246 research outputs found

    Exploring Public Opinions Toward the Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence Chatbot in Higher Education:An Insight from Topic Modelling and Sentiment Analysis

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    The Generative Artificial Intelligence chatbots (GAI chatbots) have emerged as promising tools in various domains, including higher education, so this study aims to investigate the role of Bard, a newly developed GAI chatbot, in higher education. English tweets were collected from Twitter's free streaming Application Programming Interface (API). The Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) algorithm was applied to extract latent topics from the tweets. User sentiments were extracted using the NRC Affect Intensity Lexicon and SentiStrength tools. This study explored the benefits, challenges, and future implications of integrating GAI chatbots in higher education. The findings shed light on the potential power of such tools, exemplified by Bard, in enhancing the learning process and providing support to students throughout their educational journe

    Nota Bene, February 15, 2012

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    Entity linking is a task of extracting information that links the mentioned entity in a collection of text with their similar knowledge base as well as it is the task of allocating unique identity to various entities such as locations, individuals and companies. Knowledgebase (KB) is used to optimize the information collection, organization and for retrieval of information. Heterogeneous information networks (HIN) comprises multiple-type interlinked objects with various types of relationship which are becoming increasingly most popular named bibliographic networks, social media networks as well including the typical relational database data. In HIN, there are various data objects are interconnected through various relations. The entity linkage determines the corresponding entities from unstructured web text, in the existing HIN. This work is the most important and it is the most challenge because of ambiguity and existing limited knowledge. Some HIN could be considered as a domain-specific KB. The current Entity Linking (EL) systems aimed towards corpora which contain heterogeneous as web information and it performs sub-optimally on the domain-specific corpora. The EL systems used one or more general or specific domains of linking such as DBpedia, Wikipedia, Freebase, IMDB, YAGO, Wordnet and MKB. This paper presents a survey on domain-specific entity linking with HIN. This survey describes with a deep understanding of HIN, which includes datasets,types and examples with related concepts.Povezivanje entiteta je zadatak izvlačenja podataka koji povezuju spomenuti entitet u zbirci teksta sa njihovom sličnom bazom znanja, kao i zadatak dodjeljivanja jedinstvenog identiteta različitim entitetima, kao što su lokacije, pojedinci i tvrtke. Baza znanja (BZ) koristi se za optimizaciju prikupljanja, organizacije i pronalaženja informacija. Heterogene mreže informacija (HMI) obuhvaćaju višestruke međusobno povezane objekte različitih vrsta odnosa koji postaju sve popularniji i nazivaju se bibliografskim mrežama, mrežama društvenih medija, uključujući tipične podatke relacijske baze podataka. U HMI-u postoje razni podaci koji su međusobno povezani kroz različite odnose. Povezanost entiteta određuje odgovarajuće entitete iz nestrukturiranog teksta na webu u postojećem HMI-u. Ovaj je rad najvažniji i najveći izazov zbog nejasnoće i postojećeg ograničenog znanja. Neki se HMI mogu smatrati BZ-om specifičnim za domenu. Trenutni sustav povezivanja entiteta (PE) usmjeren je prema korpusima koji sadrže heterogene informacije kao web informacije i oni djeluju suptimalno na korpusima specifičnim za domenu. PE sustavi koristili su jednu ili više općih ili specifičnih domena povezivanja, kao što su DBpedia, Wikipedia, Freebase, IMDB, YAGO, Wordnet i MKB. U ovom radu predstavljeno je istraživanje o povezivanju entiteta specifičnog za domenu sa HMI-om. Ovo istraživanje opisuje s dubokim razumijevanjem HMI-a, što uključuje skupove podataka, vrste i primjere s povezanim konceptima

    The Public Voice of the Defender,

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    For decades, police and prosecutors have controlled the public narrative about criminal law. The news landscape features salacious stories of violent crimes while ignoring the more mundane but far more prevalent minor cases that clog the court dockets. Defenders, faced with overwhelming caseloads and fear that speaking out may harm their clients, have largely ceded the opportunity to offer a counternarrative based on what they see every day. Defenders tell each other about the overuse of pretrial detention, intensive pressure to plead guilty, overzealous prosecutors, cycles of violence, and rampant constitutional violations-all of which inflict severe harm on defendants and their loved ones. But defenders rarely show the public the world they inhabit. That approach hasn\u27t stopped the carceral state from ballooning over the past fifty years; public defense budgets remain paltry, and clients suffer from too much law and too little justice in a system that disregards and dehumanizes them. This Article encourages defenders to go on the offensive, to seek transformative change toward a more just legal system. It builds on social media literature to and analyzes how defenders can strategically use social networking sites to add their expertise to ongoing public debates about crime and criminal justice policy. As the new existing efforts suggest, social media enables defenders to widely share the routine injustices they observe and to engage with local grassroots organizations to build coalitions. Defenders\u27 strategic use of social media won\u27t change policies overnight, but we are hopeful that it will augment public support for defenders and their clients and build power to transform the criminal legal landscape over decades

    The Public Voice of the Defender

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    For decades police and prosecutors have controlled the public narrative about criminal law. The news landscape features salacious stories of violent crimes while ignoring the more mundane but far more prevalent minor cases that clog the court dockets. Defenders, faced with overwhelming caseloads and fear that speaking out may harm their clients, have largely ceded the opportunity to offer a counternarrative based on what they see every day. Defenders tell each other about the overuse of pretrial detention, intensive pressure to plead guilty, overzealous prosecutors, cycles of violence, and rampant constitutional violations-all of which inflict severe harm on defendants and their loved ones. But defenders rarely show the public the world they inhabit. That approach hasn\u27t stopped the carceral state from ballooning over the past fifty years; public defense budgets remain paltry, and clients suffer from too much law and too little justice in a system that disregards and dehumanizes them. This Article encourages defenders to go on the offensive, to seek transformative change toward a more just legal system. It builds on social media literature to and analyzes how defenders can strategically use social networking sites to add their expertise to ongoing public debates about crime and criminal justice policy. As the new existing efforts suggest, social media enables defenders to widely share the routine injustices they observe and to engage with local grassroots organizations to build coalitions. Defenders\u27 strategic use of social media won\u27t change policies overnight, but we are hopeful that it will augment public support for defenders and their clients and build power to transform the criminal legal landscape over decades

    Assessing the growing impact and potential of social networking mediums in crisis communication in South Africa : A Case Study of the South African Protection of State Information Bill

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    Includes bibliography.With new political developments breeding opportunities for crises, proliferation of new media types increasing exposure to crises, there is a growing awareness of the potential, influence, impact and capabilities of social media. Focusing on South Africa's Secrecy Bill, a crisis with implications on access to information and media freedom, this study provides a discussion of the dynamics of crisis communication online. By undertaking an analysis of the uses of social media during deliberations of the Secrecy Bill and its implications, the study sought to explore how young South Africans have embraced social media as a communication tool. An examination of the literature reveals that younger generations are frequent bloggers and users of Twitter, a popular social media site. Focusing on these two platforms, through a qualitative content analysis, findings show that their contribution to deliberations was mainly to make sense of the crisis and distribute relevant materials relating to the debate

    Future of television in the Internet Age

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, 2011.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 54-58).Television's influence on culture and society has been widely acknowledged for many years. On the other hand, with the diffusion of the web and of social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, used in concert with television, the TV experience has become much more interactive and it is now impossible not to acknowledge that television has also become a driving force for social interaction. Furthermore, the parallel diffusion of internet videos and user generated content, fostered by YouTube in particular, has provided the population with a different approach to media and television in particular: consumers have also become producers. This work analyzes how the different technological improvements have changed the definition of television. Special attention is given to how Facebook and Twitter have influenced some of TV's fundamental properties such as liveness, character-centric storylines and flow and to what the YouTube phenomena means for television. The thesis concludes with a forecast about television's future, which confirms the main argument of this thesis: television is increasingly social.by Giacomo Summa.S.M

    The Paradox of Free Speech in the Digital World: First Amendment Friendly Proposals for Promoting User Agency

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    The United States Supreme Court has continued a speech-protective trend dating back to the 1960s, safeguarding even the most controversial speech from government regulation, including speech that critics of this trend label with the stigmatizing terms hate speech, disinformation, misinformation, extremist speech, and terrorist speech. In contrast, as dominant online platforms have become increasingly important forums for both individual self-expression and democratic discourse, the platforms have been issuing and enforcing increasing restrictions on their users\u27 speech pursuant to each platform\u27s content moderation policies. These restrictions often suppress speech that the U.S. Constitution bars government from suppressing. As private sector entities, these dominant platforms presumptively have no First Amendment obligation to host any expression or users-unless the platforms should be treated as state actors, as multiple experts and litigants recently have argued. Moreover, platforms have their own First Amendment rights to determine which speech or speakers they wish to host. Given these platforms\u27 outsized influence, government officials, civil society organizations, and individual experts have proposed a range of measures that would shape the platforms\u27 exercise of their enormous power to censor ideas and speakers on their respective forums. While many critics complain that dominant platforms are not restricting enough speech, many others lodge the opposite complaint, which is the focus of this Essay. Stressing the goal of facilitating individual freedom of choice, which is the ideal from a free speech perspective, this Essay discusses a range of proposed measures to constrain the dominant platforms\u27 censorial power with the goal of promoting user agency. It outlines proposed measures that have garnered significant support, and which warrant serious evaluation, but given the complexity of the issues and the risk of unintended adverse consequences, it does not conclusively endorse implementing any proposal