2,586 research outputs found

    Fast and Deterministic Approximations for k-Cut

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    In an undirected graph, a k-cut is a set of edges whose removal breaks the graph into at least k connected components. The minimum weight k-cut can be computed in n^O(k) time, but when k is treated as part of the input, computing the minimum weight k-cut is NP-Hard [Goldschmidt and Hochbaum, 1994]. For poly(m,n,k)-time algorithms, the best possible approximation factor is essentially 2 under the small set expansion hypothesis [Manurangsi, 2017]. Saran and Vazirani [1995] showed that a (2 - 2/k)-approximately minimum weight k-cut can be computed via O(k) minimum cuts, which implies a O~(km) randomized running time via the nearly linear time randomized min-cut algorithm of Karger [2000]. Nagamochi and Kamidoi [2007] showed that a (2 - 2/k)-approximately minimum weight k-cut can be computed deterministically in O(mn + n^2 log n) time. These results prompt two basic questions. The first concerns the role of randomization. Is there a deterministic algorithm for 2-approximate k-cuts matching the randomized running time of O~(km)? The second question qualitatively compares minimum cut to 2-approximate minimum k-cut. Can 2-approximate k-cuts be computed as fast as the minimum cut - in O~(m) randomized time? We give a deterministic approximation algorithm that computes (2 + eps)-minimum k-cuts in O(m log^3 n / eps^2) time, via a (1 + eps)-approximation for an LP relaxation of k-cut

    Approximating the Held-Karp Bound for Metric TSP in Nearly Linear Time

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    We give a nearly linear time randomized approximation scheme for the Held-Karp bound [Held and Karp, 1970] for metric TSP. Formally, given an undirected edge-weighted graph GG on mm edges and ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, the algorithm outputs in O(mlog4n/ϵ2)O(m \log^4n /\epsilon^2) time, with high probability, a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation to the Held-Karp bound on the metric TSP instance induced by the shortest path metric on GG. The algorithm can also be used to output a corresponding solution to the Subtour Elimination LP. We substantially improve upon the O(m2log2(m)/ϵ2)O(m^2 \log^2(m)/\epsilon^2) running time achieved previously by Garg and Khandekar. The LP solution can be used to obtain a fast randomized (32+ϵ)\big(\frac{3}{2} + \epsilon\big)-approximation for metric TSP which improves upon the running time of previous implementations of Christofides' algorithm

    Almost-Tight Distributed Minimum Cut Algorithms

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    We study the problem of computing the minimum cut in a weighted distributed message-passing networks (the CONGEST model). Let λ\lambda be the minimum cut, nn be the number of nodes in the network, and DD be the network diameter. Our algorithm can compute λ\lambda exactly in O((nlogn+D)λ4log2n)O((\sqrt{n} \log^{*} n+D)\lambda^4 \log^2 n) time. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper that explicitly studies computing the exact minimum cut in the distributed setting. Previously, non-trivial sublinear time algorithms for this problem are known only for unweighted graphs when λ3\lambda\leq 3 due to Pritchard and Thurimella's O(D)O(D)-time and O(D+n1/2logn)O(D+n^{1/2}\log^* n)-time algorithms for computing 22-edge-connected and 33-edge-connected components. By using the edge sampling technique of Karger's, we can convert this algorithm into a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation O((nlogn+D)ϵ5log3n)O((\sqrt{n}\log^{*} n+D)\epsilon^{-5}\log^3 n)-time algorithm for any ϵ>0\epsilon>0. This improves over the previous (2+ϵ)(2+\epsilon)-approximation O((nlogn+D)ϵ5log2nloglogn)O((\sqrt{n}\log^{*} n+D)\epsilon^{-5}\log^2 n\log\log n)-time algorithm and O(ϵ1)O(\epsilon^{-1})-approximation O(D+n12+ϵpolylogn)O(D+n^{\frac{1}{2}+\epsilon} \mathrm{poly}\log n)-time algorithm of Ghaffari and Kuhn. Due to the lower bound of Ω(D+n1/2/logn)\Omega(D+n^{1/2}/\log n) by Das Sarma et al. which holds for any approximation algorithm, this running time is tight up to a polylogn \mathrm{poly}\log n factor. To get the stated running time, we developed an approximation algorithm which combines the ideas of Thorup's algorithm and Matula's contraction algorithm. It saves an ϵ9log7n\epsilon^{-9}\log^{7} n factor as compared to applying Thorup's tree packing theorem directly. Then, we combine Kutten and Peleg's tree partitioning algorithm and Karger's dynamic programming to achieve an efficient distributed algorithm that finds the minimum cut when we are given a spanning tree that crosses the minimum cut exactly once

    Distributed Connectivity Decomposition

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    We present time-efficient distributed algorithms for decomposing graphs with large edge or vertex connectivity into multiple spanning or dominating trees, respectively. As their primary applications, these decompositions allow us to achieve information flow with size close to the connectivity by parallelizing it along the trees. More specifically, our distributed decomposition algorithms are as follows: (I) A decomposition of each undirected graph with vertex-connectivity kk into (fractionally) vertex-disjoint weighted dominating trees with total weight Ω(klogn)\Omega(\frac{k}{\log n}), in O~(D+n)\widetilde{O}(D+\sqrt{n}) rounds. (II) A decomposition of each undirected graph with edge-connectivity λ\lambda into (fractionally) edge-disjoint weighted spanning trees with total weight λ12(1ε)\lceil\frac{\lambda-1}{2}\rceil(1-\varepsilon), in O~(D+nλ)\widetilde{O}(D+\sqrt{n\lambda}) rounds. We also show round complexity lower bounds of Ω~(D+nk)\tilde{\Omega}(D+\sqrt{\frac{n}{k}}) and Ω~(D+nλ)\tilde{\Omega}(D+\sqrt{\frac{n}{\lambda}}) for the above two decompositions, using techniques of [Das Sarma et al., STOC'11]. Moreover, our vertex-connectivity decomposition extends to centralized algorithms and improves the time complexity of [Censor-Hillel et al., SODA'14] from O(n3)O(n^3) to near-optimal O~(m)\tilde{O}(m). As corollaries, we also get distributed oblivious routing broadcast with O(1)O(1)-competitive edge-congestion and O(logn)O(\log n)-competitive vertex-congestion. Furthermore, the vertex connectivity decomposition leads to near-time-optimal O(logn)O(\log n)-approximation of vertex connectivity: centralized O~(m)\widetilde{O}(m) and distributed O~(D+n)\tilde{O}(D+\sqrt{n}). The former moves toward the 1974 conjecture of Aho, Hopcroft, and Ullman postulating an O(m)O(m) centralized exact algorithm while the latter is the first distributed vertex connectivity approximation

    The Traveling Salesman Problem: Low-Dimensionality Implies a Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme

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    The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is among the most famous NP-hard optimization problems. We design for this problem a randomized polynomial-time algorithm that computes a (1+eps)-approximation to the optimal tour, for any fixed eps>0, in TSP instances that form an arbitrary metric space with bounded intrinsic dimension. The celebrated results of Arora (A-98) and Mitchell (M-99) prove that the above result holds in the special case of TSP in a fixed-dimensional Euclidean space. Thus, our algorithm demonstrates that the algorithmic tractability of metric TSP depends on the dimensionality of the space and not on its specific geometry. This result resolves a problem that has been open since the quasi-polynomial time algorithm of Talwar (T-04)

    Distributed Edge Connectivity in Sublinear Time

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    We present the first sublinear-time algorithm for a distributed message-passing network sto compute its edge connectivity λ\lambda exactly in the CONGEST model, as long as there are no parallel edges. Our algorithm takes O~(n11/353D1/353+n11/706)\tilde O(n^{1-1/353}D^{1/353}+n^{1-1/706}) time to compute λ\lambda and a cut of cardinality λ\lambda with high probability, where nn and DD are the number of nodes and the diameter of the network, respectively, and O~\tilde O hides polylogarithmic factors. This running time is sublinear in nn (i.e. O~(n1ϵ)\tilde O(n^{1-\epsilon})) whenever DD is. Previous sublinear-time distributed algorithms can solve this problem either (i) exactly only when λ=O(n1/8ϵ)\lambda=O(n^{1/8-\epsilon}) [Thurimella PODC'95; Pritchard, Thurimella, ACM Trans. Algorithms'11; Nanongkai, Su, DISC'14] or (ii) approximately [Ghaffari, Kuhn, DISC'13; Nanongkai, Su, DISC'14]. To achieve this we develop and combine several new techniques. First, we design the first distributed algorithm that can compute a kk-edge connectivity certificate for any k=O(n1ϵ)k=O(n^{1-\epsilon}) in time O~(nk+D)\tilde O(\sqrt{nk}+D). Second, we show that by combining the recent distributed expander decomposition technique of [Chang, Pettie, Zhang, SODA'19] with techniques from the sequential deterministic edge connectivity algorithm of [Kawarabayashi, Thorup, STOC'15], we can decompose the network into a sublinear number of clusters with small average diameter and without any mincut separating a cluster (except the `trivial' ones). Finally, by extending the tree packing technique from [Karger STOC'96], we can find the minimum cut in time proportional to the number of components. As a byproduct of this technique, we obtain an O~(n)\tilde O(n)-time algorithm for computing exact minimum cut for weighted graphs.Comment: Accepted at 51st ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2019