10 research outputs found

    Modeling reformulation using passage analysis

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    A Comparison of Retrieval Models using Term Dependencies

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    A New Approach to Query Segmentation for Relevance Ranking in Web Search

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    Abstract In this paper, we try to determine how best to improve state-ofthe-art methods for relevance ranking in web searching by query segmentation. Query segmentation is meant to separate the input query into segments, typically natural language phrases. We propose employing the re-ranking approach in query segmentation, which first employs a generative model to create the top k candidates and then employs a discriminative model to re-rank the candidates to obtain the final segmentation result. The method has been widely utilized for structure prediction in natural language processing, but has not been applied to query segmentation, as far as we know. Furthermore, we propose a new method for using the results of query segmentation in relevance ranking, which takes both the original query words and the segmented query phrases as units of query representation. We investigate whether our method can improve three relevance models, namely n-gram BM25, key n-gram model and term dependency model, within the framework of learning to rank. Our experimental results on large scale web search datasets show that our method can indeed significantly improve relevance ranking in all three cases

    Technologies for Reusing Text from the Web

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    Texts from the web can be reused individually or in large quantities. The former is called text reuse and the latter language reuse. We first present a comprehensive overview of the different ways in which text and language is reused today, and how exactly information retrieval technologies can be applied in this respect. The remainder of the thesis then deals with specific retrieval tasks. In general, our contributions consist of models and algorithms, their evaluation, and for that purpose, large-scale corpus construction. The thesis divides into two parts. The first part introduces technologies for text reuse detection, and our contributions are as follows: (1) A unified view of projecting-based and embedding-based fingerprinting for near-duplicate detection and the first time evaluation of fingerprint algorithms on Wikipedia revision histories as a new, large-scale corpus of near-duplicates. (2) A new retrieval model for the quantification of cross-language text similarity, which gets by without parallel corpora. We have evaluated the model in comparison to other models on many different pairs of languages. (3) An evaluation framework for text reuse and particularly plagiarism detectors, which consists of tailored detection performance measures and a large-scale corpus of automatically generated and manually written plagiarism cases. The latter have been obtained via crowdsourcing. This framework has been successfully applied to evaluate many different state-of-the-art plagiarism detection approaches within three international evaluation competitions. The second part introduces technologies that solve three retrieval tasks based on language reuse, and our contributions are as follows: (4) A new model for the comparison of textual and non-textual web items across media, which exploits web comments as a source of information about the topic of an item. In this connection, we identify web comments as a largely neglected information source and introduce the rationale of comment retrieval. (5) Two new algorithms for query segmentation, which exploit web n-grams and Wikipedia as a means of discerning the user intent of a keyword query. Moreover, we crowdsource a new corpus for the evaluation of query segmentation which surpasses existing corpora by two orders of magnitude. (6) A new writing assistance tool called Netspeak, which is a search engine for commonly used language. Netspeak indexes the web in the form of web n-grams as a source of writing examples and implements a wildcard query processor on top of it.Texte aus dem Web können einzeln oder in großen Mengen wiederverwendet werden. Ersteres wird Textwiederverwendung und letzteres Sprachwiederverwendung genannt. Zunächst geben wir einen ausführlichen Überblick darüber, auf welche Weise Text und Sprache heutzutage wiederverwendet und wie Technologien des Information Retrieval in diesem Zusammenhang angewendet werden können. In der übrigen Arbeit werden dann spezifische Retrievalaufgaben behandelt. Unsere Beiträge bestehen dabei aus Modellen und Algorithmen, ihrer empirischen Auswertung und der Konstruktion von großen Korpora hierfür. Die Dissertation ist in zwei Teile gegliedert. Im ersten Teil präsentieren wir Technologien zur Erkennung von Textwiederverwendungen und leisten folgende Beiträge: (1) Ein Überblick über projektionsbasierte- und einbettungsbasierte Fingerprinting-Verfahren für die Erkennung nahezu identischer Texte, sowie die erstmalige Evaluierung einer Reihe solcher Verfahren auf den Revisionshistorien der Wikipedia. (2) Ein neues Modell zum sprachübergreifenden, inhaltlichen Vergleich von Texten. Das Modell basiert auf einem mehrsprachigen Korpus bestehend aus Pärchen themenverwandter Texte, wie zum Beispiel der Wikipedia. Wir vergleichen das Modell in mehreren Sprachen mit herkömmlichen Modellen. (3) Eine Evaluierungsumgebung für Algorithmen zur Plagiaterkennung. Die Umgebung besteht aus Maßen, die die Güte der Erkennung eines Algorithmus' quantifizieren, und einem großen Korpus von Plagiaten. Die Plagiate wurden automatisch generiert sowie mit Hilfe von Crowdsourcing manuell erstellt. Darüber hinaus haben wir zwei Workshops veranstaltet, in denen unsere Evaluierungsumgebung erfolgreich zur Evaluierung aktueller Plagiaterkennungsalgorithmen eingesetzt wurde. Im zweiten Teil präsentieren wir auf Sprachwiederverwendung basierende Technologien für drei verschiedene Retrievalaufgaben und leisten folgende Beiträge: (4) Ein neues Modell zum medienübergreifenden, inhaltlichen Vergleich von Objekten aus dem Web. Das Modell basiert auf der Auswertung der zu einem Objekt vorliegenden Kommentare. In diesem Zusammenhang identifizieren wir Webkommentare als eine in der Forschung bislang vernachlässigte Informationsquelle und stellen die Grundlagen des Kommentarretrievals vor. (5) Zwei neue Algorithmen zur Segmentierung von Websuchanfragen. Die Algorithmen nutzen Web n-Gramme sowie Wikipedia, um die Intention des Suchenden in einer Suchanfrage festzustellen. Darüber hinaus haben wir mittels Crowdsourcing ein neues Evaluierungskorpus erstellt, das zwei Größenordnungen größer ist als bisherige Korpora. (6) Eine neuartige Suchmaschine, genannt Netspeak, die die Suche nach gebräuchlicher Sprache ermöglicht. Netspeak indiziert das Web als Quelle für gebräuchliche Sprache in der Form von n-Grammen und implementiert eine Wildcardsuche darauf

    Named entity recognition and classification in search queries

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    Named Entity Recognition and Classification is the task of extracting from text, instances of different entity classes such as person, location, or company. This task has recently been applied to web search queries in order to better understand their semantics, where a search query consists of linguistic units that users submit to a search engine to convey their search need. Discovering and analysing the linguistic units comprising a search query enables search engines to reveal and meet users' search intents. As a result, recent research has concentrated on analysing the constituent units comprising search queries. However, since search queries are short, unstructured, and ambiguous, an approach to detect and classify named entities is presented in this thesis, in which queries are augmented with the text snippets of search results for search queries. The thesis makes the following contributions: 1. A novel method for detecting candidate named entities in search queries, which utilises both query grammatical annotation and query segmentation. 2. A novel method to classify the detected candidate entities into a set of target entity classes, by using a seed expansion approach; the method presented exploits the representation of the sets of contextual clues surrounding the entities in the snippets as vectors in a common vector space. 3. An exploratory analysis of three main categories of search refiners: nouns, verbs, and adjectives, that users often incorporate in entity-centric queries in order to further refine the entity-related search results. 4. A taxonomy of named entities derived from a search engine query log. By using a large commercial query log, experimental evidence is provided that the work presented herein is competitive with the existing research in the field of entity recognition and classification in search queries

    Two-stage query segmentation for information retrieval

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    Modeling term dependence has been shown to have a significant positive impact on retrieval. Current models, however, use sequential term dependencies, leading to an increased query latency, especially for long queries. In this paper, we examine two query segmentation models that reduce the number of dependencies. We find that two-stage segmentation based on both query syntactic structure and external information sources such as query logs, attains retrieval performance comparable to the sequential dependence model, while achieving a 50 % reduction in query latency

    Two-stage query segmentation for information retrieval

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    Modeling term dependence has been shown to have a significant positive impact on retrieval. Current models, however, use sequential term dependencies, leading to an increased query latency, especially for long queries. In this paper, we examine two query segmentation models that reduce the number of dependencies. We find that two-stage segmentation based on both query syntactic structure and external information sources such as query logs, attains retrieval performance comparable to the sequential dependence model, while achieving a 50% reduction in query latency