5 research outputs found

    Trust in E-Government in Pakistan: Analyzing the Influencing Factors of Accessibility, Security, and Usefulness

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    Citizen’s satisfaction is a vital factor for consistent use of e-Government administrations and the achievement or disappointment of e-Government ventures. The fundamental test for research is what the critical determinants of their satisfaction are? This paper plans to distinguish the key factors that decide e-Satisfaction with e-Government administrations entryway. In light of a broad audit of critical writing, five theories are detailed what's more, three elements are recognized (i.e security, accessibility and usefulness) with respect to the availability, consciousness of open administrations, what's more, nature of public administrations that may influence the level of satisfaction towards utilizing the e-Government gateway. Review information from 385 representatives was gathered and used to test the proposed speculations. Given different direct relapse and factor investigations, our experimental examination exhibits a few key discoveries. Keywords: Perceived accessibility, perceived security, perceived usefulness, citizen’s satisfaction, trust in e-government

    Современные направления зарубежных исследований в сфере электронного управления (на примере публикаций международного журнала Electronic Government)

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    Досліджено сучасні тенденції щодо вивчення світовим науковим співтовариством проблематики електронного врядування на основі аналізу публікацій у міжнародному науковому журналі Electronic Government. Зазначено, що особливістю досліджень у сфері електронного урядування є те, що ця сфера невпинно та динамічно змінюється під впливом багатьох факторів глобального масштабу, модернізується разом з розвитком інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій та суспільних відносин. Це вимагає більшого ступеня інтеграції українських досліджень у галузі публічного управління та адміністрування до загальносвітового наукового контексту. Установлено, що в статтях журналу Electronic Government провідна увага приділяється тематиці, пов’язаній з проблемами техніко-технологічної та соціально-гуманітарної складових функціонування та розвитку електронного урядування, питаннями методології та методики впровадження електронного уряду, безпеки в системах електронного урядування. Рекомендовано орієнтувати дослідження у галузі знань «Публічне управління та адміністрування» щодо електронного урядування не лише на вирішення актуальних завдань суб’єктів управління, але й на розв’язання проблем широкого використання технологій електронного урядування громадянами.Current trends of studying the problems of electronic government by world scientific community have been revealed in the article using the analysis of publications in the international journal Electronic Government. It has been noted that the peculiarity of modern research in the sphere of electronic government is that this sphere is changing constantly and dynamically under the influence of many factors and is being modernized together with the development of information and communication technologies and social relations. This requires a bigger degree of integration of Ukrainian researches in the sphere of public administration with the global scientific context, more active introduction of the foreign researches’ materials on electronic government issues to the scientific Ukrainian use, study of foreign approaches on publications in scientific periodicals of the industry. The survey was conducted on the basis of Electronic Government, an International Journal, which has been published since 2004 in the UK and is submitted to the international Scientometrics Scopus database and publishes materials in the sphere of «Public administration». It has been found that the key topics of the journal relate to the current practice and studies of various aspects of electronic government in different countries. In particular, the analyzed publications of 2015 - 2017 years provide a broad picture of the situation with e-government in the world and reveal specific problems of different states according to the level of development of their e-government powers. The authors of these articles are scientists from 24 countries. They have studied the problems of electronic government in 14 states and the global problems of electronic government. For example, the magazine focuses on issues related to technological, social and humanitarian components of functioning and development of electronic governance, issues of methodology and methods of implementation of electronic government, security in systems of electronic government. As a result, it has been recommended by the author to focus researches of Ukrainian scientists in the sphere of «Public Management and Administration» concerning electronic government not only on solving urgent challenges of management subjects, but also on solving problems of widespread use of electronic government technologies by citizens, and on solving the security issues in electronic government systems, local problems of implementation, operation and development of electronic government at the level of local communities.Исследованы современные тенденции по изучению проблематики электронного управления мировым научным сообществом на основе анализа публикаций в международном научном журнале Electronic Government. Указано, что особенностью исследований в сфере электронного управления есть то, что эта сфера неудержимо и динамично изменяется под влиянием многих факторов глобального масштаба,модернизируется вместе с развитием информационно-коммуникационных технологий и общественныхотношений. Это требует большей степени интеграции украинских исследований в отрасли публичного управления и администрирования в общемировой научный контекст. Установлено, что в статьях журнала Electronic Government ведущее внимание уделяется тематике, связанной с проблемами технико-технологической и социально-гуманитарной составляющих функционирования и развития электронного управления, вопросами методологии и методики внедрения электронного правительства, безопасности в системах электронного управления. Рекомендовано ориентировать исследования в отрасли знаний «Публичное управление и администрирование», касающиеся электронного управления, не только на решение актуальных задач субъектов управления, но и на решение проблем широкого использования технологий электронного управления гражданами

    Modern trends in international researches in the sphere of electronic governance (in the case of publications of the international journal Electronic Government)

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    Current trends of studying the problems of electronic government by world scientific community have been revealed in the article using the analysis of publications in the international journal Electronic Government. It has been noted that the peculiarity of modern research in the sphere of electronic government is that this sphere is changing constantly and dynamically under the influence of many factors and is being modernized together with the development of information and communication technologies and social relations. This requires a bigger degree of integration of Ukrainian researches in the sphere of public administration with the global scientific context, more active introduction of the foreign researches’ materials on electronic government issues to the scientific Ukrainian use, study of foreign approaches on publications in scientific periodicals of the industry. The survey was conducted on the basis of Electronic Government, an International Journal, which has been published since 2004 in the UK and is submitted to the international Scientometrics Scopus database and publishes materials in the sphere of «Public administration». It has been found that the key topics of the journal relate to the current practice and studies of various aspects of electronic government in different countries. In particular, the analyzed publications of 2015 - 2017 years provide a broad picture of the situation with e-government in the world and reveal specific problems of different states according to the level of development of their e-government powers. The authors of these articles are scientists from 24 countries. They have studied the problems of electronic government in 14 states and the global problems of electronic government. For example, the magazine focuses on issues related to technological, social and humanitarian components of functioning and development of electronic governance, issues of methodology and methods of implementation of electronic government, security in systems of electronic government. As a result, it has been recommended by the author to focus researches of Ukrainian scientists in the sphere of «Public Management and Administration» concerning electronic government not only on solving urgent challenges of management subjects, but also on solving problems of widespread use of electronic government technologies by citizens, and on solving the security issues in electronic government systems, local problems of implementation, operation and development of electronic government at the level of local communities

    Continuance intention of e-government service: A study of tax e-filing system in Malaysia

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    Governments in every country including Malaysia have spent huge amount of money for the development of electronic government services generally and specifically in tax e-filing system to ease the government services. Despite increases in investments and expenses in the development of e-government services and considering low level usage of this service compared to its availability is an important issue to be considered. At this vein, investigating the continuance intention of tax e-filing system is important, as the more citizens continuously use the tax e-filing system, the more operation and management cost could be reduced, to achieve target of usage by taxpayers in near future and for the success of this system. As such, aim of this research is to investigate the influence of trust, perceived system quality and perceived information quality on continuance intention of tax e-filing system among taxpayers in Malaysia. The results of this study were obtained from 425 taxpayers in Malaysia by using the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) AMOS. Overall, most of the hypotheses developed were supported with the acceptable beta value between 2.857 to 12.453. The study found that perceived usefulness, trust, perceived system quality and satisfaction have significant positive influence on continuance intention of tax e-filing system, while, perceived information quality has insignificant influence on continuance intention of tax e-filing system. On other hand, trust, perceived system quality and confirmation have significant influence on satisfaction. Additionally, satisfaction was found mediates the relationship between trust and continuance intention, and perceived system quality and continuance intention. Hence, the finding of this study imply that full benefits and success of the e-filing system cannot be realized without continued usage as an e-government service can be considered success if a significant number of users move beyond the initial adoption and use the e-government services on a continual basis

    Determinants of voluntary tax compliance intention for e-filing among salaried taxpayers

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    Generally, worldwide tax administrators including the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRBM) are facing difficulties in addressing tax compliance complexity that is proven to be highly challenging. Numerous innovative efforts, including the e-filing system - a costly investment, initiated by the IRBM to encourage compliance. However, these efforts failed to achieve the targeted compliance outcome, the taxpayers’ behavioural intention remains unclear especially salaried taxpayers. This study investigates the voluntary tax compliance intention among salaried taxpayers in Klang Valley. It aims to identify the determinants and their dimensions of the voluntary tax compliance intention via the e-filing system. Furthermore, an examination was performed on the applicability of Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour in voluntary tax compliance intention setting. Based on the data collection on 20 participating headquarter offices, 303 usable responses were obtained and empirically tested for this study. The samples tested, using Smart PLS 3.2.8, found that the decomposed constructs presented a better explanatory power for behavioural intention. Most of the dimensions and constructs were proven to be significant. Where dimensions like general tax filing knowledge and perceived usefulness were found to be significant towards attitude. While peer influence and mass media referent were significant towards the subjective norm. Furthermore, facilitating conditions and ability to pay were also significant towards perceived behavioural control. In contrast, dimensions like perceived ease of use and compatibility were not significant towards attitude. While self-efficacy was not significant towards perceived behavioural control. The subjective norm construct was also found to be insignificant towards intention. Overall, the findings have theoretical and practical impact, particularly to the tax administrators, in understanding the changes in salaried taxpayers voluntary tax compliance behavioural intention. Therefore, this study has created a platform for further studies with various available options of dimensions