252 research outputs found

    ReSeg: A Recurrent Neural Network-based Model for Semantic Segmentation

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    We propose a structured prediction architecture, which exploits the local generic features extracted by Convolutional Neural Networks and the capacity of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) to retrieve distant dependencies. The proposed architecture, called ReSeg, is based on the recently introduced ReNet model for image classification. We modify and extend it to perform the more challenging task of semantic segmentation. Each ReNet layer is composed of four RNN that sweep the image horizontally and vertically in both directions, encoding patches or activations, and providing relevant global information. Moreover, ReNet layers are stacked on top of pre-trained convolutional layers, benefiting from generic local features. Upsampling layers follow ReNet layers to recover the original image resolution in the final predictions. The proposed ReSeg architecture is efficient, flexible and suitable for a variety of semantic segmentation tasks. We evaluate ReSeg on several widely-used semantic segmentation datasets: Weizmann Horse, Oxford Flower, and CamVid; achieving state-of-the-art performance. Results show that ReSeg can act as a suitable architecture for semantic segmentation tasks, and may have further applications in other structured prediction problems. The source code and model hyperparameters are available on https://github.com/fvisin/reseg.Comment: In CVPR Deep Vision Workshop, 201

    Computational Methods for Segmentation of Multi-Modal Multi-Dimensional Cardiac Images

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    Segmentation of the heart structures helps compute the cardiac contractile function quantified via the systolic and diastolic volumes, ejection fraction, and myocardial mass, representing a reliable diagnostic value. Similarly, quantification of the myocardial mechanics throughout the cardiac cycle, analysis of the activation patterns in the heart via electrocardiography (ECG) signals, serve as good cardiac diagnosis indicators. Furthermore, high quality anatomical models of the heart can be used in planning and guidance of minimally invasive interventions under the assistance of image guidance. The most crucial step for the above mentioned applications is to segment the ventricles and myocardium from the acquired cardiac image data. Although the manual delineation of the heart structures is deemed as the gold-standard approach, it requires significant time and effort, and is highly susceptible to inter- and intra-observer variability. These limitations suggest a need for fast, robust, and accurate semi- or fully-automatic segmentation algorithms. However, the complex motion and anatomy of the heart, indistinct borders due to blood flow, the presence of trabeculations, intensity inhomogeneity, and various other imaging artifacts, makes the segmentation task challenging. In this work, we present and evaluate segmentation algorithms for multi-modal, multi-dimensional cardiac image datasets. Firstly, we segment the left ventricle (LV) blood-pool from a tri-plane 2D+time trans-esophageal (TEE) ultrasound acquisition using local phase based filtering and graph-cut technique, propagate the segmentation throughout the cardiac cycle using non-rigid registration-based motion extraction, and reconstruct the 3D LV geometry. Secondly, we segment the LV blood-pool and myocardium from an open-source 4D cardiac cine Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) dataset by incorporating average atlas based shape constraint into the graph-cut framework and iterative segmentation refinement. The developed fast and robust framework is further extended to perform right ventricle (RV) blood-pool segmentation from a different open-source 4D cardiac cine MRI dataset. Next, we employ convolutional neural network based multi-task learning framework to segment the myocardium and regress its area, simultaneously, and show that segmentation based computation of the myocardial area is significantly better than that regressed directly from the network, while also being more interpretable. Finally, we impose a weak shape constraint via multi-task learning framework in a fully convolutional network and show improved segmentation performance for LV, RV and myocardium across healthy and pathological cases, as well as, in the challenging apical and basal slices in two open-source 4D cardiac cine MRI datasets. We demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of the proposed segmentation methods by comparing the obtained results against the provided gold-standard manual segmentations, as well as with other competing segmentation methods

    Probabilistic Models for Joint Segmentation, Detection and Tracking

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    Migrace buněk a buněčných částic hraje důležitou roli ve fungování živých organismů. Systematický výzkum buněčné migrace byl umožněn v posledních dvaceti letech rychlým rozvojem neinvazivních zobrazovacích technik a digitálních snímačů. Moderní zobrazovací systémy dovolují studovat chování buněčných populací složených z mnoha ticíců buněk. Manuální analýza takového množství dat by byla velice zdlouhavá, protože některé experimenty vyžadují analyzovat tvar, rychlost a další charakteristiky jednotlivých buněk. Z tohoto důvodu je ve vědecké komunitě velká poptávka po automatických metodách.Migration of cells and subcellular particles plays a crucial role in many processes in living organisms. Despite its importance a systematic research of cell motility has only been possible in last two decades due to rapid development of non-invasive imaging techniques and digital cameras. Modern imaging systems allow to study large populations with thousands of cells. Manual analysis of the acquired data is infeasible, because in order to gain insight into underlying biochemical processes it is sometimes necessary to determine shape, velocity and other characteristics of individual cells. Thus there is a high demand for automatic methods

    Two and three dimensional segmentation of multimodal imagery

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    The role of segmentation in the realms of image understanding/analysis, computer vision, pattern recognition, remote sensing and medical imaging in recent years has been significantly augmented due to accelerated scientific advances made in the acquisition of image data. This low-level analysis protocol is critical to numerous applications, with the primary goal of expediting and improving the effectiveness of subsequent high-level operations by providing a condensed and pertinent representation of image information. In this research, we propose a novel unsupervised segmentation framework for facilitating meaningful segregation of 2-D/3-D image data across multiple modalities (color, remote-sensing and biomedical imaging) into non-overlapping partitions using several spatial-spectral attributes. Initially, our framework exploits the information obtained from detecting edges inherent in the data. To this effect, by using a vector gradient detection technique, pixels without edges are grouped and individually labeled to partition some initial portion of the input image content. Pixels that contain higher gradient densities are included by the dynamic generation of segments as the algorithm progresses to generate an initial region map. Subsequently, texture modeling is performed and the obtained gradient, texture and intensity information along with the aforementioned initial partition map are used to perform a multivariate refinement procedure, to fuse groups with similar characteristics yielding the final output segmentation. Experimental results obtained in comparison to published/state-of the-art segmentation techniques for color as well as multi/hyperspectral imagery, demonstrate the advantages of the proposed method. Furthermore, for the purpose of achieving improved computational efficiency we propose an extension of the aforestated methodology in a multi-resolution framework, demonstrated on color images. Finally, this research also encompasses a 3-D extension of the aforementioned algorithm demonstrated on medical (Magnetic Resonance Imaging / Computed Tomography) volumes

    Semi-supervised Learning for Medical Image Segmentation

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    Medical image segmentation is a fundamental step in many computer aided clinical applications, such as tumour detection and quantification, organ measurement and feature learning, etc. However, manually delineating the target of interest on medical images (2D and 3D) is highly labour intensive and time-consuming, even for clinical experts. To address this problem, this thesis focuses on exploring and developing solutions of interactive and fully automated methods to achieve efficient and accurate medical image segmentation. First of all, an interactive semi-automatic segmentation software is developed for the purpose of efficiently annotating any given medical image in 2D and 3D. By converting the segmentation task into a graph optimisation problem using Conditional Random Field, the software allows interactive image segmentation using scribbles. It can also suggest the best image slice to annotate for segmentation refinement in 3D images. Moreover, an “one size for all” parameter setting is experimentally determined using different image modalities, dimensionalities and resolutions, hence no parameter adjustment is required for different unseen medical images. This software can be used for the segmentation of individual medical images in clinical applications or can be used as an annotation tool to generate training examples for machine learning methods. The software can be downloaded from bit.ly/interactive-seg-tool. The developed interactive image segmentation software is efficient, but annotating a large amount of images (hundreds or thousands) for fully supervised machine learning to achieve automatic segmentation is still time-consuming. Therefore, a semi-supervised image segmentation method is developed to achieve fully automatic segmentation by training on a small number of annotated images. An ensemble learning based method is proposed, which is an encoder-decoder based Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN). It is initially trained using a few annotated training samples. This initially trained model is then duplicated as sub-models and improved iteratively using random subsets of unannotated data with pseudo masks generated from models trained in the previous iteration. The number of sub-models is gradually decreased to one in the final iteration. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first use of ensemble learning and DCNN to achieve semi-supervised learning. By evaluating it on a public skin lesion segmentation dataset, it outperforms both the fully supervised learning method using only annotated data and the state-of-the-art methods using similar pseudo labelling ideas. In the context of medical image segmentation, many targets of interest have common geometric shapes across populations (e.g. brain, bone, kidney, liver, etc.). In this case, deformable image registration (alignment) technique can be applied to annotate an unseen image by deforming an annotated template image. Deep learning methods also advanced the field of image registration, but many existing methods can only successfully align images with small deformations. In this thesis, an encoder-decoder DCNN based image registration method is proposed to deal with large deformations. Specifically, a multi-resolution encoder is applied across different image scales for feature extraction. In the decoder, multi-resolution displacement fields are estimated in each scale and then successively combined to produce the final displacement field for transforming the source image to the target image space. The method outperforms many other methods on a local 2D dataset and a public 3D dataset with large deformations. More importantly, the method is further improved by using segmentation masks to guide the image registration to focus on specified local regions, which improves the performance of both segmentation and registration significantly. Finally, to combine the advantages of both image segmentation and image registration. A unified framework that combines a DCNN based segmentation model and the above developed registration model is developed to achieve semi-supervised learning. Initially, the segmentation model is pre-trained using a small number of annotated images, and the registration model is pre-trained using unsupervised learning of all training images. Subsequently, soft pseudo masks of unannotated images are generated by the registration model and segmentation model. The soft Dice loss function is applied to iteratively improve both models using these pseudo labelled images. It is shown that the proposed framework allows both models to mutually improve each other. This approach produces excellent segmentation results only using a small number of annotated images for training, which is better than the segmentation results produced by each model separately. More importantly, once finished training, the framework is able to perform both image segmentation and image registration in high quality

    Probabilistic partial volume modelling of biomedical tomographic image data

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Semi-supervised Learning for Medical Image Segmentation

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    Medical image segmentation is a fundamental step in many computer aided clinical applications, such as tumour detection and quantification, organ measurement and feature learning, etc. However, manually delineating the target of interest on medical images (2D and 3D) is highly labour intensive and time-consuming, even for clinical experts. To address this problem, this thesis focuses on exploring and developing solutions of interactive and fully automated methods to achieve efficient and accurate medical image segmentation. First of all, an interactive semi-automatic segmentation software is developed for the purpose of efficiently annotating any given medical image in 2D and 3D. By converting the segmentation task into a graph optimisation problem using Conditional Random Field, the software allows interactive image segmentation using scribbles. It can also suggest the best image slice to annotate for segmentation refinement in 3D images. Moreover, an “one size for all” parameter setting is experimentally determined using different image modalities, dimensionalities and resolutions, hence no parameter adjustment is required for different unseen medical images. This software can be used for the segmentation of individual medical images in clinical applications or can be used as an annotation tool to generate training examples for machine learning methods. The software can be downloaded from bit.ly/interactive-seg-tool. The developed interactive image segmentation software is efficient, but annotating a large amount of images (hundreds or thousands) for fully supervised machine learning to achieve automatic segmentation is still time-consuming. Therefore, a semi-supervised image segmentation method is developed to achieve fully automatic segmentation by training on a small number of annotated images. An ensemble learning based method is proposed, which is an encoder-decoder based Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN). It is initially trained using a few annotated training samples. This initially trained model is then duplicated as sub-models and improved iteratively using random subsets of unannotated data with pseudo masks generated from models trained in the previous iteration. The number of sub-models is gradually decreased to one in the final iteration. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first use of ensemble learning and DCNN to achieve semi-supervised learning. By evaluating it on a public skin lesion segmentation dataset, it outperforms both the fully supervised learning method using only annotated data and the state-of-the-art methods using similar pseudo labelling ideas. In the context of medical image segmentation, many targets of interest have common geometric shapes across populations (e.g. brain, bone, kidney, liver, etc.). In this case, deformable image registration (alignment) technique can be applied to annotate an unseen image by deforming an annotated template image. Deep learning methods also advanced the field of image registration, but many existing methods can only successfully align images with small deformations. In this thesis, an encoder-decoder DCNN based image registration method is proposed to deal with large deformations. Specifically, a multi-resolution encoder is applied across different image scales for feature extraction. In the decoder, multi-resolution displacement fields are estimated in each scale and then successively combined to produce the final displacement field for transforming the source image to the target image space. The method outperforms many other methods on a local 2D dataset and a public 3D dataset with large deformations. More importantly, the method is further improved by using segmentation masks to guide the image registration to focus on specified local regions, which improves the performance of both segmentation and registration significantly. Finally, to combine the advantages of both image segmentation and image registration. A unified framework that combines a DCNN based segmentation model and the above developed registration model is developed to achieve semi-supervised learning. Initially, the segmentation model is pre-trained using a small number of annotated images, and the registration model is pre-trained using unsupervised learning of all training images. Subsequently, soft pseudo masks of unannotated images are generated by the registration model and segmentation model. The soft Dice loss function is applied to iteratively improve both models using these pseudo labelled images. It is shown that the proposed framework allows both models to mutually improve each other. This approach produces excellent segmentation results only using a small number of annotated images for training, which is better than the segmentation results produced by each model separately. More importantly, once finished training, the framework is able to perform both image segmentation and image registration in high quality
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