8 research outputs found

    Multiple View Image Rectification

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    International audienceThis paper presents an extension of image rectification methods for an arbitrary number of views with aligned camera center. This technique can be used for stereoscopic rendering to enhance the perception comfort or for depth from stereo. In this paper, we first expose that epipolar geometry is not suited to solve this problem. Then we propose a non linear method that includes all the images in the rectification process. Our method only requires point correspondences between the views and can handle images with different resolutions. The tests show that the method is robust to noise and and to sparse point correspondences among the view


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    Depth-map algorithm allows camera system to estimate depth in many applications. The algorithm is computationally intensive and therefore more effective to be implemented on hardware such as the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). However, the recurring issue in FPGA implementation is the resource limitation. The issue is normally resolved by modifying the algorithm. However, the issue can also be addressed by implementing hardware architectures without the need to modify the depth-map algorithm. In this thesis, five different depth-map processor architectures for the sum-of-absolute-difference (SAD) depth-map algorithm on FPGA at real-time were designed and implemented. Two resource minimization techniques were employed to address the resource limitation issues. Resource usage and performance of these architectures were compared. Memory contention and bandwidth constrain were resolved by using self-initiative memory controller, FIFOs and line buffers. Parallel processing was utilized to achieve high processing speed at low clock frequency. Memory-based line buffers were used instead of register-based line buffers to save 62.4% of logic element (LEs) used, but require some additional dedicated memory bits. A proper use of registers to replace repetitive subtractors saves 24.75% of LEs. The system achieves SAD performance of 295 mega pixel disparity per second (MPDS) for the architecture with 640x480 pixel image, 3x3 pixel window size, 32 pixel disparity range and 30 frames per second. The system achieves SAD performance of 590 MPDS for the 64 pixels disparity range architecture. The disparity matching module works at the frequency of 10 MHz and produces one pixel of result every clock cycle. The results are dense disparity images, suitable for high speed, low cost, low power applications

    Real-Time Virtual Viewpoint Generation on the GPU for Scene Navigation

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    Depth-map algorithm allows camera system to estimate depth in many applications. The algorithm is computationally intensive and therefore more effective to be implemented on hardware such as the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). However, the recurring issue in FPGA implementation is the resource limitation. The issue is normally resolved by modifying the algorithm. However, the issue can also be addressed by implementing hardware architectures without the need to modify the depth-map algorithm. In this thesis, five different depth-map processor architectures for the sum-of-absolute-difference (SAD) depth-map algorithm on FPGA at real-time were designed and implemented. Two resource minimization techniques were employed to address the resource limitation issues. Resource usage and performance of these architectures were compared. Memory contention and bandwidth constrain were resolved by using self-initiative memory controller, FIFOs and line buffers. Parallel processing was utilized to achieve high processing speed at low clock frequency. Memory-based line buffers were used instead of register-based line buffers to save 62.4% of logic element (LEs) used, but require some additional dedicated memory bits. A proper use of registers to replace repetitive subtractors saves 24.75% of LEs. The system achieves SAD performance of 295 mega pixel disparity per second (MPDS) for the architecture with 640x480 pixel image, 3x3 pixel window size, 32 pixel disparity range and 30 frames per second. The system achieves SAD performance of 590 MPDS for the 64 pixels disparity range architecture. The disparity matching module works at the frequency of 10 MHz and produces one pixel of result every clock cycle. The results are dense disparity images, suitable for high speed, low cost, low power applications

    Efficient, concurrent Bayesian analysis of full waveform LaDAR data

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    Bayesian analysis of full waveform laser detection and ranging (LaDAR) signals using reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo (RJMCMC) algorithms have shown higher estimation accuracy, resolution and sensitivity to detect weak signatures for 3D surface profiling, and construct multiple layer images with varying number of surface returns. However, it is computational expensive. Although parallel computing has the potential to reduce both the processing time and the requirement for persistent memory storage, parallelizing the serial sampling procedure in RJMCMC is a significant challenge in both statistical and computing domains. While several strategies have been developed for Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) parallelization, these are usually restricted to fixed dimensional parameter estimates, and not obviously applicable to RJMCMC for varying dimensional signal analysis. In the statistical domain, we propose an effective, concurrent RJMCMC algorithm, state space decomposition RJMCMC (SSD-RJMCMC), which divides the entire state space into groups and assign to each an independent RJMCMC chain with restricted variation of model dimensions. It intrinsically has a parallel structure, a form of model-level parallelization. Applying the convergence diagnostic, we can adaptively assess the convergence of the Markov chain on-the-fly and so dynamically terminate the chain generation. Evaluations on both synthetic and real data demonstrate that the concurrent chains have shorter convergence length and hence improved sampling efficiency. Parallel exploration of the candidate models, in conjunction with an error detection and correction scheme, improves the reliability of surface detection. By adaptively generating a complimentary MCMC sequence for the determined model, it enhances the accuracy for surface profiling. In the computing domain, we develop a data parallel SSD-RJMCMC (DP SSD-RJMCMCU) to achieve efficient parallel implementation on a distributed computer cluster. Adding data-level parallelization on top of the model-level parallelization, it formalizes a task queue and introduces an automatic scheduler for dynamic task allocation. These two strategies successfully diminish the load imbalance that occurred in SSD-RJMCMC. Thanks to the coarse granularity, the processors communicate at a very low frequency. The MPIbased implementation on a Beowulf cluster demonstrates that compared with RJMCMC, DP SSD-RJMCMCU has further reduced problem size and computation complexity. Therefore, it can achieve a super linear speedup if the number of data segments and processors are chosen wisely

    Konzeption und Entwicklung eines trinokularen Endoskops zur robusten Oberflächenerfassung in der minimalinvasiven Chirurgie

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    Die minimalinvasive Chirurgie ist eine besonders anspruchsvolle Aufgabe für den Chirurgen, da die Operation ausschließlich über Endoskope und stangenartige, filigrane Instrumente erfolgt. Computerassistierte Stereo-Endoskopiesysteme erleichtern die Tiefenwahrnehmung und unterstützen bei verschiedensten Anwendungen wie z.B. der Resektion eines Nierentumors durch Augmented Reality. Eine wesentliche Aufgabe ist die robuste dreidimensionale Erfassung der beobachteten Oberfläche der Organe. Aufgrund starker Reflexionen durch die endoskopische Lichtquelle, homogener Texturen und weicher, sich bewegender Geometrien ist eine zuverlässige Oberflächenerfassung sehr herausfordernd und stellt noch ein ungelöstes Problem dar. In dieser Arbeit wird deshalb ein neuartiges miniaturisiertes Dreikamerasystem als Demonstrator für ein trinokulares Endoskop sowie ein Algorithmus zur Dreibildauswertung mit semi-globaler Optimierung entwickelt. Durch synthetische und reale Messdaten werden theoretische Überlegungen anhand von drei Hypothesen geprüft. Im Vergleich zu einer stereoskopischen Auswertung wird untersucht, ob eine Dreibildauswertung robustere Ergebnisse liefert, kleinere Referenz- und Suchfenster ermöglicht und eine rechenzeitaufwendige semi-globale Optimierung ersetzt. Es stellt sich heraus, dass die ersten beiden Annahmen grundsätzlich zutreffen, eine semi-globale Optimierung aber nur bedingt ersetzt werden kann. Weiterhin werden die Fehlereinflüsse durch Reflexionen näher spezifiziert und durch gekreuzte Polarisationsfilter sehr effektiv unterdrückt. Das vorgestellte Dreikamera-Endoskop und angepasste Auswerteverfahren tragen wesentlich zur Verbesserung der computerassistierten Endoskopie bei und bringen die Forschungen in diesem Gebiet einen Schritt voran.Minimally invasive surgery is a quite challenging task to the surgeon due to operation through an endoscope and sensitive telescopic instruments exclusively. Computer assisted stereo endoscopic systems eases depth perception and supports several tasks such as dissection of a renal tumour by augmented reality. An essential procedure is robust surface reconstruction of the observed organs. Due to strong reflections from the endoscopic light source, homogeneous textures and weak deforming geometries robust surface reconstruction becomes quite challenging and is not solved successfully yet. Therefore, in this work a novel miniaturised three camera endoscope is introduced and an algorithm for three image analysis and semi-global optimisation is implemented. Synthetic and real experimental measurements are conducted to evaluate theoretical assumptions and review three hypotheses. In contrast to stereo analysis, it is examined whether three image analysis leads to more robust results, allows for smaller matching window sizes and replaces a time-consuming semiglobal matching algorithm. The investigations show that the first two assumptions can generally be confirmed, but the semi-global matching is necessary in some cases. Additionally, errors by reflections are examined in more detail and are suppressed efficiently by crossed polarising filters. The novel three camera endoscope and customized image analysis algorithm gives a great benefit to computer assisted endoscopy and brings research a step closer to more reliable assistant systems

    Uncalibrated three-view image rectification

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