273,199 research outputs found

    Quality-of-Service differentiation in an integrated services GSM/GPRS network

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    We develop and analyse a generic model for performance evaluation, parameter optimisation and dimensioning in a \textsc{gsm}/\textsc{gprs} network. The model enables analytical evaluation for a scenario of integrated speech, video and data services, potentially offered in distinct priority classes. While a speech call is assigned a single traffic channel for its entire duration, both video and data calls can handle varying channel assignments. The principal distinction between these elastic call types, is that in case of video calls, a more generous channel assignment implies a better throughput and thus call quality, while for data calls the increased throughput implies a reduced sojourn time. Although a broader variety of models can be designed and analysed within the generic framework, the analytical and numerical results are presented for the \textsc{svd} model integrating speech, video and data calls, and for the \textsc{shl} model, integrating speech and two priority classes of data calls. In both models, an access queue is maintained for data calls which cannot be served immediately upon arrival. Markov chain analysis is applied to derive basic performance measures such as the expected channel utilization, service-specific blocking probabilities (\textsc{gos}), expected video \textsc{qos} (throughput) and expected (priority class-specific) data \textsc{qos} (sojourn times). Furthermore, closed-form expressions are derived for the expected video and data \textsc{qos}, conditional on the call duration or file size, respectively, and on the system state at arrival. As a potential application, these measures can be fed back to the caller as an indication of the expected \textsc{qos}. The included numerical study demonstrates the merit of the presented generic model and performance analysis, and provides \textsc{gsm}/\textsc{gprs} network operators with valuable insight in the \textsc{gos} and \textsc{qos} tradeoffs involved in balancing the various controllable system parameters

    Parallel Auditory Filtering By Sustained and Transient Channels Separates Coarticulated Vowels and Consonants

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    A neural model of peripheral auditory processing is described and used to separate features of coarticulated vowels and consonants. After preprocessing of speech via a filterbank, the model splits into two parallel channels, a sustained channel and a transient channel. The sustained channel is sensitive to relatively stable parts of the speech waveform, notably synchronous properties of the vocalic portion of the stimulus it extends the dynamic range of eighth nerve filters using coincidence deteectors that combine operations of raising to a power, rectification, delay, multiplication, time averaging, and preemphasis. The transient channel is sensitive to critical features at the onsets and offsets of speech segments. It is built up from fast excitatory neurons that are modulated by slow inhibitory interneurons. These units are combined over high frequency and low frequency ranges using operations of rectification, normalization, multiplicative gating, and opponent processing. Detectors sensitive to frication and to onset or offset of stop consonants and vowels are described. Model properties are characterized by mathematical analysis and computer simulations. Neural analogs of model cells in the cochlear nucleus and inferior colliculus are noted, as are psychophysical data about perception of CV syllables that may be explained by the sustained transient channel hypothesis. The proposed sustained and transient processing seems to be an auditory analog of the sustained and transient processing that is known to occur in vision.Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-92-J-0225); Advanced Research Projects Agency (AFOSR 90-0083, ONR N00014-92-J-4015); Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-I-0409


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    This study aims to reveal two things, namely the forms of hate speech on the Rocky Gerung Official youtube channel against President Joko Widodo and the forms of illocutionary speech acts in hate speech on the Rocky Gerung Official youtube channel against President Joko Widodo. This type of research is qualitative research with a pragmatic approach. The method used in this study, namely the method of listening to the technique of documentation and note-taking techniques. The data sources for this research are videos on the Rocky Gerung Official youtube channel in 2021-2022. The population of this research is the entire speech containing hate speech on the Rocky Gerung youtube channel. Sampling was done purposively. The data analysis of this research was done descriptively. The results of this study indicate that on the Rocky Gerung Official youtube channel there are six forms of hate speech against President Joko Widodo, namely insults, defamation, unpleasant acts, provocation, incitement, and spreading of false news and there are four forms of illocutionary speech acts in hate speech. Towards President Joko Widodo in the form of assertive, expressive, commissive, and declarative with each function, namely, stating, informing, promising, angry, feeling funny, and giving name


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    This research  was conducted to examine speech act in the video script of Lampu Islam Youtube Channel. The edition of the video is entitled An Atheist Converting to Islam. This study aims to answer the problem about the classification of speech act found in the video script. This research applied the theory of speech act proposed by Austin and further developed by Searle. There are three types of speech act. The classification involves locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary acts. The result of the research shows that all the type of Speech Act can be found in the video script. The utterances which belong to locutionary act reach four (4) occurrences. For illocutionary, there are two (2) utterances. Then, the utterances of perlocutionary acts occur most dominantly with sixteen (16) occurrences. Perlocutionary act reaches 62.5% occurrences in the video script. From the analysis, it can be concluded that the script is intended to give an effect to the listeners of the channel and to offer ideas to other people


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    This research was taken from online media in the form of a speech on a YouTube channel called the English Speeches Channel featuring an inspiring woman named Muniba Mazari Baloch. She is a Pakistani artist, model, activist, motivational speaker, singer, social reformer, and television host. Her motivational speech is titled we all are Perfectly Imperfect. This research accompaniment three research questions by analyzing the types of presuppositions contained in Muniba Mazari's speech and determining the type of presupposition in his speech that comes up with the confession discourse function, then knowing how far her confessions influences her audiencess through what he delivers. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative by analyzing several utterances in her speech, through two approaches of theory pragmatic presupposition and confessional discourse analysis. The results showed that Muniba Mazari used all types of pragmatic presuppositions (Existential, Factive, Non-Factive, Lexical, Structural, and Counterfactual). Through this type of presupposition, Muniba Mazari also brings out the function of confessional discourse. The function of confessional discourse contained in her speech is a therapeutic, didactic, and interrogatory function. During the research, researchers found the main threat from the combination of these two theories is the strength of Motivational Assertion. The main threat that became the main idea as the direction of Muniba Mazari's speech in motivating her audiences. Then, this main thread also asserts how powerful Muniba Mazari's speech was. In this context, the results bring about optimism, achievable objectives, passion, and confidence. Finally, Muniba Mazari's speech entitled We Are Perfectly Imperfect which contains many moral messages can be said to be a motivational speech. It can be manifested in learning-teaching process. The result of combining these two theories produces the main thread that can be applied by several teachers in motivating their students in the learning-teaching process

    Estimation of Frame Independent and Enhancement Components for Speech Communication over Packet Networks

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    In this paper, we describe a new approach to cope with packet loss in speech coders. The idea is to split the information present in each speech packet into two components, one to independently decode the given speech frame and one to enhance it by exploiting interframe dependencies. The scheme is based on sparse linear prediction and a redefinition of the analysis-by-synthesis process. We presentMean Opinion Scores for the presented coder with different degrees of packet loss and show that it performs similarly to frame dependent coders for low packet loss probability and similarly to frame independent coders for high packet loss probability. We also present ideas on how to make the coder work synergistically with the channel loss estimate

    Modeling Sub-Band Information Through Discrete Wavelet Transform to Improve Intelligibility Assessment of Dysarthric Speech

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    The speech signal within a sub-band varies at a fine level depending on the type, and level of dysarthria. The Mel-frequency filterbank used in the computation process of cepstral coefficients smoothed out this fine level information in the higher frequency regions due to the larger bandwidth of filters. To capture the sub-band information, in this paper, four-level discrete wavelet transform (DWT) decomposition is firstly performed to decompose the input speech signal into approximation and detail coefficients, respectively, at each level. For a particular input speech signal, five speech signals representing different sub-bands are then reconstructed using inverse DWT (IDWT). The log filterbank energies are computed by analyzing the short-term discrete Fourier transform magnitude spectra of each reconstructed speech using a 30-channel Mel-filterbank. For each analysis frame, the log filterbank energies obtained across all reconstructed speech signals are pooled together, and discrete cosine transform is performed to represent the cepstral feature, here termed as discrete wavelet transform reconstructed (DWTR)- Mel frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC). The i-vector based dysarthric level assessment system developed on the universal access speech corpus shows that the proposed DTWRMFCC feature outperforms the conventional MFCC and several other cepstral features reported for a similar task. The usages of DWTR- MFCC improve the detection accuracy rate (DAR) of the dysarthric level assessment system in the text and the speaker-independent test case to 60.094 % from 56.646 % MFCC baseline. Further analysis of the confusion matrices shows that confusion among different dysarthric classes is quite different for MFCC and DWTR-MFCC features. Motivated by this observation, a two-stage classification approach employing discriminating power of both kinds of features is proposed to improve the overall performance of the developed dysarthric level assessment system. The two-stage classification scheme further improves the DAR to 65.813 % in the text and speaker- independent test case