21,372 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Gaussian Trees with Correlation Sign Ambiguity: An Information Theoretic Approach

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    In latent Gaussian trees the pairwise correlation signs between the variables are intrinsically unrecoverable. Such information is vital since it completely determines the direction in which two variables are associated. In this work, we resort to information theoretical approaches to achieve two fundamental goals: First, we quantify the amount of information loss due to unrecoverable sign information. Second, we show the importance of such information in determining the maximum achievable rate region, in which the observed output vector can be synthesized, given its probability density function. In particular, we model the graphical model as a communication channel and propose a new layered encoding framework to synthesize observed data using upper layer Gaussian inputs and independent Bernoulli correlation sign inputs from each layer. We find the achievable rate region for the rate tuples of multi-layer latent Gaussian messages to synthesize the desired observables.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, part of this work is submitted to Allerton 2016 conference, UIUC, IL, US

    A Progressive Universal Noiseless Coder

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    The authors combine pruned tree-structured vector quantization (pruned TSVQ) with Itoh's (1987) universal noiseless coder. By combining pruned TSVQ with universal noiseless coding, they benefit from the “successive approximation” capabilities of TSVQ, thereby allowing progressive transmission of images, while retaining the ability to noiselessly encode images of unknown statistics in a provably asymptotically optimal fashion. Noiseless compression results are comparable to Ziv-Lempel and arithmetic coding for both images and finely quantized Gaussian sources

    Cooperative Lattice Coding and Decoding

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    A novel lattice coding framework is proposed for outage-limited cooperative channels. This framework provides practical implementations for the optimal cooperation protocols proposed by Azarian et al. In particular, for the relay channel we implement a variant of the dynamic decode and forward protocol, which uses orthogonal constellations to reduce the channel seen by the destination to a single-input single-output time-selective one, while inheriting the same diversity-multiplexing tradeoff. This simplification allows for building the receiver using traditional belief propagation or tree search architectures. Our framework also generalizes the coding scheme of Yang and Belfiore in the context of amplify and forward cooperation. For the cooperative multiple access channel, a tree coding approach, matched to the optimal linear cooperation protocol of Azarain et al, is developed. For this scenario, the MMSE-DFE Fano decoder is shown to enjoy an excellent tradeoff between performance and complexity. Finally, the utility of the proposed schemes is established via a comprehensive simulation study.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figure

    A Lattice Coding Scheme for Secret Key Generation from Gaussian Markov Tree Sources

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    In this article, we study the problem of secret key generation in the multiterminal source model, where the terminals have access to correlated Gaussian sources. We assume that the sources form a Markov chain on a tree. We give a nested lattice-based key generation scheme whose computational complexity is polynomial in the number, N , of independent and identically distributed samples observed by each source. We also compute the achievable secret key rate and give a class of examples where our scheme is optimal in the fine quantization limit. However, we also give examples that show that our scheme is not always optimal in the limit of fine quantization.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. A 5-page version of this article has been submitted to the 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT