21,886 research outputs found

    Negotiation Games

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    Negotiations, a model of concurrency with multi party negotiation as primitive, have been recently introduced by J. Desel and J. Esparza. We initiate the study of games for this model. We study coalition problems: can a given coalition of agents force that a negotiation terminates (resp. block the negotiation so that it goes on forever)?; can the coalition force a given outcome of the negotiation? We show that for arbitrary negotiations the problems are EXPTIME-complete. Then we show that for sound and deterministic or even weakly deterministic negotiations the problems can be solved in PTIME. Notice that the input of the problems is a negotiation, which can be exponentially more compact than its state space.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2015, arXiv:1509.06858. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1405.682

    Tight polynomial worst-case bounds for loop programs

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    In 2008, Ben-Amram, Jones and Kristiansen showed that for a simple programming language - representing non-deterministic imperative programs with bounded loops, and arithmetics limited to addition and multiplication - it is possible to decide precisely whether a program has certain growth-rate properties, in particular whether a computed value, or the program's running time, has a polynomial growth rate. A natural and intriguing problem was to move from answering the decision problem to giving a quantitative result, namely, a tight polynomial upper bound. This paper shows how to obtain asymptotically-tight, multivariate, disjunctive polynomial bounds for this class of programs. This is a complete solution: whenever a polynomial bound exists it will be found. A pleasant surprise is that the algorithm is quite simple; but it relies on some subtle reasoning. An important ingredient in the proof is the forest factorization theorem, a strong structural result on homomorphisms into a finite monoid

    Superiority of one-way and realtime quantum machines and new directions

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    In automata theory, the quantum computation has been widely examined for finite state machines, known as quantum finite automata (QFAs), and less attention has been given to the QFAs augmented with counters or stacks. Moreover, to our knowledge, there is no result related to QFAs having more than one input head. In this paper, we focus on such generalizations of QFAs whose input head(s) operate(s) in one-way or realtime mode and present many superiority of them to their classical counterparts. Furthermore, we propose some open problems and conjectures in order to investigate the power of quantumness better. We also give some new results on classical computation.Comment: A revised edition with some correction

    Finite state verifiers with constant randomness

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    We give a new characterization of NL\mathsf{NL} as the class of languages whose members have certificates that can be verified with small error in polynomial time by finite state machines that use a constant number of random bits, as opposed to its conventional description in terms of deterministic logarithmic-space verifiers. It turns out that allowing two-way interaction with the prover does not change the class of verifiable languages, and that no polynomially bounded amount of randomness is useful for constant-memory computers when used as language recognizers, or public-coin verifiers. A corollary of our main result is that the class of outcome problems corresponding to O(log n)-space bounded games of incomplete information where the universal player is allowed a constant number of moves equals NL.Comment: 17 pages. An improved versio

    History-Register Automata

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    Programs with dynamic allocation are able to create and use an unbounded number of fresh resources, such as references, objects, files, etc. We propose History-Register Automata (HRA), a new automata-theoretic formalism for modelling such programs. HRAs extend the expressiveness of previous approaches and bring us to the limits of decidability for reachability checks. The distinctive feature of our machines is their use of unbounded memory sets (histories) where input symbols can be selectively stored and compared with symbols to follow. In addition, stored symbols can be consumed or deleted by reset. We show that the combination of consumption and reset capabilities renders the automata powerful enough to imitate counter machines, and yields closure under all regular operations apart from complementation. We moreover examine weaker notions of HRAs which strike different balances between expressiveness and effectiveness.Comment: LMCS (improved version of FoSSaCS

    Commutative Languages and their Composition by Consensual Methods

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    Commutative languages with the semilinear property (SLIP) can be naturally recognized by real-time NLOG-SPACE multi-counter machines. We show that unions and concatenations of such languages can be similarly recognized, relying on -- and further developing, our recent results on the family of consensually regular (CREG) languages. A CREG language is defined by a regular language on the alphabet that includes the terminal alphabet and its marked copy. New conditions, for ensuring that the union or concatenation of CREG languages is closed, are presented and applied to the commutative SLIP languages. The paper contributes to the knowledge of the CREG family, and introduces novel techniques for language composition, based on arithmetic congruences that act as language signatures. Open problems are listed.Comment: In Proceedings AFL 2014, arXiv:1405.527
