6,724 research outputs found

    The Unity of Two Solitudes

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    Ethnicity and Feminism: Two Solitudes?

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    A synthesis of race, class, and gender perspectives into a holistic and inclusive theory and practice is essential not only to advance scholarship, but also to begin to deal practically with issues of subordination. The women's movement must understand the nature of racism and class exploitation and its interdependencies with sexism. Similarly, groups committed to the liberation of ethnic/racial minorities must understand sexism and class exploitation and its relationship to racism. These groups, however, seem to have somewhat limited understanding of each other's priorities and, therefore, are often antagonistic of each other. Capitalist society and the racism and sexism it institutionalizes are strengthened by these antagonisms. The systemic nature of women's oppression and the institutional racism against minority groups must be understood within the context of the state. Sexism, racism and class exploitation constitute interlocking systems of domination, all of which share an ideological foundation.La synthĂšse des perspectives de race, de classe et de sexe dans une thĂ©orie et une pratique holistiques et inclusives est essentielle non seulement pour faire avancer l'Ă©rudition, mais aussi pour commencer Ă  trouver des solutions pratiques aux questions de subordination. Dans le mouvement fĂ©ministe, il faut comprendre la nature du racisme et de l'exploitation des classes et les facteurs de dĂ©pendance entre ces derniers et le sexisme. De mĂȘme, les groupes luttant pour la libĂ©ration des minoritĂ©s ethniques/raciales doivent comprendre le sexisme et l'exploitation des classes ainsi que leur apport avec le racisme. Cependant, chacun de ces groupes semble ne comprendre que d'une façon limitĂ©e les prioritĂ©s des autres, et ils sont donc souvent antagonistiques les uns envers les autres. Par ailleurs, la sociĂ©tĂ© capitaliste ainsi que le racisme et le sexisme qu'elle institutionnalise, sont renforcĂ©s par ces antagonismes. Cest donc dans le contexte de l'Ă©tat qu'il faut comprendre la nature systĂ©matique de l'oppression de la femme et le racisme institutionnel envers les groupes minoritaires. Le sexisme, le racisme et l'exploitation des classes constituent des systĂšmes de domination imbriquĂ©s, lesquels partagent tous une fondation idĂ©ologique

    EBL and Library Assessment: Two Solitudes?

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    Leisure Studies and Christian Scholarship: Two Solitudes?

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    This paper examines the interrelationships between scholarly Christian writings on leisure and leisure studies literature. As an academic field of study leisure studies is a fairly recent development, however throughout Christian history leisure has been considered by Christians such as Augustine, Aquinas, Luther and Calvin. A number of observations can be made from a review of these two bodies of literature. First, although numerous books have been written in recent decades by Christian scholars on the subject of leisure, very few of these scholars have been leisure studies scholars, and in most cases, these Christian writings have not made reference to some concepts prevalent in leisure studies literature (e.g., leisure as a state of mind, feminist perspectives, serious leisure). Second, with a few exceptions, leisure studies literature rarely references these Christian writings on leisure. Third, leisure studies literature sometimes takes biblical verses out of context and portrays the leisure attitudes and behaviours of some Christian groups such as the Puritans in an overly negative manner. Fourth, the recent interest within the leisure studies field of the relationship between leisure and spirituality offers the possibility of some convergence between the two bodies of literature, although the leisure studies literature tends to favour a more humanistic view of spirituality. In particular, qualitative research studies on leisure and spirituality give a voice to Christian perspectives as expressed through the words of Christian participants

    Discourse analysis and content analysis: Two solitudes?

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    In this essay, we outline the key features of discourse analysis, contrast it with content analysis, and then consider the extent to which these two methods can be seen as either complementary to, or in conflict with, each other. Our underlying premise is pluralist in that while we recognize that these two methods are based in very different philosophical camps and play very different roles in social science research, we also believe that they can be seen as complementary and even mutually supportive in the exploration of social reality. Furthermore, given the recent “linguistic turn” in social science and the related increasing interest in the study of texts of various kinds, the contrast between these two methods provides a particularly useful context in which to discuss assumptions about the nature of language and the role of linguistic methods in social research

    The Smith Commission, federalism, or independence: Can the Union survive the election?

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    Not only could federalism work for Britain, it may be the only constitutional system which can now hold the country together. The real obstacle is that such a solution does not appear to be in the political interests of either of the two solitudes which ‘won’ the election, writes Stephen Tierney

    Two solitudes: Singalesi e Tamil tra Catania e Palermo

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    Immigrants from Sri Lanka in Sicily are the prevailing representatives of the Indian Subcontinent. Their migration took place with the beginning of the ethnic conflict which started in 1983. The two communities, Sinhalese and Tamils, decided to settle respectively in Catania and Palermo proposing the same distrust of the conflict. So the “two solitudes” of the two major Sicilian cities are also the mirror of the lack of communication of the two ethnic groups of Sri Lanka

    Hugh MacLennan As I Knew Him

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    Differentiating knowledge processes in organisational learning: A case of “two solitudes”

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    The fields of organizational behavior (OB)/strategy and marketing have taken different paths over the past two decades to understanding organizational learning. OB/strategy has been pre-occupied with theory development and case study illustrations, whereas marketing has taken a highly quantitative path. Although relying on essentially the same foundation theory, the two disciplines have had minimal crossfertilization. Furthermore, both fields tend to blur or usually ignore the distinction between structural and informal knowledge processes. The purpose of the paper is to highlight the distinction between informal and structural knowledge acquisition and dissemination processes and propose new definitions to differentiate them. Future research should bring together cross-disciplinary studies from OB/strategy and marketing to develop an organizational learning framework to test structural knowledge processes alongside informal knowledge processes.</jats:p
