3 research outputs found

    UTwente does Brave New Tasks for MediaEval 2012: Searching and Hyperlinking

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    In this paper we report our experiments and results for the brave new searching and hyperlinking tasks for the MediaEval Benchmark Initiative 2012. The searching task involves nding target video segments based on a short natural language sentence query and the hyperlinking task involves nding links from the target video segments to other related video segments in the collection using a set of anchor segments in the videos that correspond to the textual search queries. To nd the starting points in the video, we only used speech transcripts and metadata as evidence source, however, other visual features (for e.g., faces, shots and keyframes) might also aect results for a query. We indexed speech transcripts and metadata, furthermore, the speech transcripts were indexed at speech segment level and at sentence level to improve the likelihood of nding jump-in-points. For linking video segments, we computed k-nearest neighbours of video segments using euclidean distance

    Enabling automatic provenance-based trust assessment of web content

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