4,624 research outputs found

    2-D iteratively reweighted least squares lattice algorithm and its application to defect detection in textured images

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    In this paper, a 2-D iteratively reweighted least squares lattice algorithm, which is robust to the outliers, is introduced and is applied to defect detection problem in textured images. First, the philosophy of using different optimization functions that results in weighted least squares solution in the theory of 1-D robust regression is extended to 2-D. Then a new algorithm is derived which combines 2-D robust regression concepts with the 2-D recursive least squares lattice algorithm. With this approach, whatever the probability distribution of the prediction error may be, small weights are assigned to the outliers so that the least squares algorithm will be less sensitive to the outliers. Implementation of the proposed iteratively reweighted least squares lattice algorithm to the problem of defect detection in textured images is then considered. The performance evaluation, in terms of defect detection rate, demonstrates the importance of the proposed algorithm in reducing the effect of the outliers that generally correspond to false alarms in classification of textures as defective or nondefective

    Julian Ernst Besag, 26 March 1945 -- 6 August 2010, a biographical memoir

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    Julian Besag was an outstanding statistical scientist, distinguished for his pioneering work on the statistical theory and analysis of spatial processes, especially conditional lattice systems. His work has been seminal in statistical developments over the last several decades ranging from image analysis to Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. He clarified the role of auto-logistic and auto-normal models as instances of Markov random fields and paved the way for their use in diverse applications. Later work included investigations into the efficacy of nearest neighbour models to accommodate spatial dependence in the analysis of data from agricultural field trials, image restoration from noisy data, and texture generation using lattice models.Comment: 26 pages, 14 figures; minor revisions, omission of full bibliograph

    Unsupervised Generative Modeling Using Matrix Product States

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    Generative modeling, which learns joint probability distribution from data and generates samples according to it, is an important task in machine learning and artificial intelligence. Inspired by probabilistic interpretation of quantum physics, we propose a generative model using matrix product states, which is a tensor network originally proposed for describing (particularly one-dimensional) entangled quantum states. Our model enjoys efficient learning analogous to the density matrix renormalization group method, which allows dynamically adjusting dimensions of the tensors and offers an efficient direct sampling approach for generative tasks. We apply our method to generative modeling of several standard datasets including the Bars and Stripes, random binary patterns and the MNIST handwritten digits to illustrate the abilities, features and drawbacks of our model over popular generative models such as Hopfield model, Boltzmann machines and generative adversarial networks. Our work sheds light on many interesting directions of future exploration on the development of quantum-inspired algorithms for unsupervised machine learning, which are promisingly possible to be realized on quantum devices.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures (not including the TNs) GitHub Page: https://congzlwag.github.io/UnsupGenModbyMPS

    Image blur estimation based on the average cone of ratio in the wavelet domain

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    In this paper, we propose a new algorithm for objective blur estimation using wavelet decomposition. The central idea of our method is to estimate blur as a function of the center of gravity of the average cone ratio (ACR) histogram. The key properties of ACR are twofold: it is powerful in estimating local edge regularity, and it is nearly insensitive to noise. We use these properties to estimate the blurriness of the image, irrespective of the level of noise. In particular, the center of gravity of the ACR histogram is a blur metric. The method is applicable both in case where the reference image is available and when there is no reference. The results demonstrate a consistent performance of the proposed metric for a wide class of natural images and in a wide range of out of focus blurriness. Moreover, the proposed method shows a remarkable insensitivity to noise compared to other wavelet domain methods