9 research outputs found

    Tilings in randomly perturbed dense graphs

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    A perfect HH-tiling in a graph GG is a collection of vertex-disjoint copies of a graph HH in GG that together cover all the vertices in GG. In this paper we investigate perfect HH-tilings in a random graph model introduced by Bohman, Frieze and Martin in which one starts with a dense graph and then adds mm random edges to it. Specifically, for any fixed graph HH, we determine the number of random edges required to add to an arbitrary graph of linear minimum degree in order to ensure the resulting graph contains a perfect HH-tiling with high probability. Our proof utilises Szemer\'edi's Regularity lemma as well as a special case of a result of Koml\'os concerning almost perfect HH-tilings in dense graphs.Comment: 19 pages, to appear in CP

    Two conjectures in Ramsey-Tur\'an theory

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    Given graphs H1,,HkH_1,\ldots, H_k, a graph GG is (H1,,Hk)(H_1,\ldots, H_k)-free if there is a kk-edge-colouring ϕ:E(G)[k]\phi:E(G)\rightarrow [k] with no monochromatic copy of HiH_i with edges of colour ii for each i[k]i\in[k]. Fix a function f(n)f(n), the Ramsey-Tur\'an function RT(n,H1,,Hk,f(n))\textrm{RT}(n,H_1,\ldots,H_k,f(n)) is the maximum number of edges in an nn-vertex (H1,,Hk)(H_1,\ldots,H_k)-free graph with independence number at most f(n)f(n). We determine RT(n,K3,Ks,δn)\textrm{RT}(n,K_3,K_s,\delta n) for s{3,4,5}s\in\{3,4,5\} and sufficiently small δ\delta, confirming a conjecture of Erd\H{o}s and S\'os from 1979. It is known that RT(n,K8,f(n))\textrm{RT}(n,K_8,f(n)) has a phase transition at f(n)=Θ(nlogn)f(n)=\Theta(\sqrt{n\log n}). However, the values of RT(n,K8,o(nlogn))\textrm{RT}(n,K_8, o(\sqrt{n\log n})) was not known. We determined this value by proving RT(n,K8,o(nlogn))=n24+o(n2)\textrm{RT}(n,K_8,o(\sqrt{n\log n}))=\frac{n^2}{4}+o(n^2), answering a question of Balogh, Hu and Simonovits. The proofs utilise, among others, dependent random choice and results from graph packings.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures, 2 pages appendi

    Two conjectures in Ramsey-Turan theory

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    Given graphs H 1 ,...,H k , a graph G is ( H 1 ,...,H k )-free if there is a k -edge-colouring φ : E ( G ) → [ k ] with no monochromatic copy of H i with edges of colour i for each i ∈ [ k ]. Fix a function f ( n ), the Ramsey-Tur ́an function RT( n,H 1 ,...,H k ,f ( n )) is the maximum number of edges in an n -vertex ( H 1 ,...,H k )-free graph with independence number at most f ( n ). We determine RT( n,K 3 ,K s ,δn ) for s ∈ { 3 , 4 , 5 } and sufficiently small δ , confirming a conjecture of Erd ̋os and S ́os from 1979. It is known that RT( n,K 8 ,f ( n )) has a phase transition at f ( n ) = Θ( √ n log n ). However, the value of RT( n,K 8 ,o ( √ n log n )) was not known. We determined this value by proving RT( n,K 8 ,o ( √ n log n )) = n 2 4 + o ( n 2 ), answering a question of Balogh, Hu and Simonovits. The proofs utilise, among others, dependent random choice and results from graph packings

    The bandwidth theorem for locally dense graphs

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    The Bandwidth theorem of B\"ottcher, Schacht and Taraz gives a condition on the minimum degree of an nn-vertex graph GG that ensures GG contains every rr-chromatic graph HH on nn vertices of bounded degree and of bandwidth o(n)o(n), thereby proving a conjecture of Bollob\'as and Koml\'os. In this paper we prove a version of the Bandwidth theorem for locally dense graphs. Indeed, we prove that every locally dense nn-vertex graph GG with δ(G)>(1/2+o(1))n\delta (G) > (1/2+o(1))n contains as a subgraph any given (spanning) HH with bounded maximum degree and sublinear bandwidth.Comment: 35 pages. Author accepted version, to appear in Forum of Mathematics, Sigm

    Triangle-Tilings in Graphs Without Large Independent Sets

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    We study the minimum degree necessary to guarantee the existence of perfect and almost-perfect triangle-tilings in an n-vertex graph G with sublinear independence number. In this setting, we show that if δ(G) ≥ n/3 + o(n), then G has a triangle-tiling covering all but at most four vertices. Also, for every r ≥ 5, we asymptotically determine the minimum degree threshold for a perfect triangle-tiling under the additional assumptions that G is Kr-free and n is divisible by 3