47 research outputs found

    Unbiased coherent-to-diffuse ratio estimation for dereverberation

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    We investigate the estimation of the time- and frequency-dependent coherent-to-diffuse ratio (CDR) from the measured spatial coherence between two omnidirectional microphones. We illustrate the relationship between several known CDR es-timators using a geometric interpretation in the complex plane, discuss the problem of estimator bias, and propose unbiased versions of the estimators. Furthermore, we show that knowl-edge of either the direction of arrival (DOA) of the target source or the coherence of the noise field is sufficient for an unbiased CDR estimation. Finally, we apply the CDR estimators to the problem of dereverberation, using automatic speech recognition word error rate as objective performance measure

    Spatial Diffuseness Features for DNN-Based Speech Recognition in Noisy and Reverberant Environments

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    We propose a spatial diffuseness feature for deep neural network (DNN)-based automatic speech recognition to improve recognition accuracy in reverberant and noisy environments. The feature is computed in real-time from multiple microphone signals without requiring knowledge or estimation of the direction of arrival, and represents the relative amount of diffuse noise in each time and frequency bin. It is shown that using the diffuseness feature as an additional input to a DNN-based acoustic model leads to a reduced word error rate for the REVERB challenge corpus, both compared to logmelspec features extracted from noisy signals, and features enhanced by spectral subtraction.Comment: accepted for ICASSP201

    Blind MultiChannel Identification and Equalization for Dereverberation and Noise Reduction based on Convolutive Transfer Function

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    This paper addresses the problems of blind channel identification and multichannel equalization for speech dereverberation and noise reduction. The time-domain cross-relation method is not suitable for blind room impulse response identification, due to the near-common zeros of the long impulse responses. We extend the cross-relation method to the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) domain, in which the time-domain impulse responses are approximately represented by the convolutive transfer functions (CTFs) with much less coefficients. The CTFs suffer from the common zeros caused by the oversampled STFT. We propose to identify CTFs based on the STFT with the oversampled signals and the critical sampled CTFs, which is a good compromise between the frequency aliasing of the signals and the common zeros problem of CTFs. In addition, a normalization of the CTFs is proposed to remove the gain ambiguity across sub-bands. In the STFT domain, the identified CTFs is used for multichannel equalization, in which the sparsity of speech signals is exploited. We propose to perform inverse filtering by minimizing the â„“1\ell_1-norm of the source signal with the relaxed â„“2\ell_2-norm fitting error between the micophone signals and the convolution of the estimated source signal and the CTFs used as a constraint. This method is advantageous in that the noise can be reduced by relaxing the â„“2\ell_2-norm to a tolerance corresponding to the noise power, and the tolerance can be automatically set. The experiments confirm the efficiency of the proposed method even under conditions with high reverberation levels and intense noise.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 5 table

    Single- and multi-microphone speech dereverberation using spectral enhancement

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    In speech communication systems, such as voice-controlled systems, hands-free mobile telephones, and hearing aids, the received microphone signals are degraded by room reverberation, background noise, and other interferences. This signal degradation may lead to total unintelligibility of the speech and decreases the performance of automatic speech recognition systems. In the context of this work reverberation is the process of multi-path propagation of an acoustic sound from its source to one or more microphones. The received microphone signal generally consists of a direct sound, reflections that arrive shortly after the direct sound (commonly called early reverberation), and reflections that arrive after the early reverberation (commonly called late reverberation). Reverberant speech can be described as sounding distant with noticeable echo and colouration. These detrimental perceptual effects are primarily caused by late reverberation, and generally increase with increasing distance between the source and microphone. Conversely, early reverberations tend to improve the intelligibility of speech. In combination with the direct sound it is sometimes referred to as the early speech component. Reduction of the detrimental effects of reflections is evidently of considerable practical importance, and is the focus of this dissertation. More specifically the dissertation deals with dereverberation techniques, i.e., signal processing techniques to reduce the detrimental effects of reflections. In the dissertation, novel single- and multimicrophone speech dereverberation algorithms are developed that aim at the suppression of late reverberation, i.e., at estimation of the early speech component. This is done via so-called spectral enhancement techniques that require a specific measure of the late reverberant signal. This measure, called spectral variance, can be estimated directly from the received (possibly noisy) reverberant signal(s) using a statistical reverberation model and a limited amount of a priori knowledge about the acoustic channel(s) between the source and the microphone(s). In our work an existing single-channel statistical reverberation model serves as a starting point. The model is characterized by one parameter that depends on the acoustic characteristics of the environment. We show that the spectral variance estimator that is based on this model, can only be used when the source-microphone distance is larger than the so-called critical distance. This is, crudely speaking, the distance where the direct sound power is equal to the total reflective power. A generalization of the statistical reverberation model in which the direct sound is incorporated is developed. This model requires one additional parameter that is related to the ratio between the direct sound energy and the sound energy of all reflections. The generalized model is used to derive a novel spectral variance estimator. When the novel estimator is used for dereverberation rather than the existing estimator, and the source-microphone distance is smaller than the critical distance, the dereverberation performance is significantly increased. Single-microphone systems only exploit the temporal and spectral diversity of the received signal. Reverberation, of course, also induces spatial diversity. To additionally exploit this diversity, multiple microphones must be used, and their outputs must be combined by a suitable spatial processor such as the so-called delay and sum beamformer. It is not a priori evident whether spectral enhancement is best done before or after the spatial processor. For this reason we investigate both possibilities, as well as a merge of the spatial processor and the spectral enhancement technique. An advantage of the latter option is that the spectral variance estimator can be further improved. Our experiments show that the use of multiple microphones affords a significant improvement of the perceptual speech quality. The applicability of the theory developed in this dissertation is demonstrated using a hands-free communication system. Since hands-free systems are often used in a noisy and reverberant environment, the received microphone signal does not only contain the desired signal but also interferences such as room reverberation that is caused by the desired source, background noise, and a far-end echo signal that results from a sound that is produced by the loudspeaker. Usually an acoustic echo canceller is used to cancel the far-end echo. Additionally a post-processor is used to suppress background noise and residual echo, i.e., echo which could not be cancelled by the echo canceller. In this work a novel structure and post-processor for an acoustic echo canceller are developed. The post-processor suppresses late reverberation caused by the desired source, residual echo, and background noise. The late reverberation and late residual echo are estimated using the generalized statistical reverberation model. Experimental results convincingly demonstrate the benefits of the proposed system for suppressing late reverberation, residual echo and background noise. The proposed structure and post-processor have a low computational complexity, a highly modular structure, can be seamlessly integrated into existing hands-free communication systems, and affords a significant increase of the listening comfort and speech intelligibility

    Direct-to-Reverberant Energy Ratio Estimation Using a First-Order Microphone

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    The direct-to-reverberant ratio (DRR) is an important characterization of a reverberant environment. This paper presents a novel blind DRR estimation method based on the coherence function between the sound pressure and particle velocity at a point. First, a general expression of coherence function and DRR is derived in the spherical harmonic domain, without imposing assumptions on the reverberation. In this paper, DRR is expressed in terms of the coherence function as well as two parameters that are related to statistical characteristics of the reverberant environment. Then, a method to estimate the values of these two parameters using a microphone system capable of capturing first-order spherical harmonics is proposed, under three assumptions which are more realistic than the diffuse field model. Furthermore, a theoretical analysis on the use of plane wave model for direct path signal and its effect on DRR estimation is presented, and a rule of thumb is provided for determining whether the point source model should be used for the direct path signal. Finally, the ACE challenge dataset is used to validate the proposed DRR estimation method. The results show that the average full band estimation error is within 2 dB, with no clear trend of bias.DP14010341

    Direction of Arrival Estimation in the Spherical Harmonic Domain using Subspace Pseudo-Intensity Vectors

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    Direction of Arrival (DOA) estimation is a fundamental problem in acoustic signal processing. It is used in a diverse range of applications, including spatial filtering, speech dereverberation, source separation and diarization. Intensity vector-based DOA estimation is attractive, especially for spherical sensor arrays, because it is computationally efficient. Two such methods are presented which operate on a spherical harmonic decomposition of a sound field observed using a spherical microphone array. The first uses Pseudo-Intensity Vectors (PIVs) and works well in acoustic environments where only one sound source is active at any time. The second uses Subspace Pseudo-Intensity Vectors (SSPIVs) and is targeted at environments where multiple simultaneous sources and significant levels of reverberation make the problem more challenging. Analytical models are used to quantify the effects of an interfering source, diffuse noise and sensor noise on PIVs and SSPIVs. The accuracy of DOA estimation using PIVs and SSPIVs is compared against the state-of-the-art in simulations including realistic reverberation and noise for single and multiple, stationary and moving sources. Finally, robust performance of the proposed methods is demonstrated using speech recordings in real acoustic environments