197,376 research outputs found

    Interaction-tuned Anderson versus Mott localization

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    Disorder or sufficiently strong interactions can render a metallic state unstable causing it to turn into an insulating one. Despite the fact that the interplay of these two routes to a vanishing conductivity has been a central research topic, a unifying picture has not emerged so far. Here, we establish that the two-dimensional Falicov-Kimball model, one of the simplest lattice models of strong electron correlation does allow for the study of this interplay. In particular, we show that this model at particle-hole symmetry possesses three distinct thermodynamic insulating phases and exhibits Anderson localization. The previously reported metallic phase is identified as a finite-size feature due to the presence of weak localization. We characterize these phases by their electronic density of states, staggered occupation, conductivity, and the generalized inverse participation ratio. The implications of our findings for other strongly correlated systems are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Efficient Correlated Topic Modeling with Topic Embedding

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    Correlated topic modeling has been limited to small model and problem sizes due to their high computational cost and poor scaling. In this paper, we propose a new model which learns compact topic embeddings and captures topic correlations through the closeness between the topic vectors. Our method enables efficient inference in the low-dimensional embedding space, reducing previous cubic or quadratic time complexity to linear w.r.t the topic size. We further speedup variational inference with a fast sampler to exploit sparsity of topic occurrence. Extensive experiments show that our approach is capable of handling model and data scales which are several orders of magnitude larger than existing correlation results, without sacrificing modeling quality by providing competitive or superior performance in document classification and retrieval.Comment: KDD 2017 oral. The first two authors contributed equall

    Exactly Solvable Models of Strongly Correlated Electrons

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    This is a reprint volume devoted to exact solutions of models of strongly correlated electrons in one spatial dimension by means of the Bethe Ansatz.Comment: Editors 490 pages, World Scientific, 1994, ISBN 981-02-1534-

    Weakly-Supervised Neural Text Classification

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    Deep neural networks are gaining increasing popularity for the classic text classification task, due to their strong expressive power and less requirement for feature engineering. Despite such attractiveness, neural text classification models suffer from the lack of training data in many real-world applications. Although many semi-supervised and weakly-supervised text classification models exist, they cannot be easily applied to deep neural models and meanwhile support limited supervision types. In this paper, we propose a weakly-supervised method that addresses the lack of training data in neural text classification. Our method consists of two modules: (1) a pseudo-document generator that leverages seed information to generate pseudo-labeled documents for model pre-training, and (2) a self-training module that bootstraps on real unlabeled data for model refinement. Our method has the flexibility to handle different types of weak supervision and can be easily integrated into existing deep neural models for text classification. We have performed extensive experiments on three real-world datasets from different domains. The results demonstrate that our proposed method achieves inspiring performance without requiring excessive training data and outperforms baseline methods significantly.Comment: CIKM 2018 Full Pape

    The Discrete Infinite Logistic Normal Distribution

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    We present the discrete infinite logistic normal distribution (DILN), a Bayesian nonparametric prior for mixed membership models. DILN is a generalization of the hierarchical Dirichlet process (HDP) that models correlation structure between the weights of the atoms at the group level. We derive a representation of DILN as a normalized collection of gamma-distributed random variables, and study its statistical properties. We consider applications to topic modeling and derive a variational inference algorithm for approximate posterior inference. We study the empirical performance of the DILN topic model on four corpora, comparing performance with the HDP and the correlated topic model (CTM). To deal with large-scale data sets, we also develop an online inference algorithm for DILN and compare with online HDP and online LDA on the Nature magazine, which contains approximately 350,000 articles.Comment: This paper will appear in Bayesian Analysis. A shorter version of this paper appeared at AISTATS 2011, Fort Lauderdale, FL, US