57,948 research outputs found

    Indeterministic Handling of Uncertain Decisions in Duplicate Detection

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    In current research, duplicate detection is usually considered as a deterministic approach in which tuples are either declared as duplicates or not. However, most often it is not completely clear whether two tuples represent the same real-world entity or not. In deterministic approaches, however, this uncertainty is ignored, which in turn can lead to false decisions. In this paper, we present an indeterministic approach for handling uncertain decisions in a duplicate detection process by using a probabilistic target schema. Thus, instead of deciding between multiple possible worlds, all these worlds can be modeled in the resulting data. This approach minimizes the negative impacts of false decisions. Furthermore, the duplicate detection process becomes almost fully automatic and human effort can be reduced to a large extent. Unfortunately, a full-indeterministic approach is by definition too expensive (in time as well as in storage) and hence impractical. For that reason, we additionally introduce several semi-indeterministic methods for heuristically reducing the set of indeterministic handled decisions in a meaningful way

    Storing and Querying Probabilistic XML Using a Probabilistic Relational DBMS

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    This work explores the feasibility of storing and querying probabilistic XML in a probabilistic relational database. Our approach is to adapt known techniques for mapping XML to relational data such that the possible worlds are preserved. We show that this approach can work for any XML-to-relational technique by adapting a representative schema-based (inlining) as well as a representative schemaless technique (XPath Accelerator). We investigate the maturity of probabilistic rela- tional databases for this task with experiments with one of the state-of- the-art systems, called Trio

    Integrating uncertain XML data from different sources.

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    Data Integration has become increasingly important with today's rapid growth of information available on the web and in electronic form. In the past several years, extensive work has been done to make use of the available data from different sources, particularly, in the scientific and medical fields. In our work, we are interested in integrating data from different uncertain sources in which data are stored in semistructured databases, markedly XML-based data. This interest in XML-based databases came from the flexibility it provides for storing and exchanging data. Furthermore, we are concerned with reliability of different query answers from various sources and on specifying the source where the data came from (the provenance). In essence, our work lies among three areas of interest, data integration, uncertain databases and lineage or provenance in databases. This thesis extends previous work on information integration to accommodate integration of uncertain data from multiple sources

    Learning Tuple Probabilities

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    Learning the parameters of complex probabilistic-relational models from labeled training data is a standard technique in machine learning, which has been intensively studied in the subfield of Statistical Relational Learning (SRL), but---so far---this is still an under-investigated topic in the context of Probabilistic Databases (PDBs). In this paper, we focus on learning the probability values of base tuples in a PDB from labeled lineage formulas. The resulting learning problem can be viewed as the inverse problem to confidence computations in PDBs: given a set of labeled query answers, learn the probability values of the base tuples, such that the marginal probabilities of the query answers again yield in the assigned probability labels. We analyze the learning problem from a theoretical perspective, cast it into an optimization problem, and provide an algorithm based on stochastic gradient descent. Finally, we conclude by an experimental evaluation on three real-world and one synthetic dataset, thus comparing our approach to various techniques from SRL, reasoning in information extraction, and optimization

    Fast and Simple Relational Processing of Uncertain Data

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    This paper introduces U-relations, a succinct and purely relational representation system for uncertain databases. U-relations support attribute-level uncertainty using vertical partitioning. If we consider positive relational algebra extended by an operation for computing possible answers, a query on the logical level can be translated into, and evaluated as, a single relational algebra query on the U-relation representation. The translation scheme essentially preserves the size of the query in terms of number of operations and, in particular, number of joins. Standard techniques employed in off-the-shelf relational database management systems are effective for optimizing and processing queries on U-relations. In our experiments we show that query evaluation on U-relations scales to large amounts of data with high degrees of uncertainty.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figure

    Trio-One: Layering Uncertainty and Lineage on a Conventional DBMS

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    Trio is a new kind of database system that supports data, uncertainty, and lineage in a fully integrated manner. The first Trio prototype, dubbed Trio-One, is built on top of a conventional DBMS using data and query translation techniques together with a small number of stored procedures. This paper describes Trio-One's translation scheme and system architecture, showing how it efficiently and easily supports the Trio data model and query language

    Duplicate Detection in Probabilistic Data

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    Collected data often contains uncertainties. Probabilistic databases have been proposed to manage uncertain data. To combine data from multiple autonomous probabilistic databases, an integration of probabilistic data has to be performed. Until now, however, data integration approaches have focused on the integration of certain source data (relational or XML). There is no work on the integration of uncertain (esp. probabilistic) source data so far. In this paper, we present a first step towards a concise consolidation of probabilistic data. We focus on duplicate detection as a representative and essential step in an integration process. We present techniques for identifying multiple probabilistic representations of the same real-world entities. Furthermore, for increasing the efficiency of the duplicate detection process we introduce search space reduction methods adapted to probabilistic data

    Structurally Tractable Uncertain Data

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    Many data management applications must deal with data which is uncertain, incomplete, or noisy. However, on existing uncertain data representations, we cannot tractably perform the important query evaluation tasks of determining query possibility, certainty, or probability: these problems are hard on arbitrary uncertain input instances. We thus ask whether we could restrict the structure of uncertain data so as to guarantee the tractability of exact query evaluation. We present our tractability results for tree and tree-like uncertain data, and a vision for probabilistic rule reasoning. We also study uncertainty about order, proposing a suitable representation, and study uncertain data conditioned by additional observations.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, 1 table. To appear in SIGMOD/PODS PhD Symposium 201

    An Answer Explanation Model for Probabilistic Database Queries

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    Following the availability of huge amounts of uncertain data, coming from diverse ranges of applications such as sensors, machine learning or mining approaches, information extraction and integration, etc. in recent years, we have seen a revival of interests in probabilistic databases. Queries over these databases result in probabilistic answers. As the process of arriving at these answers is based on the underlying stored uncertain data, we argue that from the standpoint of an end user, it is helpful for such a system to give an explanation on how it arrives at an answer and on which uncertainty assumptions the derived answer is based. In this way, the user with his/her own knowledge can decide how much confidence to place in this probabilistic answer. \ud The aim of this paper is to design such an answer explanation model for probabilistic database queries. We report our design principles and show the methods to compute the answer explanations. One of the main contributions of our model is that it fills the gap between giving only the answer probability, and giving the full derivation. Furthermore, we show how to balance verifiability and influence of explanation components through the concept of verifiable views. The behavior of the model and its computational efficiency are demonstrated through an extensive performance study

    Challenges for Efficient Query Evaluation on Structured Probabilistic Data

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    Query answering over probabilistic data is an important task but is generally intractable. However, a new approach for this problem has recently been proposed, based on structural decompositions of input databases, following, e.g., tree decompositions. This paper presents a vision for a database management system for probabilistic data built following this structural approach. We review our existing and ongoing work on this topic and highlight many theoretical and practical challenges that remain to be addressed.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, 23 references. Accepted for publication at SUM 201