164 research outputs found

    Tweakable Block Ciphers Secure Beyond the Birthday Bound in the Ideal Cipher Model

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    We propose a new construction of tweakable block ciphers from standard block ciphers. Our construction, dubbed XHX2, is the cascade of two independent XHX block ciphers, so it makes two call to the underlying block cipher using tweak-dependent keys. We prove the security of XHX2 up to min{2^{2(n+m)/3},2^{n+m/2}} queries (ignoring logarithmic factors) in the ideal cipher model, when the block cipher operates on n-bit blocks using m-bit keys. The XHX2 tweakable block cipher is the first construction that achieves beyond-birthday-bound security with respect to the input size of the underlying block cipher in the ideal cipher model

    Provable Security of (Tweakable) Block Ciphers Based on Substitution-Permutation Networks

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    Substitution-Permutation Networks (SPNs) refer to a family of constructions which build a wn-bit block cipher from n-bit public permutations (often called S-boxes), which alternate keyless and “local” substitution steps utilizing such S-boxes, with keyed and “global” permu- tation steps which are non-cryptographic. Many widely deployed block ciphers are constructed based on the SPNs, but there are essentially no provable-security results about SPNs. In this work, we initiate a comprehensive study of the provable security of SPNs as (possibly tweakable) wn-bit block ciphers, when the underlying n-bit permutation is modeled as a public random permutation. When the permutation step is linear (which is the case for most existing designs), we show that 3 SPN rounds are necessary and sufficient for security. On the other hand, even 1-round SPNs can be secure when non-linearity is allowed. Moreover, 2-round non-linear SPNs can achieve “beyond- birthday” (up to 2 2n/3 adversarial queries) security, and, as the number of non-linear rounds increases, our bounds are meaningful for the number of queries approaching 2 n . Finally, our non-linear SPNs can be made tweakable by incorporating the tweak into the permutation layer, and provide good multi-user security. As an application, our construction can turn two public n-bit permuta- tions (or fixed-key block ciphers) into a tweakable block cipher working on wn-bit inputs, 6n-bit key and an n-bit tweak (for any w ≥ 2); the tweakable block cipher provides security up to 2 2n/3 adversarial queries in the random permutation model, while only requiring w calls to each permutation, and 3w field multiplications for each wn-bit input

    Turning Online Ciphers Off

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    CAESAR has caused a heated discussion regarding the merits of one-pass encryption and online ciphers. The latter is a keyed, length preserving function which outputs ciphertext blocks as soon as the respective plaintext block is available as input. The immediacy of an online cipher affords a clear performance advantage, but it comes at a price: ciphertext blocks cannot depend on later plaintext blocks, limiting diffusion and hence security. We show how one can attain the best of both worlds by providing provably secure constructions, achieving full cipher security, based on applications of an online cipher around blockwise reordering layers. Explicitly, we show that with just two calls to the online cipher, prp security up to the birthday bound is both attainable and maximal. Moreover, we demonstrate that three calls to the online cipher suffice to obtain beyond birthday bound security. We provide a full proof of this for a prp construction, and, in the ±prp setting, security against adversaries who make queries of any single length. As part of our investigation, we extend an observation by Rogaway and Zhang by further highlighting the close relationship between online ciphers and tweakable blockciphers with variable-length tweaks

    Optimally Secure Tweakable Block Ciphers with a Large Tweak from n-bit Block Ciphers

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    We consider the design of a tweakable block cipher from a block cipher whose inputs and outputs are of size nn bits. The main goal is to achieve 2n2^n security with a large tweak (i.e., more than nn bits). Previously, Mennink at FSE\u2715 and Wang et al. at Asiacrypt\u2716 proposed constructions that can achieve 2n2^n security. Yet, these constructions can have a tweak size up to nn-bit only. As evident from recent research, a tweakable block cipher with a large tweak is generally helpful as a building block for modes of operation, typical applications including MACs, authenticated encryption, leakage-resilient cryptography and full-disk encryption. We begin with how to design a tweakable block cipher with 2n2n-bit tweak and nn-bit security from two block cipher calls. For this purpose, we do an exhaustive search for tweakable block ciphers with 2n2n-bit tweaks from two block cipher calls, and show that all of them suffer from birthday-bound attacks. Next, we investigate the possibility to design a tweakable block cipher with 2n2n-bit tweak and nn-bit security from three block cipher calls. We start with some conditions to build a such tweakable block cipher and propose a natural construction, called G1, that likely meets them. After inspection, we find a weakness on G1 which leads to a birthday-bound attack. Based on G1, we then propose another construction, called G2, that can avoid this weakness. We finally prove that G2 can achieve nn-bit security with 2n2n-bit tweak

    Designing Tweakable Enciphering Schemes Using Public Permutations

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    A tweakable enciphering scheme (TES) is a length preserving (tweakable) encryption scheme that provides (tweakable) strong pseudorandom permutation security on arbitrarily long messages. TES is traditionally built using block ciphers and the security of the mode depends on the strong pseudorandom permutation security of the underlying block cipher. In this paper, we construct TESs using public random permutations. Public random permutations are being considered as a replacement of block cipher in several cryptographic schemes including AEs, MACs, etc. However, to our knowledge, a systematic study of constructing TES using public random permutations is missing. In this paper, we give a generic construction of a TES which uses a public random permutation, a length expanding public permutation based PRF and a hash function which is both almost xor universal and almost regular. Further, we propose a concrete length expanding public permutation based PRF construction. We also propose a single keyed TES using a public random permutation and an AXU and almost regular hash function

    Tweaking a block cipher: multi-user beyond-birthday-bound security in the standard model

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    In this paper, we present a generic construction to create a secure tweakable block cipher from a secure block cipher. Our construction is very natural, requiring four calls to the underlying block cipher for each call of the tweakable block cipher. Moreover, it is provably secure in the standard model while keeping the security degradation minimal in the multi-user setting. In more details, if the underlying blockcipher E uses n-bit blocks and 2n-bit keys, then our construction is proven secure against multi-user adversaries using up to roughly 2n time and queries as long as E is a secure block cipher

    Cascading Four Round LRW1 is Beyond Birthday Bound Secure

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    In CRYPTO’02, Liskov et al. introduced the concept of a tweakable block cipher, a novel symmetric key primitive with promising applications. They put forth two constructions for designing such tweakable block ciphers from conventional block ciphers: LRW1 and LRW2. While subsequent efforts extended LRW2 to achieve security beyond the birthday bound (e.g., cascaded LRW2 in CRYPTO’12 by Landecker et al.), the extension of LRW1 remained unexplored until Bao et al.’s work in EUROCRYPT’20 that considered cascaded LRW1, a one-round extension of LRW1 - entailing masking the LRW1 output with the given tweak and re-encrypting it with the same block cipher. They showed that CLRW1 offers security up to 22n/3 queries. However, this result was challenged by Khairallah’s recent birthday bound distinguishing attack on cascaded LRW1, effectively refuting the security claim of Bao et al. Consequently, a pertinent research question emerges: How many rounds of cascaded LRW1 are required to obtain security beyond the birthday bound? This paper addresses this question by establishing that cascading LRW1 for four rounds suffices to ensure security beyond the birthday bound. Specifically, we demonstrate that 4 rounds of CLRW1 guarantees security for up to 23n/4 queries. Our security analysis is based from recent advancements in the mirror theory technique for tweakable random permutations, operating within the framework of the Expectation Method

    Beyond-Birthday-Bound Security for Tweakable Even-Mansour Ciphers with Linear Tweak and Key Mixing

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    The iterated Even-Mansour construction defines a block cipher from a tuple of public nn-bit permutations (P1,…,Pr)(P_1,\ldots,P_r) by alternatively xoring some nn-bit round key kik_i, i=0,…,ri=0,\ldots,r, and applying permutation PiP_i to the state. The \emph{tweakable} Even-Mansour construction generalizes the conventional Even-Mansour construction by replacing the nn-bit round keys by nn-bit strings derived from a master key \emph{and a tweak}, thereby defining a tweakable block cipher. Constructions of this type have been previously analyzed, but they were either secure only up to the birthday bound, or they used a nonlinear mixing function of the key and the tweak (typically, multiplication of the key and the tweak seen as elements of some finite field) which might be costly to implement. In this paper, we tackle the question of whether it is possible to achieve beyond-birthday-bound security for such a construction by using only linear operations for mixing the key and the tweak into the state. We answer positively, describing a 4-round construction with a 2n2n-bit master key and an nn-bit tweak which is provably secure in the Random Permutation Model up to roughly 22n/32^{2n/3} adversarial queries

    XHX - A Framework for Optimally Secure Tweakable Block Ciphers from Classical Block Ciphers and Universal Hashing

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    Tweakable block ciphers are important primitives for designing cryptographic schemes with high security. In the absence of a standardized tweakable block cipher, constructions built from classical block ciphers remain an interesting research topic in both theory and practice. Motivated by Mennink\u27s F[2] publication from 2015, Wang et al. proposed 32 optimally secure constructions at ASIACRYPT\u2716, all of which employ two calls to a classical block cipher each. Yet, those constructions were still limited to n-bit keys and n-bit tweaks. Thus, applications with more general key or tweak lengths still lack support. This work proposes the XHX family of tweakable block ciphers from a classical block cipher and a family of universal hash functions, which generalizes the constructions by Wang et al. First, we detail the generic XHX construction with three independently keyed calls to the hash function. Second, we show that we can derive the hash keys in efficient manner from the block cipher, where we generalize the constructions by Wang et al.; finally, we propose efficient instantiations for the used hash functions
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