10,001 research outputs found

    Discovering Regression Rules with Ant Colony Optimization

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    The majority of Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithms for data mining have dealt with classification or clustering problems. Regression remains an unexplored research area to the best of our knowledge. This paper proposes a new ACO algorithm that generates regression rules for data mining applications. The new algorithm combines components from an existing deterministic (greedy) separate and conquer algorithm—employing the same quality metrics and continuous attribute processing techniques—allowing a comparison of the two. The new algorithm has been shown to decrease the relative root mean square error when compared to the greedy algorithm. Additionally a different approach to handling continuous attributes was investigated showing further improvements were possible

    An adaptive learning particle swarm optimizer for function optimization

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    This article is posted here with permission of the IEEE - Copyright @ 2009 IEEETraditional particle swarm optimization (PSO) suffers from the premature convergence problem, which usually results in PSO being trapped in local optima. This paper presents an adaptive learning PSO (ALPSO) based on a variant PSO learning strategy. In ALPSO, the learning mechanism of each particle is separated into three parts: its own historical best position, the closest neighbor and the global best one. By using this individual level adaptive technique, a particle can well guide its behavior of exploration and exploitation. A set of 21 test functions were used including un-rotated, rotated and composition functions to test the performance of ALPSO. From the comparison results over several variant PSO algorithms, ALPSO shows an outstanding performance on most test functions, especially the fast convergence characteristic.This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the United Kingdom under Grant EP/E060722/1

    An Investigation into the Merger of Stochastic Diffusion Search and Particle Swarm Optimisation

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    This study reports early research aimed at applying the powerful resource allocation mechanism deployed in Stochastic Diffusion Search (SDS) to the Particle Swarm Optimiser (PSO) metaheuristic, effectively merging the two swarm intelligence algorithms. The results reported herein suggest that the hybrid algorithm, exploiting information sharing between particles, has the potential to improve the optimisation capability of conventional PSOs

    A new sequential covering strategy for inducing classification rules with ant colony algorithms

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    Ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithms have been successfully applied to discover a list of classification rules. In general, these algorithms follow a sequential covering strategy, where a single rule is discovered at each iteration of the algorithm in order to build a list of rules. The sequential covering strategy has the drawback of not coping with the problem of rule interaction, i.e., the outcome of a rule affects the rules that can be discovered subsequently since the search space is modified due to the removal of examples covered by previous rules. This paper proposes a new sequential covering strategy for ACO classification algorithms to mitigate the problem of rule interaction, where the order of the rules is implicitly encoded as pheromone values and the search is guided by the quality of a candidate list of rules. Our experiments using 18 publicly available data sets show that the predictive accuracy obtained by a new ACO classification algorithm implementing the proposed sequential covering strategy is statistically significantly higher than the predictive accuracy of state-of-the-art rule induction classification algorithms

    Cooperation of Nature and Physiologically Inspired Mechanism in Visualisation

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    A novel approach of integrating two swarm intelligence algorithms is considered, one simulating the behaviour of birds flocking (Particle Swarm Optimisation) and the other one (Stochastic Diffusion Search) mimics the recruitment behaviour of one species of ants – Leptothorax acervorum. This hybrid algorithm is assisted by a biological mechanism inspired by the behaviour of blood flow and cells in blood vessels, where the concept of high and low blood pressure is utilised. The performance of the nature-inspired algorithms and the biologically inspired mechanisms in the hybrid algorithm is reflected through a cooperative attempt to make a drawing on the canvas. The scientific value of the marriage between the two swarm intelligence algorithms is currently being investigated thoroughly on many benchmarks and the results reported suggest a promising prospect (al-Rifaie, Bishop & Blackwell, 2011). We also discuss whether or not the ‘art works’ generated by nature and biologically inspired algorithms can possibly be considered as ‘computationally creative’

    A clustering particle swarm optimizer for locating and tracking multiple optima in dynamic environments

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    This article is posted here with permission from the IEEE - Copyright @ 2010 IEEEIn the real world, many optimization problems are dynamic. This requires an optimization algorithm to not only find the global optimal solution under a specific environment but also to track the trajectory of the changing optima over dynamic environments. To address this requirement, this paper investigates a clustering particle swarm optimizer (PSO) for dynamic optimization problems. This algorithm employs a hierarchical clustering method to locate and track multiple peaks. A fast local search method is also introduced to search optimal solutions in a promising subregion found by the clustering method. Experimental study is conducted based on the moving peaks benchmark to test the performance of the clustering PSO in comparison with several state-of-the-art algorithms from the literature. The experimental results show the efficiency of the clustering PSO for locating and tracking multiple optima in dynamic environments in comparison with other particle swarm optimization models based on the multiswarm method.This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council of U.K., under Grant EP/E060722/1