17,058 research outputs found

    RSP-Based Analysis for Sparsest and Least 1\ell_1-Norm Solutions to Underdetermined Linear Systems

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    Recently, the worse-case analysis, probabilistic analysis and empirical justification have been employed to address the fundamental question: When does 1\ell_1-minimization find the sparsest solution to an underdetermined linear system? In this paper, a deterministic analysis, rooted in the classic linear programming theory, is carried out to further address this question. We first identify a necessary and sufficient condition for the uniqueness of least 1\ell_1-norm solutions to linear systems. From this condition, we deduce that a sparsest solution coincides with the unique least 1\ell_1-norm solution to a linear system if and only if the so-called \emph{range space property} (RSP) holds at this solution. This yields a broad understanding of the relationship between 0\ell_0- and 1\ell_1-minimization problems. Our analysis indicates that the RSP truly lies at the heart of the relationship between these two problems. Through RSP-based analysis, several important questions in this field can be largely addressed. For instance, how to efficiently interpret the gap between the current theory and the actual numerical performance of 1\ell_1-minimization by a deterministic analysis, and if a linear system has multiple sparsest solutions, when does 1\ell_1-minimization guarantee to find one of them? Moreover, new matrix properties (such as the \emph{RSP of order KK} and the \emph{Weak-RSP of order KK}) are introduced in this paper, and a new theory for sparse signal recovery based on the RSP of order KK is established

    Polar Polytopes and Recovery of Sparse Representations

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    Suppose we have a signal y which we wish to represent using a linear combination of a number of basis atoms a_i, y=sum_i x_i a_i = Ax. The problem of finding the minimum L0 norm representation for y is a hard problem. The Basis Pursuit (BP) approach proposes to find the minimum L1 norm representation instead, which corresponds to a linear program (LP) that can be solved using modern LP techniques, and several recent authors have given conditions for the BP (minimum L1 norm) and sparse (minimum L0 solutions) representations to be identical. In this paper, we explore this sparse representation problem} using the geometry of convex polytopes, as recently introduced into the field by Donoho. By considering the dual LP we find that the so-called polar polytope P of the centrally-symmetric polytope P whose vertices are the atom pairs +-a_i is particularly helpful in providing us with geometrical insight into optimality conditions given by Fuchs and Tropp for non-unit-norm atom sets. In exploring this geometry we are able to tighten some of these earlier results, showing for example that the Fuchs condition is both necessary and sufficient for L1-unique-optimality, and that there are situations where Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) can eventually find all L1-unique-optimal solutions with m nonzeros even if ERC fails for m, if allowed to run for more than m steps

    Block-Sparse Recovery via Convex Optimization

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    Given a dictionary that consists of multiple blocks and a signal that lives in the range space of only a few blocks, we study the problem of finding a block-sparse representation of the signal, i.e., a representation that uses the minimum number of blocks. Motivated by signal/image processing and computer vision applications, such as face recognition, we consider the block-sparse recovery problem in the case where the number of atoms in each block is arbitrary, possibly much larger than the dimension of the underlying subspace. To find a block-sparse representation of a signal, we propose two classes of non-convex optimization programs, which aim to minimize the number of nonzero coefficient blocks and the number of nonzero reconstructed vectors from the blocks, respectively. Since both classes of problems are NP-hard, we propose convex relaxations and derive conditions under which each class of the convex programs is equivalent to the original non-convex formulation. Our conditions depend on the notions of mutual and cumulative subspace coherence of a dictionary, which are natural generalizations of existing notions of mutual and cumulative coherence. We evaluate the performance of the proposed convex programs through simulations as well as real experiments on face recognition. We show that treating the face recognition problem as a block-sparse recovery problem improves the state-of-the-art results by 10% with only 25% of the training data.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Robust Low-Rank Subspace Segmentation with Semidefinite Guarantees

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    Recently there is a line of research work proposing to employ Spectral Clustering (SC) to segment (group){Throughout the paper, we use segmentation, clustering, and grouping, and their verb forms, interchangeably.} high-dimensional structural data such as those (approximately) lying on subspaces {We follow {liu2010robust} and use the term "subspace" to denote both linear subspaces and affine subspaces. There is a trivial conversion between linear subspaces and affine subspaces as mentioned therein.} or low-dimensional manifolds. By learning the affinity matrix in the form of sparse reconstruction, techniques proposed in this vein often considerably boost the performance in subspace settings where traditional SC can fail. Despite the success, there are fundamental problems that have been left unsolved: the spectrum property of the learned affinity matrix cannot be gauged in advance, and there is often one ugly symmetrization step that post-processes the affinity for SC input. Hence we advocate to enforce the symmetric positive semidefinite constraint explicitly during learning (Low-Rank Representation with Positive SemiDefinite constraint, or LRR-PSD), and show that factually it can be solved in an exquisite scheme efficiently instead of general-purpose SDP solvers that usually scale up poorly. We provide rigorous mathematical derivations to show that, in its canonical form, LRR-PSD is equivalent to the recently proposed Low-Rank Representation (LRR) scheme {liu2010robust}, and hence offer theoretic and practical insights to both LRR-PSD and LRR, inviting future research. As per the computational cost, our proposal is at most comparable to that of LRR, if not less. We validate our theoretic analysis and optimization scheme by experiments on both synthetic and real data sets.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. Accepted by ICDM Workshop on Optimization Based Methods for Emerging Data Mining Problems (OEDM), 2010. Main proof simplified and typos corrected. Experimental data slightly adde