176,302 research outputs found

    A Practical Type Analysis for Verification of Modular Prolog Programs

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    Regular types are a powerful tool for computing very precise descriptive types for logic programs. However, in the context of real life, modular Prolog programs, the accurate results obtained by regular types often come at the price of efficiency. In this paper we propose a combination of techniques aimed at improving analysis efficiency in this context. As a first technique we allow optionally reducing the accuracy of inferred types by using only the types defined by the user or present in the libraries. We claim that, for the purpose of verifying type signatures given in the form of assertions the precision obtained using this approach is sufficient, and show that analysis times can be reduced significantly. Our second technique is aimed at dealing with situations where we would like to limit the amount of reanalysis performed, especially for library modules. Borrowing some ideas from polymorphic type systems, we show how to solve the problem by admitting parameters in type specifications. This allows us to compose new call patterns with some pre computed analysis info without losing any information. We argue that together these two techniques contribute to the practical and scalable analysis and verification of types in Prolog programs

    On Generalized Records and Spatial Conjunction in Role Logic

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    We have previously introduced role logic as a notation for describing properties of relational structures in shape analysis, databases and knowledge bases. A natural fragment of role logic corresponds to two-variable logic with counting and is therefore decidable. We show how to use role logic to describe open and closed records, as well the dual of records, inverse records. We observe that the spatial conjunction operation of separation logic naturally models record concatenation. Moreover, we show how to eliminate the spatial conjunction of formulas of quantifier depth one in first-order logic with counting. As a result, allowing spatial conjunction of formulas of quantifier depth one preserves the decidability of two-variable logic with counting. This result applies to two-variable role logic fragment as well. The resulting logic smoothly integrates type system and predicate calculus notation and can be viewed as a natural generalization of the notation for constraints arising in role analysis and similar shape analysis approaches.Comment: 30 pages. A version appears in SAS 200

    The Guarded Lambda-Calculus: Programming and Reasoning with Guarded Recursion for Coinductive Types

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    We present the guarded lambda-calculus, an extension of the simply typed lambda-calculus with guarded recursive and coinductive types. The use of guarded recursive types ensures the productivity of well-typed programs. Guarded recursive types may be transformed into coinductive types by a type-former inspired by modal logic and Atkey-McBride clock quantification, allowing the typing of acausal functions. We give a call-by-name operational semantics for the calculus, and define adequate denotational semantics in the topos of trees. The adequacy proof entails that the evaluation of a program always terminates. We introduce a program logic with L\"ob induction for reasoning about the contextual equivalence of programs. We demonstrate the expressiveness of the calculus by showing the definability of solutions to Rutten's behavioural differential equations.Comment: Accepted to Logical Methods in Computer Science special issue on the 18th International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures (FoSSaCS 2015