8 research outputs found

    High Responsiveness for Group Editing CRDTs

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    International audienceGroup editing is a crucial feature for many end-user applications. It requires high responsiveness, which can be provided only by optimistic replication algorithms, which come in two classes: classical Operational Transformation (OT), or more recent Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs). Typically, CRDTs perform better on downstream operations , i.e., when merging concurrent operations than OT, because the former have logarithmic complexity and the latter quadratic. However, CRDTs are often less responsive, because their upstream complexity is linear. To improve this, this paper proposes to interpose an auxiliary data structure , called the identifier data structure in front of the base CRDT. The identifier structure ensures logarithmic complexity and does not require replication or synchronization. Combined with a block-wise storage approach, this approach improves upstream execution time by several orders of magnitude , with negligeable impact on memory occupation, network bandwidth, and downstream execution performance

    Execution and authentication of function queries

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    We introduce a new query primitive called Function Query (FQ). An FQ operates on a set of math functions and retrieves the functions whose output with a given input satisfies a query condition (e.g., being among top-k, within a given range). While FQ finds its natural uses in querying a database of math functions, it can also be applied on a database of discrete values. We show that by interpreting the database as a set of user-defined functions, FQ can retrieve the information like existing analytic queries such as top-k query and scalar product query and even more. Our research addresses the challenges of FQ execution and authentication. The former is how to minimize the computation and storage costs in processing an FQ, whereas the latter, how to verify that the result of an FQ returned by a potentially untrustworthy server is indeed correct. Our solutions are inspired from the observations that 1) the intersections of a set of continuous functions partition their domain into a number of subdomains, and 2) in each of these subdomains, the functions can be sorted based on their output. We prove the correctness of the proposed techniques and evaluate their performance through analysis, prototyping, and experiments using both synthetic and real-world data. In all settings, our techniques exhibit excellent performance. In addition to FQ, our research has developed another query primitive called Improvement Query, which we also include in this dissertation

    Development of a New 3D Reconstruction Algorithm for Computed Tomography (CT)

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    [EN] Model-based computed tomography (CT) image reconstruction is dominated by iterative algorithms. Although long reconstruction times remain as a barrier in practical applications, techniques to speed up its convergence are object of investigation, obtaining impressive results. In this thesis, a direct algorithm is proposed for model-based image reconstruction. The model-based approximation relies on the construction of a model matrix that poses a linear system which solution is the reconstructed image. The proposed algorithm consists in the QR decomposition of this matrix and the resolution of the system by a backward substitution process. The cost of this image reconstruction technique is a matrix vector multiplication and a backward substitution process, since the model construction and the QR decomposition are performed only once, because of each image reconstruction corresponds to the resolution of the same CT system for a different right hand side. Several problems regarding the implementation of this algorithm arise, such as the exact calculation of a volume intersection, definition of fill-in reduction strategies optimized for CT model matrices, or CT symmetry exploit to reduce the size of the system. These problems have been detailed and solutions to overcome them have been proposed, and as a result, a proof of concept implementation has been obtained. Reconstructed images have been analyzed and compared against the filtered backprojection (FBP) and maximum likelihood expectation maximization (MLEM) reconstruction algorithms, and results show several benefits of the proposed algorithm. Although high resolutions could not have been achieved yet, obtained results also demonstrate the prospective of this algorithm, as great performance and scalability improvements would be achieved with the success in the development of better fill-in strategies or additional symmetries in CT geometry.[ES] En la reconstrucci贸n de imagen de tomograf铆a axial computerizada (TAC), en su modalidad model-based, prevalecen los algoritmos iterativos. Aunque los altos tiempos de reconstrucci贸n a煤n son una barrera para aplicaciones pr谩cticas, diferentes t茅cnicas para la aceleraci贸n de su convergencia est谩n siendo objeto de investigaci贸n, obteniendo resultados impresionantes. En esta tesis, se propone un algoritmo directo para la reconstrucci贸n de imagen model-based. La aproximaci贸n model-based se basa en la construcci贸n de una matriz modelo que plantea un sistema lineal cuya soluci贸n es la imagen reconstruida. El algoritmo propuesto consiste en la descomposici贸n QR de esta matriz y la resoluci贸n del sistema por un proceso de sustituci贸n regresiva. El coste de esta t茅cnica de reconstrucci贸n de imagen es un producto matriz vector y una sustituci贸n regresiva, ya que la construcci贸n del modelo y la descomposici贸n QR se realizan una sola vez, debido a que cada reconstrucci贸n de imagen supone la resoluci贸n del mismo sistema TAC para un t茅rmino independiente diferente. Durante la implementaci贸n de este algoritmo aparecen varios problemas, tales como el c谩lculo exacto del volumen de intersecci贸n, la definici贸n de estrategias de reducci贸n del relleno optimizadas para matrices de modelo de TAC, o el aprovechamiento de simetr铆as del TAC que reduzcan el tama\~no del sistema. Estos problemas han sido detallados y se han propuesto soluciones para superarlos, y como resultado, se ha obtenido una implementaci贸n de prueba de concepto. Las im谩genes reconstruidas han sido analizadas y comparadas frente a los algoritmos de reconstrucci贸n filtered backprojection (FBP) y maximum likelihood expectation maximization (MLEM), y los resultados muestran varias ventajas del algoritmo propuesto. Aunque no se han podido obtener resoluciones altas a煤n, los resultados obtenidos tambi茅n demuestran el futuro de este algoritmo, ya que se podr铆an obtener mejoras importantes en el rendimiento y la escalabilidad con el 茅xito en el desarrollo de mejores estrategias de reducci贸n de relleno o simetr铆as en la geometr铆a TAC.[CA] En la reconstrucci贸 de imatge tomografia axial computerizada (TAC) en la seua modalitat model-based prevaleixen els algorismes iteratius. Tot i que els alts temps de reconstrucci贸 encara s贸n un obstacle per a aplicacions pr脿ctiques, diferents t猫cniques per a l'acceleraci贸 de la seua converg猫ncia est脿n siguent objecte de investigaci贸, obtenint resultats impressionants. En aquesta tesi, es proposa un algorisme direct per a la recconstrucci贸 de image model-based. L'aproximaci贸 model-based es basa en la construcci贸 d'una matriu model que planteja un sistema lineal quina sol路luci贸 es la imatge reconstruida. L'algorisme propost consisteix en la descomposici贸 QR d'aquesta matriu i la resoluci贸 del sistema per un proc茅s de substituci贸 regresiva. El cost d'aquesta t猫cnica de reconstrucci贸 de imatge es un producte matriu vector i una substituci贸 regresiva, ja que la construcci贸 del model i la descomposici贸 QR es realitzen una sola vegada, degut a que cada reconstrucci贸 de imatge suposa la resoluci贸 del mateix sistema TAC per a un t猫rme independent diferent. Durant la implementaci贸 d'aquest algorisme sorgixen diferents problemes, tals com el c脿lcul exacte del volum de intersecci贸, la definici贸 d'estrat猫gies de reducci贸 de farcit optimitzades per a matrius de model de TAC, o el aprofitament de simetries del TAC que redueixquen el tamany del sistema. Aquestos problemes han sigut detallats y s'han proposat solucions per a superar-los, i com a resultat, s'ha obtingut una implementaci贸 de prova de concepte. Les imatges reconstruides han sigut analitzades i comparades front als algorismes de reconstrucci贸 filtered backprojection (FBP) i maximum likelihood expectation maximization (MLEM), i els resultats mostren varies ventajes del algorisme propost. Encara que no s'han pogut obtindre resolucions altes ara per ara, els resultats obtinguts tamb茅 demostren el futur d'aquest algorisme, ja que es prodrien obtindre millores importants en el rendiment i la escalabilitat amb l'茅xit en el desemvolupament de millors estrat猫gies de reducci贸 de farcit o simetries en la geometria TAC.Iborra Carreres, A. (2015). Development of a New 3D Reconstruction Algorithm for Computed Tomography (CT) [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/59421TESI

    Alternative Method for Parallel M-way Tree Search on Distributed Memory Architectures

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    Computer Science

    Tree rebalancing in optimal time and space

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    Tree rebalancing in optimal time and space

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