5 research outputs found

    A multipartite analogue of Dilworth's Theorem

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    We prove that every partially ordered set on nn elements contains kk subsets A1,A2,,AkA_{1},A_{2},\dots,A_{k} such that either each of these subsets has size Ω(n/k5)\Omega(n/k^{5}) and, for every i<ji<j, every element in AiA_{i} is less than or equal to every element in AjA_{j}, or each of these subsets has size Ω(n/(k2logn))\Omega(n/(k^{2}\log n)) and, for every iji \not = j, every element in AiA_{i} is incomparable with every element in AjA_{j} for iji\ne j. This answers a question of the first author from 2006. As a corollary, we prove for each positive integer hh there is ChC_h such that for any hh partial orders <1,<2,,<h<_{1},<_{2},\dots,<_{h} on a set of nn elements, there exists kk subsets A1,A2,,AkA_{1},A_{2},\dots,A_{k} each of size at least n/(klogn)Chn/(k\log n)^{C_{h}} such that for each partial order <<_{\ell}, either a1<a2<<aka_{1}<_{\ell}a_{2}<_{\ell}\dots<_{\ell}a_{k} for any tuple of elements (a1,a2,,ak)A1×A2××Ak(a_1,a_2,\dots,a_k) \in A_1\times A_2\times \dots \times A_k, or a1>a2>>aka_{1}>_{\ell}a_{2}>_{\ell}\dots>_{\ell}a_{k} for any (a1,a2,,ak)A1×A2××Ak(a_1,a_2,\dots,a_k) \in A_1\times A_2\times \dots \times A_k, or aia_i is incomparable with aja_j for any iji\ne j, aiAia_i\in A_i and ajAja_j\in A_j. This improves on a 2009 result of Pach and the first author motivated by problems in discrete geometry

    Extremal Graph Theory and Dimension Theory for Partial Orders

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    This dissertation analyses several problems in extremal combinatorics.In Part I, we study the following problem proposed by Barrus, Ferrara, Vandenbussche, and Wenger. Given a graph H and an integer t, what is the minimum number of coloured edges in a t-edge-coloured graph G on n vertices such that G does not contain a rainbow copy of H, but adding a new edge to G in any colour creates a rainbow copy of H? We determine the growth rates of these numbers for almost all graphs H and all t e(H).In Part II, we study dimension theory for finite partial orders. In Chapter 1, we introduce and define the concepts we use in the succeeding chapters.In Chapter 2, we determine the dimension of the divisibility order on [n] up to a factor of (log log n).In Chapter 3, we answer a question of Kim, Martin, Masak, Shull, Smith, Uzzell, and Wang on the local bipartite covering numbers of difference graphs.In Chapter 4, we prove some bounds on the local dimension of any pair of layers of the Boolean lattice. In particular, we show that the local dimension of the first and middle layers is asymptotically n / log n.In Chapter 5, we introduce a new poset parameter called local t-dimension. We also discuss the fractional variants of this and other dimension-like parameters.All of Part I is joint work with Antnio Giro of the University of Cambridge and Kamil Popielarz of the University of Memphis.Chapter 2 of Part II is joint work with Victor Souza of IMPA (Instituto de Matemtica Pura e Aplicada, Rio de Janeiro).Chapter 3 of Part II is joint work with Antnio Giro

    Subject Index Volumes 1–200

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    Turán-Type Results for Complete h-Partite Graphs in Comparability and Incomparability Graphs

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    This is the final version of the article. It was first available from Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11083-015-9384-6We consider an h-partite version of Dilworth's theorem with multiple partial orders. Let P be a fi nite set, and let <₁, ..., <ᵣ be partial orders on P. Let G(P, <₁, ..., <ᵣ) be the graph whose vertices are the elements of P, and x, y ∈ P are joined by an edge if x <ᵢ y or y <ᵢ x holds for some 1 ≤ i ≤ r. We show that if the edge density of G(P, <₁, ..., <ᵣ) is strictly larger than 1 − 1/(2h − 2)ʳ , then P contains h disjoint sets A₁, ..., Aₕ such that A₁ <ⱼ ... <ⱼ Aₕ holds for some 1 ≤ j ≤ r, and |A₁| = ... = |Aₕ| = Ω(|P|). Also, we show that if the complement of G(P, n¹⁻ᵞ⁽α⁾ , where γ(α) → 0 as α → 1. We provide a few applications of these results in combinatorial geometry, as well