3 research outputs found

    Remotality of certain sets Lp(I,X)

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    Let X be a Banach space and let (I, Ω, µ) be a measure space. For 1 ≤ p < ∞, let Lp (I, X) denote the space of Bochner p−integrable functions defined on I with values in X. The object of this paper is to give sufficient conditions for remotality of L1 (I, H) + L1 (I, G) in L1 (I, X), where H and G are two bounded sets in X which include as a special case remotality of L1 (I) ∧ ⊗ G + H ∧ ⊗ L1 (I) in L1 (I × I).Publisher's Versio

    MM-structures in vector-valued polynomial spaces

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    This paper is concerned with the study of MM-structures in spaces of polynomials. More precisely, we discuss for EE and FF Banach spaces, whether the class of weakly continuous on bounded sets nn-homogeneous polynomials, Pw(nE,F)\mathcal P_w(^n E, F), is an MM-ideal in the space of continuous nn-homogeneous polynomials P(nE,F)\mathcal P(^n E, F). We show that there is some hope for this to happen only for a finite range of values of nn. We establish sufficient conditions under which the problem has positive and negative answers and use the obtained results to study the particular cases when E=â„“pE=\ell_p and F=â„“qF=\ell_q or FF is a Lorentz sequence space d(w,q)d(w,q). We extend to our setting the notion of property (M)(M) introduced by Kalton which allows us to lift MM-structures from the linear to the vector-valued polynomial context. Also, when Pw(nE,F)\mathcal P_w(^n E, F) is an MM-ideal in P(nE,F)\mathcal P(^n E, F) we prove a Bishop-Phelps type result for vector-valued polynomials and relate norm-attaining polynomials with farthest points and remotal sets

    Two remarks on remotality

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