9 research outputs found

    Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes Constructed from Protographs

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    In this paper, we construct protograph-based spatially coupled low-density parity-check (SC-LDPC) codes by coupling together a series of L disjoint, or uncoupled, LDPC code Tanner graphs into a single coupled chain. By varying L, we obtain a flexible family of code ensembles with varying rates and frame lengths that can share the same encoding and decoding architecture for arbitrary L. We demonstrate that the resulting codes combine the best features of optimized irregular and regular codes in one design: capacity approaching iterative belief propagation (BP) decoding thresholds and linear growth of minimum distance with block length. In particular, we show that, for sufficiently large L, the BP thresholds on both the binary erasure channel (BEC) and the binary-input additive white Gaussian noise channel (AWGNC) saturate to a particular value significantly better than the BP decoding threshold and numerically indistinguishable from the optimal maximum a-posteriori (MAP) decoding threshold of the uncoupled LDPC code. When all variable nodes in the coupled chain have degree greater than two, asymptotically the error probability converges at least doubly exponentially with decoding iterations and we obtain sequences of asymptotically good LDPC codes with fast convergence rates and BP thresholds close to the Shannon limit. Further, the gap to capacity decreases as the density of the graph increases, opening up a new way to construct capacity achieving codes on memoryless binary-input symmetric-output (MBS) channels with low-complexity BP decoding.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Rate-compatible protograph LDPC code families with linear minimum distance

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    Digital communication coding methods are shown, which generate certain types of low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes built from protographs. A first method creates protographs having the linear minimum distance property and comprising at least one variable node with degree less than 3. A second method creates families of protographs of different rates, all having the linear minimum distance property, and structurally identical for all rates except for a rate-dependent designation of certain variable nodes as transmitted or non-transmitted. A third method creates families of protographs of different rates, all having the linear minimum distance property, and structurally identical for all rates except for a rate-dependent designation of the status of certain variable nodes as non-transmitted or set to zero. LDPC codes built from the protographs created by these methods can simultaneously have low error floors and low iterative decoding thresholds, and families of such codes of different rates can be decoded efficiently using a common decoding architecture

    FPGE implementation of LDPC codes

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    Low density parity check LDPC Code is a type of Block Error Correction code discovered and performance very close to Shanon’s limit .Good error correcting performance enables reliable communication. Since its discovery by Gallagar there is more research going on for its efficient construction and implementation. Though there is no unique method for constructing LDPC codes. Implementation of LDPC Code is done by taking different factors in to consideration such as error rate, parallelism of decoder, ease in implementation etc. This thesis is about FPGA implementation of LDPC codes and their performance evaluation. Protograph codes were introduced and analyzed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in the early years of this century. Part of this thesis continues that work, investigating the decoding of specific protograph codes and extending existing tools for analyzing codes to protograph codes In this thesis I have taken the performance of LDPC coded BPSK modulated signal which is transmitted through AWGN channel and the performance is tested using MATLAB Simulation

    Deriving Good LDPC Convolutional Codes from LDPC Block Codes

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    Low-density parity-check (LDPC) convolutional codes are capable of achieving excellent performance with low encoding and decoding complexity. In this paper we discuss several graph-cover-based methods for deriving families of time-invariant and time-varying LDPC convolutional codes from LDPC block codes and show how earlier proposed LDPC convolutional code constructions can be presented within this framework. Some of the constructed convolutional codes significantly outperform the underlying LDPC block codes. We investigate some possible reasons for this "convolutional gain," and we also discuss the --- mostly moderate --- decoder cost increase that is incurred by going from LDPC block to LDPC convolutional codes.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, April 2010; revised August 2010, revised November 2010 (essentially final version). (Besides many small changes, the first and second revised versions contain corrected entries in Tables I and II.

    Sparse graph-based coding schemes for continuous phase modulations

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    The use of the continuous phase modulation (CPM) is interesting when the channel represents a strong non-linearity and in the case of limited spectral support; particularly for the uplink, where the satellite holds an amplifier per carrier, and for downlinks where the terminal equipment works very close to the saturation region. Numerous studies have been conducted on this issue but the proposed solutions use iterative CPM demodulation/decoding concatenated with convolutional or block error correcting codes. The use of LDPC codes has not yet been introduced. Particularly, no works, to our knowledge, have been done on the optimization of sparse graph-based codes adapted for the context described here. In this study, we propose to perform the asymptotic analysis and the design of turbo-CPM systems based on the optimization of sparse graph-based codes. Moreover, an analysis on the corresponding receiver will be done

    Compute-and-Forward Relay Networks with Asynchronous, Mobile, and Delay-Sensitive Users

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    We consider a wireless network consisting of multiple source nodes, a set of relays and a destination node. Suppose the sources transmit their messages simultaneously to the relays and the destination aims to decode all the messages. At the physical layer, a conventional approach would be for the relay to decode the individual message one at a time while treating rest of the messages as interference. Compute-and-forward is a novel strategy which attempts to turn the situation around by treating the interference as a constructive phenomenon. In compute-and-forward, each relay attempts to directly compute a combination of the transmitted messages and then forwards it to the destination. Upon receiving the combinations of messages from the relays, the destination can recover all the messages by solving the received equations. When identical lattice codes are employed at the sources, error correction to integer combination of messages is a viable option by exploiting the algebraic structure of lattice codes. Therefore, compute-and-forward with lattice codes enables the relay to manage interference and perform error correction concurrently. It is shown that compute-and-forward exhibits substantial improvement in the achievable rate compared with other state-of-the-art schemes for medium to high signal-to-noise ratio regime. Despite several results that show the excellent performance of compute-and-forward, there are still important challenges to overcome before we can utilize compute-and- forward in practice. Some important challenges include the assumptions of \perfect timing synchronization "and \quasi-static fading", since these assumptions rarely hold in realistic wireless channels. So far, there are no conclusive answers to whether compute-and-forward can still provide substantial gains even when these assumptions are removed. When lattice codewords are misaligned and mixed up, decoding integer combination of messages is not straightforward since the linearity of lattice codes is generally not invariant to time shift. When channel exhibits time selectivity, it brings challenges to compute-and-forward since the linearity of lattice codes does not suit the time varying nature of the channel. Another challenge comes from the emerging technologies for future 5G communication, e.g., autonomous driving and virtual reality, where low-latency communication with high reliability is necessary. In this regard, powerful short channel codes with reasonable encoding/decoding complexity are indispensable. Although there are fruitful results on designing short channel codes for point-to-point communication, studies on short code design specifically for compute-and-forward are rarely found. The objective of this dissertation is threefold. First, we study compute-and-forward with timing-asynchronous users. Second, we consider the problem of compute-and- forward over block-fading channels. Finally, the problem of compute-and-forward for low-latency communication is studied. Throughout the dissertation, the research methods and proposed remedies will center around the design of lattice codes in order to facilitate the use of compute-and-forward in the presence of these challenges