1,579 research outputs found

    Life as an Explanation of the Measurement Problem

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    No consensus regarding the universal validity of any particular interpretation of the measurement problem has been reached so far. The problem manifests strongly in various Wigner's-friend-type experiments where different observers experience different realities measuring the same quantum system. But only classical information obeys the second law of thermodynamics and can be perceived solely at the holographic screen of the closed orientable two-dimensional manifold implied by Verlinde's and Landauer's mass-information equivalence equations. I conjecture that biological cell, as a dissipative structure, is the smallest agent capable of processing quantum information through its holographic screen and that this mechanism have been extended by natural evolution to endo- and exosemiosis in multicellular organisms, and further to language of Homo sapiens. Any external stimuli must be measured and classified by the cell in the context of classical information to provide it with an evolutionary gain. Quantum information contained in a pure quantum state cannot be classified, while incoherent mixtures of non-orthogonal quantum states are only partially classifiable. The concept of an unobservable velocity, normal to the holographic screen is introduced. It is shown that it enables to derive the Unruh acceleration as acting normal to the screen, as well as to conveniently relate de Broglie and Compton wavelengths. It follows that the perceived universe, is induced by the set of Pythagorean triples, while all its measurable features, including perceived dimensionality, are set to maximise informational diversity.Comment: This research is incomplete and partially incorrec

    The Pseudo-Pascal Triangle of Maximum Deng Entropy

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    PPascal triangle (known as Yang Hui Triangle in Chinese) is an important model in mathematics while the entropy has been heavily studied in physics or as uncertainty measure in information science. How to construct the the connection between Pascal triangle and uncertainty measure is an interesting topic. One of the most used entropy, Tasllis entropy, has been modelled with Pascal triangle. But the relationship of the other entropy functions with Pascal triangle is still an open issue. Dempster-Shafer evidence theory takes the advantage to deal with uncertainty than probability theory since the probability distribution is generalized as basic probability assignment, which is more efficient to model and handle uncertain information. Given a basic probability assignment, its corresponding uncertainty measure can be determined by Deng entropy, which is the generalization of Shannon entropy. In this paper, a Pseudo-Pascal triangle based the maximum Deng entropy is constructed. Similar to the Pascal triangle modelling of Tasllis entropy, this work provides the a possible way of Deng entropy in physics and information theory

    Exploration of Quantum Interference in Document Relevance Judgement Discrepancy

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    Quantum theory has been applied in a number of fields outside physics, e.g., cognitive science and information retrieval (IR). Recently, it has been shown that quantum theory can subsume various key IR models into a single mathematical formalism of Hilbert vector spaces. While a series of quantum-inspired IR models has been proposed, limited effort has been devoted to verify the existence of the quantum-like phenomenon in real users’ information retrieval processes, from a real user study perspective. In this paper, we aim to explore and model the quantum interference in users’ relevance judgement about documents, caused by the presentation order of documents. A user study in the context of IR tasks have been carried out. The existence of the quantum interference is tested by the violation of the law of total probability and the validity of the order effect. Our main findings are: (1) there is an apparent judging discrepancy across different users and document presentation orders, and empirical data have violated the law of total probability; (2) most search trials recorded in the user study show the existence of the order effect, and the incompatible decision perspectives in the quantum question (QQ) model are valid in some trials. We further explain the judgement discrepancy in more depth, in terms of four effects (comparison, unfamiliarity, attraction and repulsion) and also analyse the dynamics of document relevance judgement in terms of the evolution of the information need subspace

    Complex Quantum Contagion: A Quantum-Like Approach for The Analysis of Co-Evolutionary Dynamics of Social Contagion

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    Modeling the dynamics of social contagion processes has recently attracted a substantial amount of interest from researchers due to its wide applicability in network science, multi-agent systems, information science, and marketing. Unlike in biological spreading, the existence of a reinforcement effect in social contagion necessitates considering the complexity of individuals in the systems. Although many studies acknowledged the heterogeneity of the individuals in their adoption of information (or behavior), there are no studies that take into account the individuals\u27 uncertainty during their decision-making despite its theoretical and experimental evidence in behavioral economics, decision science, cognitive science, or multi-agent systems. This resulted in less than optimal modeling of social contagion dynamics in the existence of phase transition in the final adoption size versus transmission probability. We believe that it is mainly because traditional approaches do not consider the uncertainty stemming from agent interactions through an information exchange that can influence individuals\u27 emotions, change subconscious feelings, and trigger subjective biases. To address this problem, we propose quantum-like generalization of social contagion analysis for the analysis of co-evolutionary dynamics of social contagion. For this purpose, we employed Inverse Born Problem (IBP) to represent probabilistic entities as complex probability amplitudes in edge-based compartmental theory and demonstrated that our novel approach performs better in the prediction of social contagion dynamics through extensive simulations on random regular networks

    An Adaptive Entanglement Distillation Scheme Using Quantum Low Density Parity Check Codes

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    Quantum low density parity check (QLDPC) codes are useful primitives for quantum information processing because they can be encoded and decoded efficiently. Besides, the error correcting capability of a few QLDPC codes exceeds the quantum Gilbert-Varshamov bound. Here, we report a numerical performance analysis of an adaptive entanglement distillation scheme using QLDPC codes. In particular, we find that the expected yield of our adaptive distillation scheme to combat depolarization errors exceed that of Leung and Shor whenever the error probability is less than about 0.07 or greater than about 0.28. This finding illustrates the effectiveness of using QLDPC codes in entanglement distillation.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure