3,343 research outputs found

    3nj Morphogenesis and Semiclassical Disentangling

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    Recoupling coefficients (3nj symbols) are unitary transformations between binary coupled eigenstates of N=(n+1) mutually commuting SU(2) angular momentum operators. They have been used in a variety of applications in spectroscopy, quantum chemistry and nuclear physics and quite recently also in quantum gravity and quantum computing. These coefficients, naturally associated to cubic Yutsis graphs, share a number of intriguing combinatorial, algebraic, and analytical features that make them fashinating objects to be studied on their own. In this paper we develop a bottom--up, systematic procedure for the generation of 3nj from 3(n-1)j diagrams by resorting to diagrammatical and algebraic methods. We provide also a novel approach to the problem of classifying various regimes of semiclassical expansions of 3nj coefficients (asymptotic disentangling of 3nj diagrams) for n > 2 by means of combinatorial, analytical and numerical tools

    Restarted Hessenberg method for solving shifted nonsymmetric linear systems

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    It is known that the restarted full orthogonalization method (FOM) outperforms the restarted generalized minimum residual (GMRES) method in several circumstances for solving shifted linear systems when the shifts are handled simultaneously. Many variants of them have been proposed to enhance their performance. We show that another restarted method, the restarted Hessenberg method [M. Heyouni, M\'ethode de Hessenberg G\'en\'eralis\'ee et Applications, Ph.D. Thesis, Universit\'e des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France, 1996] based on Hessenberg procedure, can effectively be employed, which can provide accelerating convergence rate with respect to the number of restarts. Theoretical analysis shows that the new residual of shifted restarted Hessenberg method is still collinear with each other. In these cases where the proposed algorithm needs less enough CPU time elapsed to converge than the earlier established restarted shifted FOM, weighted restarted shifted FOM, and some other popular shifted iterative solvers based on the short-term vector recurrence, as shown via extensive numerical experiments involving the recent popular applications of handling the time fractional differential equations.Comment: 19 pages, 7 tables. Some corrections for updating the reference

    Porous medium equation with nonlocal pressure

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    We provide a rather complete description of the results obtained so far on the nonlinear diffusion equation ut=∇⋅(um−1∇(−Δ)−su)u_t=\nabla\cdot (u^{m-1}\nabla (-\Delta)^{-s}u), which describes a flow through a porous medium driven by a nonlocal pressure. We consider constant parameters m>1m>1 and 0<s<10<s<1, we assume that the solutions are non-negative, and the problem is posed in the whole space. We present a theory of existence of solutions, results on uniqueness, and relation to other models. As new results of this paper, we prove the existence of self-similar solutions in the range when N=1N=1 and m>2m>2, and the asymptotic behavior of solutions when N=1N=1. The cases m=1m = 1 and m=2m = 2 were rather well known.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figure
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