2 research outputs found

    Comparison of two deep learning methods for detecting fire hotspots

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    Every high-rise building must meet construction requirements, i.e. it must have good safety to prevent unexpected events such as fire incident. To avoid the occurrence of a bigger fire, surveillance using closed circuit television (CCTV) videos is necessary. However, it is impossible for security forces to monitor for a full day. One of the methods that can be used to help security forces is deep learning method. In this study, we use two deep learning methods to detect fire hotspots, i.e. you only look once (YOLO) method and faster region-based convolutional neural network (faster R-CNN) method. The first stage, we collected 100 image data (70 training data and 30 test data). The next stage is model training which aims to make the model can recognize fire. Later, we calculate precision, recall, accuracy, and F1 score to measure performance of model. If the F1 score is close to 1, then the balance is optimal. In our experiment results, we found that YOLO has a precision is 100%, recall is 54.54%, accuracy is 66.67%, and F1 score is 0.70583667. While faster R-CNN has a precision is 87.5%, recall is 95.45%, accuracy is 86.67%, and F1 score is 0.913022

    Two-Step Real-Time Night-Time Fire Detection in an Urban Environment Using Static ELASTIC-YOLOv3 and Temporal Fire-Tube

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    While the number of casualties and amount of property damage caused by fires in urban areas are increasing each year, studies on their automatic detection have not maintained pace with the scale of such fire damage. Camera-based fire detection systems have numerous advantages over conventional sensor-based methods, but most research in this area has been limited to daytime use. However, night-time fire detection in urban areas is more difficult to achieve than daytime detection owing to the presence of ambient lighting such as headlights, neon signs, and streetlights. Therefore, in this study, we propose an algorithm that can quickly detect a fire at night in urban areas by reflecting its night-time characteristics. It is termed ELASTIC-YOLOv3 (which is an improvement over the existing YOLOv3) to detect fire candidate areas quickly and accurately, regardless of the size of the fire during the pre-processing stage. To reflect the dynamic characteristics of a night-time flame, N frames are accumulated to create a temporal fire-tube, and a histogram of the optical flow of the flame is extracted from the fire-tube and converted into a bag-of-features (BoF) histogram. The BoF is then applied to a random forest classifier, which achieves a fast classification and high classification performance of the tabular features to verify a fire candidate. Based on a performance comparison against a few other state-of-the-art fire detection methods, the proposed method can increase the fire detection at night compared to deep neural network (DNN)-based methods and achieves a reduced processing time without any loss in accuracy