7 research outputs found

    Palmprint verification using consistent orientation coding

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    Multispectral Palmprint Recognition Using a Quaternion Matrix

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    Palmprints have been widely studied for biometric recognition for many years. Traditionally, a white light source is used for illumination. Recently, multispectral imaging has drawn attention because of its high recognition accuracy. Multispectral palmprint systems can provide more discriminant information under different illuminations in a short time, thus they can achieve better recognition accuracy. Previously, multispectral palmprint images were taken as a kind of multi-modal biometrics, and the fusion scheme on the image level or matching score level was used. However, some spectral information will be lost during image level or matching score level fusion. In this study, we propose a new method for multispectral images based on a quaternion model which could fully utilize the multispectral information. Firstly, multispectral palmprint images captured under red, green, blue and near-infrared (NIR) illuminations were represented by a quaternion matrix, then principal component analysis (PCA) and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) were applied respectively on the matrix to extract palmprint features. After that, Euclidean distance was used to measure the dissimilarity between different features. Finally, the sum of two distances and the nearest neighborhood classifier were employed for recognition decision. Experimental results showed that using the quaternion matrix can achieve a higher recognition rate. Given 3000 test samples from 500 palms, the recognition rate can be as high as 98.83%

    Unsupervised 2D dimensionality reduction with adaptive structure learning

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    © 2017 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In recent years, unsupervised two-dimensional (2D) dimensionality reduction methods for unlabeled large-scale data have made progress. However, performance of these degrades when the learning of similarity matrix is at the beginning of the dimensionality reduction process.Asimilarity matrix is used to reveal the underlying geometry structure of data in unsupervised dimensionality reduction methods. Because of noise data, it is difficult to learn the optimal similarity matrix. In this letter, we propose a new dimensionality reduction model for 2D image matrices: unsupervised 2D dimensionality reductionwith adaptive structure learning (DRASL). Instead of using a predetermined similarity matrix to characterize the underlying geometry structure of the original2Dimage space, our proposed approach involves the learning of a similarity matrix in the procedure of dimensionality reduction. To realize a desirable neighbors assignment after dimensionality reduction, we add a constraint to our model such that there are exact c connected components in the final subspace. To accomplish these goals, we propose a unified objective function to integrate dimensionality reduction, the learning of the similarity matrix, and the adaptive learning of neighbors assignment into it. An iterative optimization algorithm is proposed to solve the objective function. We compare the proposed method with several 2D unsupervised dimensionality methods. K-means is used to evaluate the clustering performance. We conduct extensive experiments on Coil20, ATandT, FERET, USPS, and Yale data sets to verify the effectiveness of our proposed method

    Estudio de técnicas de reconocimiento facial

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    Building a Strong Undergraduate Research Culture in African Universities

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    Africa had a late start in the race to setting up and obtaining universities with research quality fundamentals. According to Mamdani [5], the first colonial universities were few and far between: Makerere in East Africa, Ibadan and Legon in West Africa. This last place in the race, compared to other continents, has had tremendous implications in the development plans for the continent. For Africa, the race has been difficult from a late start to an insurmountable litany of problems that include difficulty in equipment acquisition, lack of capacity, limited research and development resources and lack of investments in local universities. In fact most of these universities are very recent with many less than 50 years in business except a few. To help reduce the labor costs incurred by the colonial masters of shipping Europeans to Africa to do mere clerical jobs, they started training ―workshops‖ calling them technical or business colleges. According to Mamdani, meeting colonial needs was to be achieved while avoiding the ―Indian disease‖ in Africa -- that is, the development of an educated middle class, a group most likely to carry the virus of nationalism. Upon independence, most of these ―workshops‖ were turned into national ―universities‖, but with no clear role in national development. These national ―universities‖ were catering for children of the new African political elites. Through the seventies and eighties, most African universities were still without development agendas and were still doing business as usual. Meanwhile, governments strapped with lack of money saw no need of putting more scarce resources into big white elephants. By mid-eighties, even the UN and IMF were calling for a limit on funding African universities. In today‘s African university, the traditional curiosity driven research model has been replaced by a market-driven model dominated by a consultancy culture according to Mamdani (Mamdani, Mail and Guardian Online). The prevailing research culture as intellectual life in universities has been reduced to bare-bones classroom activity, seminars and workshops have migrated to hotels and workshop attendance going with transport allowances and per diems (Mamdani, Mail and Guardian Online). There is need to remedy this situation and that is the focus of this paper

    Tensor-based Hyperspectral Image Processing Methodology and its Applications in Impervious Surface and Land Cover Mapping

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    The emergence of hyperspectral imaging provides a new perspective for Earth observation, in addition to previously available orthophoto and multispectral imagery. This thesis focused on both the new data and new methodology in the field of hyperspectral imaging. First, the application of the future hyperspectral satellite EnMAP in impervious surface area (ISA) mapping was studied. During the search for the appropriate ISA mapping procedure for the new data, the subpixel classification based on nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) achieved the best success. The simulated EnMAP image shows great potential in urban ISA mapping with over 85% accuracy. Unfortunately, the NMF based on the linear algebra only considers the spectral information and neglects the spatial information in the original image. The recent wide interest of applying the multilinear algebra in computer vision sheds light on this problem and raised the idea of nonnegative tensor factorization (NTF). This thesis found that the NTF has more advantages over the NMF when work with medium- rather than the high-spatial-resolution hyperspectral image. Furthermore, this thesis proposed to equip the NTF-based subpixel classification methods with the variations adopted from the NMF. By adopting the variations from the NMF, the urban ISA mapping results from the NTF were improved by ~2%. Lastly, the problem known as the curse of dimensionality is an obstacle in hyperspectral image applications. The majority of current dimension reduction (DR) methods are restricted to using only the spectral information, when the spatial information is neglected. To overcome this defect, two spectral-spatial methods: patch-based and tensor-patch-based, were thoroughly studied and compared in this thesis. To date, the popularity of the two solutions remains in computer vision studies and their applications in hyperspectral DR are limited. The patch-based and tensor-patch-based variations greatly improved the quality of dimension-reduced hyperspectral images, which then improved the land cover mapping results from them. In addition, this thesis proposed to use an improved method to produce an important intermediate result in the patch-based and tensor-patch-based DR process, which further improved the land cover mapping results