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    Analisis Kebutuhan dan Stakeholder Mapping Untuk Web Mapping System Lahan Pertanian di Gilangharjo, Bantul

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    Prosiding Konser Karya Ilmiah Nasional 2019 : Kesiapan Sumber Daya Manusia Pertanian Menghadapi Revolusi Industri 4.0, p. 14 – 26Agriculture field is an important factor in production process. Increasing in farming productivity can be determined by a good land management processes. Web Mapping System is an nformation system that is able to help providing reliable and valid information of land map and land ownership. Thus, Web Mapping System provides information about land management and crop information. To develop Web Mapping System, the first phase is Requirement Engineering. Requirement is the process of defining, documenting and maintaining the requirements. It is a process of gathering and defining service provided by the system. To gather the requirement, interview was conducted to farmer and farmer group representative. Moreover, questionnaires are distributed to gather spesific information of farmers and its information needs. As a result, there are two main actors for Web Mapping System: (1) Farmer; (2) Farmer Group Representative / Management. Farmer is able to map the land, including to entry the detail of each land. On the other hand, farmer group representative or management is able to access the land map and land distribution, manage land ownership, and accessing information dashboard providing by the web mapping syste