1,998 research outputs found

    On Acquisition and Analysis of a Dataset Comprising of Gait, Ear and Semantic data

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    In outdoor scenarios such as surveillance where there is very little control over the environments, complex computer vision algorithms are often required for analysis. However constrained environments, such as walkways in airports where the surroundings and the path taken by individuals can be controlled, provide an ideal application for such systems. Figure 1.1 depicts an idealised constrained environment. The path taken by the subject is restricted to a narrow path and once inside is in a volume where lighting and other conditions are controlled to facilitate biometric analysis. The ability to control the surroundings and the flow of people greatly simplifes the computer vision task, compared to typical unconstrained environments. Even though biometric datasets with greater than one hundred people are increasingly common, there is still very little known about the inter and intra-subject variation in many biometrics. This information is essential to estimate the recognition capability and limits of automatic recognition systems. In order to accurately estimate the inter- and the intra- class variance, substantially larger datasets are required [40]. Covariates such as facial expression, headwear, footwear type, surface type and carried items are attracting increasing attention; although considering the potentially large impact on an individuals biometrics, large trials need to be conducted to establish how much variance results. This chapter is the first description of the multibiometric data acquired using the University of Southampton's Multi-Biometric Tunnel [26, 37]; a biometric portal using automatic gait, face and ear recognition for identification purposes. The tunnel provides a constrained environment and is ideal for use in high throughput security scenarios and for the collection of large datasets. We describe the current state of data acquisition of face, gait, ear, and semantic data and present early results showing the quality and range of data that has been collected. The main novelties of this dataset in comparison with other multi-biometric datasets are: 1. gait data exists for multiple views and is synchronised, allowing 3D reconstruction and analysis; 2. the face data is a sequence of images allowing for face recognition in video; 3. the ear data is acquired in a relatively unconstrained environment, as a subject walks past; and 4. the semantic data is considerably more extensive than has been available previously. We shall aim to show the advantages of this new data in biometric analysis, though the scope for such analysis is considerably greater than time and space allows for here

    FaceQnet: Quality Assessment for Face Recognition based on Deep Learning

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    In this paper we develop a Quality Assessment approach for face recognition based on deep learning. The method consists of a Convolutional Neural Network, FaceQnet, that is used to predict the suitability of a specific input image for face recognition purposes. The training of FaceQnet is done using the VGGFace2 database. We employ the BioLab-ICAO framework for labeling the VGGFace2 images with quality information related to their ICAO compliance level. The groundtruth quality labels are obtained using FaceNet to generate comparison scores. We employ the groundtruth data to fine-tune a ResNet-based CNN, making it capable of returning a numerical quality measure for each input image. Finally, we verify if the FaceQnet scores are suitable to predict the expected performance when employing a specific image for face recognition with a COTS face recognition system. Several conclusions can be drawn from this work, most notably: 1) we managed to employ an existing ICAO compliance framework and a pretrained CNN to automatically label data with quality information, 2) we trained FaceQnet for quality estimation by fine-tuning a pre-trained face recognition network (ResNet-50), and 3) we have shown that the predictions from FaceQnet are highly correlated with the face recognition accuracy of a state-of-the-art commercial system not used during development. FaceQnet is publicly available in GitHub.Comment: Preprint version of a paper accepted at ICB 201

    Face recognition technologies for evidential evaluation of video traces

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    Human recognition from video traces is an important task in forensic investigations and evidence evaluations. Compared with other biometric traits, face is one of the most popularly used modalities for human recognition due to the fact that its collection is non-intrusive and requires less cooperation from the subjects. Moreover, face images taken at a long distance can still provide reasonable resolution, while most biometric modalities, such as iris and fingerprint, do not have this merit. In this chapter, we discuss automatic face recognition technologies for evidential evaluations of video traces. We first introduce the general concepts in both forensic and automatic face recognition , then analyse the difficulties in face recognition from videos . We summarise and categorise the approaches for handling different uncontrollable factors in difficult recognition conditions. Finally we discuss some challenges and trends in face recognition research in both forensics and biometrics . Given its merits tested in many deployed systems and great potential in other emerging applications, considerable research and development efforts are expected to be devoted in face recognition in the near future

    Quadratic Projection Based Feature Extraction with Its Application to Biometric Recognition

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    This paper presents a novel quadratic projection based feature extraction framework, where a set of quadratic matrices is learned to distinguish each class from all other classes. We formulate quadratic matrix learning (QML) as a standard semidefinite programming (SDP) problem. However, the con- ventional interior-point SDP solvers do not scale well to the problem of QML for high-dimensional data. To solve the scalability of QML, we develop an efficient algorithm, termed DualQML, based on the Lagrange duality theory, to extract nonlinear features. To evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed framework, we conduct extensive experiments on biometric recognition. Experimental results on three representative biometric recogni- tion tasks, including face, palmprint, and ear recognition, demonstrate the superiority of the DualQML-based feature extraction algorithm compared to the current state-of-the-art algorithm