwhile the VRP also decreases the transmission ratio of commanded yaw rate to commanded lateral velocity, making the aerostat's yaw motion vary slowly during transitional phase, so steady position tracking is obtained

    Safe Maneuvering Near Offshore Installations: A New Algorithmic Tool

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    Maneuvers of human-operated and autonomous marine vessels in the safety zone of drilling rigs, wind farms and other installations present a risk of collision. This article proposes an algorithmic toolkit that ensures maneuver safety, taking into account the restrictions imposed by ship dynamics. The algorithms can be used for anomaly detection, decision making by a human operator or an unmanned vehicle guidance system. We also consider a response to failures in the vessel's control systems and emergency escape maneuvers. Data used by the algorithms come from the vessel's dynamic positioning control system and positional survey charts of the marine installations

    Adaptive Quantized Control of Offshore Underactuated Cranes with Uncertainty

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    Author's accepted manuscript.© 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.acceptedVersionPaid open acces

    Non-Linear Robust Observers For Systems With Non-Collocated Sensors And Actuators

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    Challenges in controlling highly nonlinear systems are not limited to the development of sophisticated control algorithms that are tolerant to significant modeling imprecision and external disturbances. Additional challenges stem from the implementation of the control algorithm such as the availability of the state variables needed for the computation of the control signals, and the adverse effects induced by non-collocated sensors and actuators. The present work investigates the adverse effects of non-collocated sensors and actuators on the phase characteristics of flexible structures and the ensuing implications on the performance of structural controllers. Two closed-loop systems are considered and their phase angle contours have been generated as functions of the normalized sensor location and the excitation frequency. These contours were instrumental in the development of remedial actions for rendering structural controllers immune to the detrimental effects of non-collocated sensors and actuators. Moreover, the current work has focused on providing experimental validation for the robust performances of a self-tuning observer and a sliding mode observer. The observers are designed based on the variable structure systems theory and the self-tuning fuzzy logic scheme. Their robustness and self-tuning characteristics allow one to use an imprecise model of the system and eliminate the need for the extensive tuning associated with a fixed rule-based expert fuzzy inference system. The first phase of the experimental work was conducted in a controlled environment on a flexible spherical robotic manipulator whose natural frequencies are configuration-dependent. Both controllers have yielded accurate estimates of the required state variables in spite of significant modeling imprecision. The observers were also tested under a completely uncontrolled environment, which involves a 16-ft boat operating in open-water under different sea states. Such an experimental work necessitates the development of a supervisory control algorithm to perform PTP tasks, prescribed throttle arm and steering tasks, surge speed and heading tracking tasks, or recovery maneuvers. This system has been implemented herein to perform prescribed throttle arm and steering control tasks based on estimated rather than measured state variables. These experiments served to validate the observers in a completely uncontrolled environment and proved their viability as reliable techniques for providing accurate estimates for the required state variables

    Experimental Validation Of An Integrated Guidance And Control System For Marine Surface Vessels

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    Autonomous operation of marine surface vessels is vital for minimizing human errors and providing efficient operations of ships under varying sea states and environmental conditions which is complicated by the highly nonlinear dynamics of marine surface vessels. To deal with modelling imprecision and unpredictable disturbances, the sliding mode methodology has been employed to devise a heading and a surge displacement controller. The implementation of such a controller necessitates the availability of all state variables of the vessel. However, the measured signals in the current study are limited to the global X and Y positioning coordinates of the boat that are generated by a GPS system. Thus, a nonlinear observer, based on the sliding mode methodology, has been implemented to yield accurate estimates of the state variables in the presence of both structured and unstructured uncertainties. Successful autonomous operation of a marine surface vessel requires a holistic approach encompassing a navigation system, robust nonlinear controllers and observers. Since the overwhelming majority of the experimental work on autonomous marine surface vessels was not conducted in truly uncontrolled real-world environments. The first goal of this work was to experimentally validate a fully-integrated LOS guidance system with a sliding mode controller and observer using a 16’ Tracker Pro Guide V-16 aluminium boat with a 60 hp. Mercury outboard motor operating in the uncontrolled open-water environment of Lake St. Clair, Michigan. The fully integrated guidance and controller-observer system was tested in a model-less configuration, whereby all information provided from the vessel’s nominal model have been ignored. The experimental data serves to demonstrate the robustness and good tracking characteristics of the fully-integrated guidance and controller/observer system by overcoming the large errors induced at the beginning of each segment and converging the boat to the desired trajectory in spite of the presence of environmental disturbances. The second focus of this work was to combine a collision avoidance method with the guidance system that accounted for “International Regulations for Prevention of Collisions at Sea” abbreviated as COLREGS. This new system then needed to be added into the existing architecture. The velocity obstacles method was selected as the base to build upon and additional restrictions were incorporated to account for these additional rules. This completed system was then validated with a software in the loop simulation
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