21,432 research outputs found

    Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP: A Report on the First BlackboxNLP Workshop

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    The EMNLP 2018 workshop BlackboxNLP was dedicated to resources and techniques specifically developed for analyzing and understanding the inner-workings and representations acquired by neural models of language. Approaches included: systematic manipulation of input to neural networks and investigating the impact on their performance, testing whether interpretable knowledge can be decoded from intermediate representations acquired by neural networks, proposing modifications to neural network architectures to make their knowledge state or generated output more explainable, and examining the performance of networks on simplified or formal languages. Here we review a number of representative studies in each category

    Self-Adaptive Hierarchical Sentence Model

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    The ability to accurately model a sentence at varying stages (e.g., word-phrase-sentence) plays a central role in natural language processing. As an effort towards this goal we propose a self-adaptive hierarchical sentence model (AdaSent). AdaSent effectively forms a hierarchy of representations from words to phrases and then to sentences through recursive gated local composition of adjacent segments. We design a competitive mechanism (through gating networks) to allow the representations of the same sentence to be engaged in a particular learning task (e.g., classification), therefore effectively mitigating the gradient vanishing problem persistent in other recursive models. Both qualitative and quantitative analysis shows that AdaSent can automatically form and select the representations suitable for the task at hand during training, yielding superior classification performance over competitor models on 5 benchmark data sets.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted as a full paper at IJCAI 201

    Improved Semantic Representations From Tree-Structured Long Short-Term Memory Networks

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    Because of their superior ability to preserve sequence information over time, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, a type of recurrent neural network with a more complex computational unit, have obtained strong results on a variety of sequence modeling tasks. The only underlying LSTM structure that has been explored so far is a linear chain. However, natural language exhibits syntactic properties that would naturally combine words to phrases. We introduce the Tree-LSTM, a generalization of LSTMs to tree-structured network topologies. Tree-LSTMs outperform all existing systems and strong LSTM baselines on two tasks: predicting the semantic relatedness of two sentences (SemEval 2014, Task 1) and sentiment classification (Stanford Sentiment Treebank).Comment: Accepted for publication at ACL 201

    Restricted Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and its variations such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), have become standard building blocks for learning online data of sequential nature in many research areas, including natural language processing and speech data analysis. In this paper, we present a new methodology to significantly reduce the number of parameters in RNNs while maintaining performance that is comparable or even better than classical RNNs. The new proposal, referred to as Restricted Recurrent Neural Network (RRNN), restricts the weight matrices corresponding to the input data and hidden states at each time step to share a large proportion of parameters. The new architecture can be regarded as a compression of its classical counterpart, but it does not require pre-training or sophisticated parameter fine-tuning, both of which are major issues in most existing compression techniques. Experiments on natural language modeling show that compared with its classical counterpart, the restricted recurrent architecture generally produces comparable results at about 50\% compression rate. In particular, the Restricted LSTM can outperform classical RNN with even less number of parameters
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