19 research outputs found

    Twice Q-Polynomial Distance-Regular Graphs

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    AbstractLetΓbe a distance-regular graph of diameter at least three. SupposeΓis Q-polynomial with respect to distinct eigenvaluesθandψofΓ. We calculate thekite numberf2j(x, y, z) from the intersection numbers ofΓand the dual eigenvalues toθandψ. This implies that the kite numbersfij(x, y, z) are independent of the verticesx,y,z. We use this result to show that the vertex neighborhood graphs ofΓare strongly regular and we calculate the parameters of these graphs from the kite numbersf2jand the intersection numbers ofΓ

    The Terwilliger algebra of an almost-bipartite P- and Q-polynomial association scheme

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    Let YY denote a DD-class symmetric association scheme with D≥3D \geq 3, and suppose YY is almost-bipartite P- and Q-polynomial. Let xx denote a vertex of YY and let T=T(x)T=T(x) denote the corresponding Terwilliger algebra. We prove that any irreducible TT-module WW is both thin and dual thin in the sense of Terwilliger. We produce two bases for WW and describe the action of TT on these bases. We prove that the isomorphism class of WW as a TT-module is determined by two parameters, the dual endpoint and diameter of WW. We find a recurrence which gives the multiplicities with which the irreducible TT-modules occur in the standard module. We compute this multiplicity for those irreducible TT-modules which have diameter at least D−3D-3.Comment: 22 page

    Taut distance-regular graphs and the subconstituent algebra

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    We consider a bipartite distance-regular graph GG with diameter DD at least 4 and valency kk at least 3. We obtain upper and lower bounds for the local eigenvalues of GG in terms of the intersection numbers of GG and the eigenvalues of GG. Fix a vertex of GG and let TT denote the corresponding subconstituent algebra. We give a detailed description of those thin irreducible TT-modules that have endpoint 2 and dimension D−3D-3. In an earlier paper the first author defined what it means for GG to be taut. We obtain three characterizations of the taut condition, each of which involves the local eigenvalues or the thin irreducible TT-modules mentioned above.Comment: 29 page