3 research outputs found

    Model checking: un modelo del protocolo Gnutella : Simulaci贸n y verificaci贸n usando SPIN

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    En este trabajo se presenta una especificaci贸n del protocolo de comunicaci贸n Gnutella para redes Peer-to-Peer. Se realiz贸 un modelo de este protocolo utilizando SPIN, un sistema de verificaci贸n autom谩tica que incluye algoritmos de comprobaci贸n de modelos. Se presentan dos modelos: uno completo, apropiado para la simulaci贸n del comportamiento de un nodo Gnutella, y otro acotado, que permite comprobar si determinadas propiedades expresadas en LTL (L贸gica Temporal Lineal) son ciertas. A manera de ejemplo, dos f贸rmulas fueron comprobadas en el modelo con el fin de verificarlas.This paper presents a specification of the Gnutella communication protocol for Peer-to-Peer networks. A model of this protocol has been made using SPIN, an automatic verification system which includes model-checking algorithms. Two models are presented: a complete one, suitable for simulating the behavior of a Gnutella node; and a limited one, which allows checking whether certain properties expressed in LTL (Linear Temporal Logic) are true. As example, two formulas have been checked in this model to verify them.I Workshop de Arquitecturas, Redes y Sistemas Operativos (WARSO)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Model checking: un modelo del protocolo Gnutella : Simulaci贸n y verificaci贸n usando SPIN

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    En este trabajo se presenta una especificaci贸n del protocolo de comunicaci贸n Gnutella para redes Peer-to-Peer. Se realiz贸 un modelo de este protocolo utilizando SPIN, un sistema de verificaci贸n autom谩tica que incluye algoritmos de comprobaci贸n de modelos. Se presentan dos modelos: uno completo, apropiado para la simulaci贸n del comportamiento de un nodo Gnutella, y otro acotado, que permite comprobar si determinadas propiedades expresadas en LTL (L贸gica Temporal Lineal) son ciertas. A manera de ejemplo, dos f贸rmulas fueron comprobadas en el modelo con el fin de verificarlas.This paper presents a specification of the Gnutella communication protocol for Peer-to-Peer networks. A model of this protocol has been made using SPIN, an automatic verification system which includes model-checking algorithms. Two models are presented: a complete one, suitable for simulating the behavior of a Gnutella node; and a limited one, which allows checking whether certain properties expressed in LTL (Linear Temporal Logic) are true. As example, two formulas have been checked in this model to verify them.I Workshop de Arquitecturas, Redes y Sistemas Operativos (WARSO)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Typed Protocols for Peer-to-Peer Service Composition

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    In this paper we present a technique which addresses the composition of web services into peer-to-peer systems. Our approach is founded on the definition of lightweight protocols, which provide the means to specify, execute, and verify these systems. The advantage of our approach is that the protocols are defined independent of the domain in question, and therefore allow us to focus specifically on the composition aspects of the system. We present a definition of the MAP language for service composition, and show how it can be used to specify a simple peer-to-peer file-sharing system. We also illustrate how the use of type information can allow us to gain confidence in the correctness of our protocols.