22 research outputs found

    Uncertainty quantification in graph-based classification of high dimensional data

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    Classification of high dimensional data finds wide-ranging applications. In many of these applications equipping the resulting classification with a measure of uncertainty may be as important as the classification itself. In this paper we introduce, develop algorithms for, and investigate the properties of, a variety of Bayesian models for the task of binary classification; via the posterior distribution on the classification labels, these methods automatically give measures of uncertainty. The methods are all based around the graph formulation of semi-supervised learning. We provide a unified framework which brings together a variety of methods which have been introduced in different communities within the mathematical sciences. We study probit classification in the graph-based setting, generalize the level-set method for Bayesian inverse problems to the classification setting, and generalize the Ginzburg-Landau optimization-based classifier to a Bayesian setting; we also show that the probit and level set approaches are natural relaxations of the harmonic function approach introduced in [Zhu et al 2003]. We introduce efficient numerical methods, suited to large data-sets, for both MCMC-based sampling as well as gradient-based MAP estimation. Through numerical experiments we study classification accuracy and uncertainty quantification for our models; these experiments showcase a suite of datasets commonly used to evaluate graph-based semi-supervised learning algorithms.Comment: 33 pages, 14 figure

    Efficient Graph-Based Active Learning with Probit Likelihood via Gaussian Approximations

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    We present a novel adaptation of active learning to graph-based semi-supervised learning (SSL) under non-Gaussian Bayesian models. We present an approximation of non-Gaussian distributions to adapt previously Gaussian-based acquisition functions to these more general cases. We develop an efficient rank-one update for applying "look-ahead" based methods as well as model retraining. We also introduce a novel "model change" acquisition function based on these approximations that further expands the available collection of active learning acquisition functions for such methods.Comment: Accepted in ICML Workshop on Real World Experiment Design and Active Learning 202

    Semi-Supervised First-Person Activity Recognition in Body-Worn Video

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    Body-worn cameras are now commonly used for logging daily life, sports, and law enforcement activities, creating a large volume of archived footage. This paper studies the problem of classifying frames of footage according to the activity of the camera-wearer with an emphasis on application to real-world police body-worn video. Real-world datasets pose a different set of challenges from existing egocentric vision datasets: the amount of footage of different activities is unbalanced, the data contains personally identifiable information, and in practice it is difficult to provide substantial training footage for a supervised approach. We address these challenges by extracting features based exclusively on motion information then segmenting the video footage using a semi-supervised classification algorithm. On publicly available datasets, our method achieves results comparable to, if not better than, supervised and/or deep learning methods using a fraction of the training data. It also shows promising results on real-world police body-worn video

    Estimating network dimension when the spectrum struggles

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    What is the dimension of a network? Here, we view it as the smallest dimension of Euclidean space into which nodes can be embedded so that pairwise distances accurately reflect the connectivity structure. We show that a recently proposed and extremely efficient algorithm for data clouds, based on computing first- and second-nearest neighbour distances, can be used as the basis of an approach for estimating the dimension of a network with weighted edges. We also show how the algorithm can be extended to unweighted networks when combined with spectral embedding. We illustrate the advantages of this technique over the widely used approach of characterizing dimension by visually searching for a suitable gap in the spectrum of the Laplacian

    Stochastic Block Models are a Discrete Surface Tension

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    Networks, which represent agents and interactions between them, arise in myriad applications throughout the sciences, engineering, and even the humanities. To understand large-scale structure in a network, a common task is to cluster a network's nodes into sets called "communities", such that there are dense connections within communities but sparse connections between them. A popular and statistically principled method to perform such clustering is to use a family of generative models known as stochastic block models (SBMs). In this paper, we show that maximum likelihood estimation in an SBM is a network analog of a well-known continuum surface-tension problem that arises from an application in metallurgy. To illustrate the utility of this relationship, we implement network analogs of three surface-tension algorithms, with which we successfully recover planted community structure in synthetic networks and which yield fascinating insights on empirical networks that we construct from hyperspectral videos.Comment: to appear in Journal of Nonlinear Scienc