658 research outputs found

    Horizontal isogeny graphs of ordinary abelian varieties and the discrete logarithm problem

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    Fix an ordinary abelian variety defined over a finite field. The ideal class group of its endomorphism ring acts freely on the set of isogenous varieties with same endomorphism ring, by complex multiplication. Any subgroup of the class group, and generating set thereof, induces an isogeny graph on the orbit of the variety for this subgroup. We compute (under the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis) some bounds on the norms of prime ideals generating it, such that the associated graph has good expansion properties. We use these graphs, together with a recent algorithm of Dudeanu, Jetchev and Robert for computing explicit isogenies in genus 2, to prove random self-reducibility of the discrete logarithm problem within the subclasses of principally polarizable ordinary abelian surfaces with fixed endomorphism ring. In addition, we remove the heuristics in the complexity analysis of an algorithm of Galbraith for explicitly computing isogenies between two elliptic curves in the same isogeny class, and extend it to a more general setting including genus 2.Comment: 18 page

    Isogeny graphs of ordinary abelian varieties

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    Fix a prime number â„“\ell. Graphs of isogenies of degree a power of â„“\ell are well-understood for elliptic curves, but not for higher-dimensional abelian varieties. We study the case of absolutely simple ordinary abelian varieties over a finite field. We analyse graphs of so-called l\mathfrak l-isogenies, resolving that they are (almost) volcanoes in any dimension. Specializing to the case of principally polarizable abelian surfaces, we then exploit this structure to describe graphs of a particular class of isogenies known as (â„“,â„“)(\ell, \ell)-isogenies: those whose kernels are maximal isotropic subgroups of the â„“\ell-torsion for the Weil pairing. We use these two results to write an algorithm giving a path of computable isogenies from an arbitrary absolutely simple ordinary abelian surface towards one with maximal endomorphism ring, which has immediate consequences for the CM-method in genus 2, for computing explicit isogenies, and for the random self-reducibility of the discrete logarithm problem in genus 2 cryptography.Comment: 36 pages, 4 figure

    Generalised Fermat Hypermaps and Galois Orbits

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    We consider families of quasiplatonic Riemann surfaces characterised by the fact that -- as in the case of Fermat curves of exponent nn -- their underlying regular (Walsh) hypermap is the complete bipartite graph Kn,n K_{n,n} , where n n is an odd prime power. We will show that all these surfaces, regarded as algebraic curves, are defined over abelian number fields. We will determine the orbits under the action of the absolute Galois group, their minimal fields of definition, and in some easier cases also their defining equations. The paper relies on group-- and graph--theoretic results by G. A. Jones, R. Nedela and M.\v{S}koviera about regular embeddings of the graphs Kn,nK_{n,n} [JN\v{S}] and generalises the analogous question for maps treated in [JStW], partly using different methods.Comment: 14 pages, new version with extended introduction, minor corrections and updated reference

    Ideal webs, moduli spaces of local systems, and 3d Calabi-Yau categories

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    A decorated surface S is an oriented surface with punctures and a finite set of marked points on the boundary, such that each boundary component has a marked point. We introduce ideal bipartite graphs on S. Each of them is related to a group G of type A, and gives rise to cluster coordinate systems on certain spaces of G-local systems on S. These coordinate systems generalize the ones assigned to ideal triangulations of S. A bipartite graph on S gives rise to a quiver with a canonical potential. The latter determines a triangulated 3d CY category with a cluster collection of spherical objects. Given an ideal bipartite graph on S, we define an extension of the mapping class group of S which acts by symmetries of the category. There is a family of open CY 3-folds over the universal Hitchin base, whose intermediate Jacobians describe the Hitchin system. We conjecture that the 3d CY category with cluster collection is equivalent to a full subcategory of the Fukaya category of a generic threefold of the family, equipped with a cluster collection of special Lagrangian spheres. For SL(2) a substantial part of the story is already known thanks to Bridgeland, Keller, Labardini-Fragoso, Nagao, Smith, and others. We hope that ideal bipartite graphs provide special examples of the Gaiotto-Moore-Neitzke spectral networks.Comment: 60 page

    Extensions of the universal theta divisor

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    The Jacobian varieties of smooth curves fit together to form a family, the universal Jacobian, over the moduli space of smooth marked curves, and the theta divisors of these curves form a divisor in the universal Jacobian. In this paper we describe how to extend these families over the moduli space of stable marked curves (or rather an open subset thereof) using a stability parameter. We then prove a wall-crossing formula describing how the theta divisor varies with the stability parameter. We use that result to analyze a divisor on the moduli space of smooth marked curves that has recently been studied by Grushevsky-Zakharov, Hain and M\"uller. In particular, we compute the pullback of the theta divisor studied in Alexeev's work on stable abelic varieties and in Caporaso's work on theta divisors of compactified Jacobians.Comment: 42 pages, 5 figures. Final version. Added Section 4.1, which describes how divisor classes other than the theta divisor var
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