4 research outputs found

    Tree-chromatic number is not equal to path-chromatic number

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    For a graph GG and a tree-decomposition (T,B)(T, \mathcal{B}) of GG, the chromatic number of (T,B)(T, \mathcal{B}) is the maximum of Ο‡(G[B])\chi(G[B]), taken over all bags B∈BB \in \mathcal{B}. The tree-chromatic number of GG is the minimum chromatic number of all tree-decompositions (T,B)(T, \mathcal{B}) of GG. The path-chromatic number of GG is defined analogously. In this paper, we introduce an operation that always increases the path-chromatic number of a graph. As an easy corollary of our construction, we obtain an infinite family of graphs whose path-chromatic number and tree-chromatic number are different. This settles a question of Seymour. Our results also imply that the path-chromatic numbers of the Mycielski graphs are unbounded.Comment: 11 pages, 0 figure

    Tree-chromatic number

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    Abstract Let us say a graph G has "tree-chromatic number" at most k if it admits a tree-decomposition (T, (X t : t ∈ V (T ))) such that G[X t ] has chromatic number at most k for each t ∈ V (T ). This seems to be a new concept, and this paper is a collection of observations on the topic. In particular we show that there are graphs with tree-chromatic number two and with arbitrarily large chromatic number; and for all β„“ β‰₯ 4, every graph with no triangle and with no induced cycle of length more than β„“ has tree-chromatic number at most β„“ βˆ’ 2