4,066 research outputs found

    Ten virtues of structured graphs

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    This paper extends the invited talk by the first author about the virtues of structured graphs. The motivation behind the talk and this paper relies on our experience on the development of ADR, a formal approach for the design of styleconformant, reconfigurable software systems. ADR is based on hierarchical graphs with interfaces and it has been conceived in the attempt of reconciling software architectures and process calculi by means of graphical methods. We have tried to write an ADR agnostic paper where we raise some drawbacks of flat, unstructured graphs for the design and analysis of software systems and we argue that hierarchical, structured graphs can alleviate such drawbacks

    Neural-Augmented Static Analysis of Android Communication

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    We address the problem of discovering communication links between applications in the popular Android mobile operating system, an important problem for security and privacy in Android. Any scalable static analysis in this complex setting is bound to produce an excessive amount of false-positives, rendering it impractical. To improve precision, we propose to augment static analysis with a trained neural-network model that estimates the probability that a communication link truly exists. We describe a neural-network architecture that encodes abstractions of communicating objects in two applications and estimates the probability with which a link indeed exists. At the heart of our architecture are type-directed encoders (TDE), a general framework for elegantly constructing encoders of a compound data type by recursively composing encoders for its constituent types. We evaluate our approach on a large corpus of Android applications, and demonstrate that it achieves very high accuracy. Further, we conduct thorough interpretability studies to understand the internals of the learned neural networks.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE

    NLSC: Unrestricted Natural Language-based Service Composition through Sentence Embeddings

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    Current approaches for service composition (assemblies of atomic services) require developers to use: (a) domain-specific semantics to formalize services that restrict the vocabulary for their descriptions, and (b) translation mechanisms for service retrieval to convert unstructured user requests to strongly-typed semantic representations. In our work, we argue that effort to developing service descriptions, request translations, and matching mechanisms could be reduced using unrestricted natural language; allowing both: (1) end-users to intuitively express their needs using natural language, and (2) service developers to develop services without relying on syntactic/semantic description languages. Although there are some natural language-based service composition approaches, they restrict service retrieval to syntactic/semantic matching. With recent developments in Machine learning and Natural Language Processing, we motivate the use of Sentence Embeddings by leveraging richer semantic representations of sentences for service description, matching and retrieval. Experimental results show that service composition development effort may be reduced by more than 44\% while keeping a high precision/recall when matching high-level user requests with low-level service method invocations.Comment: This paper will appear on SCC'19 (IEEE International Conference on Services Computing) on July 1

    Revisiting Actor Programming in C++

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    The actor model of computation has gained significant popularity over the last decade. Its high level of abstraction makes it appealing for concurrent applications in parallel and distributed systems. However, designing a real-world actor framework that subsumes full scalability, strong reliability, and high resource efficiency requires many conceptual and algorithmic additives to the original model. In this paper, we report on designing and building CAF, the "C++ Actor Framework". CAF targets at providing a concurrent and distributed native environment for scaling up to very large, high-performance applications, and equally well down to small constrained systems. We present the key specifications and design concepts---in particular a message-transparent architecture, type-safe message interfaces, and pattern matching facilities---that make native actors a viable approach for many robust, elastic, and highly distributed developments. We demonstrate the feasibility of CAF in three scenarios: first for elastic, upscaling environments, second for including heterogeneous hardware like GPGPUs, and third for distributed runtime systems. Extensive performance evaluations indicate ideal runtime behaviour for up to 64 cores at very low memory footprint, or in the presence of GPUs. In these tests, CAF continuously outperforms the competing actor environments Erlang, Charm++, SalsaLite, Scala, ActorFoundry, and even the OpenMPI.Comment: 33 page

    Architectural design rewriting as an architecture description language

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    Architectural Design Rewriting (ADR) is a declarative rule-based approach for the design of dynamic software architectures. The key features that make ADR a suitable and expressive framework are the algebraic presentation of graph-based structures and the use of conditional rewrite rules. These features enable the modelling of, e.g. hierarchical design, inductively defined reconfigurations and ordinary computation. Here, we promote ADR as an Architectural Description Language

    Style-Based architectural reconfigurations

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    We introduce Architectural Design Rewriting (ADR), an approach to the design of reconfigurable software architectures whose key features are: (i) rule-based approach (over graphs); (ii) hierarchical design; (iii) algebraic presentation; and (iv) inductively-defined reconfigurations. Architectures are modelled by graphs whose edges and nodes represent components and connection ports. Architectures are designed hierarchically by a set of edge replacement rules that fix the architectural style. Depending on their reading, productions allow: (i) top-down design by refinement, (ii) bottom-up typing of actual architectures, and (iii) well-formed composition of architectures. The key idea is to encode style proofs as terms and to exploit such information at run-time for guiding reconfigurations. The main advantages of ADR are that: (i) instead of reasoning on flat architectures, ADR specifications provide a convenient hierarchical structure, by exploiting the architectural classes introduced by the style, (ii) complex reconfiguration schemes can be defined inductively, and (iii) style-preservation is guaranteed

    Variable elimination for building interpreters

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    In this paper, we build an interpreter by reusing host language functions instead of recoding mechanisms of function application that are already available in the host language (the language which is used to build the interpreter). In order to transform user-defined functions into host language functions we use combinatory logic : lambda-abstractions are transformed into a composition of combinators. We provide a mechanically checked proof that this step is correct for the call-by-value strategy with imperative features.Comment: 33 page

    CPL: A Core Language for Cloud Computing -- Technical Report

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    Running distributed applications in the cloud involves deployment. That is, distribution and configuration of application services and middleware infrastructure. The considerable complexity of these tasks resulted in the emergence of declarative JSON-based domain-specific deployment languages to develop deployment programs. However, existing deployment programs unsafely compose artifacts written in different languages, leading to bugs that are hard to detect before run time. Furthermore, deployment languages do not provide extension points for custom implementations of existing cloud services such as application-specific load balancing policies. To address these shortcomings, we propose CPL (Cloud Platform Language), a statically-typed core language for programming both distributed applications as well as their deployment on a cloud platform. In CPL, application services and deployment programs interact through statically typed, extensible interfaces, and an application can trigger further deployment at run time. We provide a formal semantics of CPL and demonstrate that it enables type-safe, composable and extensible libraries of service combinators, such as load balancing and fault tolerance.Comment: Technical report accompanying the MODULARITY '16 submissio