5 research outputs found

    Type Variables in Patterns

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    For many years, GHC has implemented an extension to Haskell that allows type variables to be bound in type signatures and patterns, and to scope over terms. This extension was never properly specified. We rectify that oversight here. With the formal specification in hand, the otherwise-labyrinthine path toward a design for binding type variables in patterns becomes blindingly clear. We thus extend ScopedTypeVariables to bind type variables explicitly, obviating the Proxy workaround to the dustbin of history

    Type Variables in Patterns

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    For many years, GHC has implemented an extension to Haskell that allows type variables to be bound in type signatures and patterns, and to scope over terms. This extension was never properly specified. We rectify that oversight here. With the formal specification in hand, the otherwise-labyrinthine path toward a design for binding type variables in patterns becomes blindingly clear. We thus extend ScopedTypeVariables to bind type variables explicitly, obviating the Proxy workaround to the dustbin of history

    Linear Constraints

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    A linear argument must be consumed exactly once in the body of its function. A linear type system can verify the correct usage of resources such as file handles and manually managed memory. But this verification requires bureaucracy. This paper presents linear constraints, a front-end feature for linear typing that decreases the bureaucracy of working with linear types. Linear constraints are implicit linear arguments that are to be filled in automatically by the compiler. Linear constraints are presented as a qualified type system, together with an inference algorithm which extends OutsideIn, GHC's existing constraint solver algorithm. Soundness of linear constraints is ensured by the fact that they desugar into Linear Haskell

    Squid: Type-Safe, Hygienic, and Reusable Quasiquotes

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    Quasiquotes have been shown to greatly simplify the task of metaprogramming. This is in part because they hide the data structures of the intermediate representation (IR), instead allowing metaprogrammers to use the concrete syntax of the language they manipulate. Scala has had ``syntactic'' quasiquotes for a long time, but still misses a statically-typed version like in MetaOCaml, Haskell and F#. This safer flavor of quasiquotes has been particularly useful for staging and domain-specific languages. In this paper we present Squid, a metaprogramming system for Scala that fills this gap. Squid quasiquotes are novel in three ways: they are the first statically-typed quasiquotes we know that allow code inspection (via pattern matching); they are implemented purely as a macro library, without modifications to the compiler; and they are reusable in the sense that they can manipulate different IRs. Adapting (or binding) a new IR to Squid is done simply by implementing a well-defined interface in the style of object algebras (i.e., tagless-final). We detail how Squid is implemented, leveraging the metaprogramming tools already offered by Scala, and show three application examples: the definition of a binding for a DSL in the style of LMS; a safe ANF conversion; and the introduction of type-safe, hygienic macros as an alternative to the current macro system