22 research outputs found

    Twisted Reed-Solomon Codes

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    We present a new general construction of MDS codes over a finite field Fq\mathbb{F}_q. We describe two explicit subclasses which contain new MDS codes of length at least q/2q/2 for all values of q≥11q \ge 11. Moreover, we show that most of the new codes are not equivalent to a Reed-Solomon code.Comment: 5 pages, accepted at IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 201

    New Non-Equivalent (Self-Dual) MDS Codes From Elliptic Curves

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    It is well known that MDS codes can be constructed as algebraic geometric (AG) codes from elliptic curves. It is always interesting to construct new non-equivalent MDS codes and self-dual MDS codes. In recent years several constructions of new self-dual MDS codes from the generalized twisted Reed-Solomon codes were proposed. In this paper we construct new non-equivalent MDS and almost MDS codes from elliptic curve codes. 1) We show that there are many MDS AG codes from elliptic curves defined over Fq{\bf F}_q for any given small consecutive lengths nn, which are not equivalent to Reed-Solomon codes and twisted Reed-Solomon codes. 2) New self-dual MDS AG codes over F2s{\bf F}_{{2^s}} from elliptic curves are constructed, which are not equivalent to Reed-Solomon codes and twisted Reed-Solomon codes. 3) Twisted versions of some elliptic curve codes are introduced such that new non-equivalent almost MDS codes are constructed. Moreover there are some non-equivalent MDS elliptic curve codes with the same length and the same dimension. The application to MDS entanglement-assisted quantum codes is given.We also construct non-equivalent new MDS codes of short lengths from higher genus curves.Comment: 28 pages, new non-equivalent MDS codes from higher genus curves are discusse

    Structural Properties of Twisted Reed-Solomon Codes with Applications to Cryptography

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    We present a generalisation of Twisted Reed-Solomon codes containing a new large class of MDS codes. We prove that the code class contains a large subfamily that is closed under duality. Furthermore, we study the Schur squares of the new codes and show that their dimension is often large. Using these structural properties, we single out a subfamily of the new codes which could be considered for code-based cryptography: These codes resist some existing structural attacks for Reed-Solomon-like codes, i.e. methods for retrieving the code parameters from an obfuscated generator matrix.Comment: 5 pages, accepted at: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 201

    Codes, Cryptography, and the McEliece Cryptosystem

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    Over the past several decades, technology has continued to develop at an incredible rate, and the importance of properly securing information has increased significantly. While a variety of encryption schemes currently exist for this purpose, a number of them rely on problems, such as integer factorization, that are not resistant to quantum algorithms. With the reality of quantum computers approaching, it is critical that a quantum-resistant method of protecting information is found. After developing the proper background, we evaluate the potential of the McEliece cryptosystem for use in the post-quantum era by examining families of algebraic geometry codes that allow for increased security. Finally, we develop a family of twisted Hermitian codes that meets the criteria set forth for security

    Further Generalisations of Twisted Gabidulin Codes

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    We present a new family of maximum rank distance (MRD) codes. The new class contains codes that are neither equivalent to a generalised Gabidulin nor to a twisted Gabidulin code, the only two known general constructions of linear MRD codes.Comment: 10 pages, accepted at the International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (WCC) 201

    On Hull-Variation Problem of Equivalent Linear Codes

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    The intersection C⋂C⊥{\bf C}\bigcap {\bf C}^{\perp} (C⋂C⊥h{\bf C}\bigcap {\bf C}^{\perp_h}) of a linear code C{\bf C} and its Euclidean dual C⊥{\bf C}^{\perp} (Hermitian dual C⊥h{\bf C}^{\perp_h}) is called the Euclidean (Hermitian) hull of this code. The construction of an entanglement-assisted quantum code from a linear code over Fq{\bf F}_q or Fq2{\bf F}_{q^2} depends essentially on the Euclidean hull or the Hermitian hull of this code. Therefore it is natural to consider the hull-variation problem when a linear code C{\bf C} is transformed to an equivalent code v⋅C{\bf v} \cdot {\bf C}. In this paper we introduce the maximal hull dimension as an invariant of a linear code with respect to the equivalent transformations. Then some basic properties of the maximal hull dimension are studied. A general method to construct hull-decreasing or hull-increasing equivalent linear codes is proposed. We prove that for a nonnegative integer hh satisfying 0≤h≤n−10 \leq h \leq n-1, a linear [2n,n]q[2n, n]_q self-dual code is equivalent to a linear hh-dimension hull code. On the opposite direction we prove that a linear LCD code over F2s{\bf F}_{2^s} satisfying d≥2d\geq 2 and d⊥≥2d^{\perp} \geq 2 is equivalent to a linear one-dimension hull code under a weak condition. Several new families of negacyclic LCD codes and BCH LCD codes over F3{\bf F}_3 are also constructed. Our method can be applied to the generalized Reed-Solomon codes and the generalized twisted Reed-Solomon codes to construct arbitrary dimension hull MDS codes. Some new EAQEC codes including MDS and almost MDS entanglement-assisted quantum codes are constructed. Many EAQEC codes over small fields are constructed from optimal Hermitian self-dual codes.Comment: 33 pages, minor error correcte

    The (+)(+)-extended twisted generalized Reed-Solomon code

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    In this paper, we give a parity check matrix for the (+)(+)-extended twisted generalized Reed Solomon (in short, ETGRS) code, and then not only prove that it is MDS or NMDS, but also determine the weight distribution. Especially, based on Schur method, we show that the (+)(+)-ETGRS code is not GRS or EGRS. Furthermore, we present a sufficient and necessary condition for any punctured code of the (+)(+)-ETGRS code to be self-orthogonal, and then construct several classes of self-dual (+)(+)-TGRS codes and almost self-dual (+)(+)-ETGRS codes