5 research outputs found

    Tourism intermediaries and innovation in the hotel industry

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    This paper examines the influence of tourism intermediaries on innovationin SMEs in the hotel industry from the perspective of the global value chainapproach. The paper contributes towards characterizing the changingpatterns of governance in the tourism global value chains. In addition, itprovides useful information about SMEs’innovation for tourismdestination managers. The dataset for this study comes from a survey ofhotel SMEs in Spain. The results indicate that dependence on touroperators leads to lower levels of marketing innovation, whiledependence on on-line travel agencies stimulates it. Dependence ontraditional travel agencies is observed to be associated with less productinnovation. Overall, dependence on tourism intermediaries implies lowerautonomy in a hotel’s determination of rates and margins, but canfavour innovation by means of stimulating the introduction ofinformation and communication technologies and quality standards.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). España ECO2013-42889-

    Interactive stated choice surveys: A study of air travel behaviour

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    Stated preference (SP) experiments are becoming an increasingly popular survey methodology for investigating air travel choice behaviour. Nevertheless, some evidence suggests that SP experiments do not mirror decisions in real markets. In this paper we introduce a novel survey methodology that aims to make air travel surveys more consistent with real world settings, with the aim of obtaining more realistic results. The survey is modelled on the interface and functionality of an online travel agent (OTA). As with a real OTA, many ticket options are presented. Sort tools allow the options to be reordered, search tools allow options to be removed from consideration, and a further tool allows attributes to be hidden and shown. Extensive use of these tools is made by the 462 respondents, with the captured data revealing some attribute preferences at the individual level, and significant heterogeneity of preference across individuals. A traditional SP component was also completed by the respondents. Our exploratory analysis as well as random utility model estimation results confirm not only that respondents seem to engage more actively with the interactive survey, but also that the resulting data allows for better performance in model estimation. These results have implications for the study of other complex travel choices where interactive surveys may similarly be preferable to standard approaches

    Joint Opaque Selling Systems for Online Travel Agencies

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    Cet article analyse les ventes opaques qui constituent un canal de distribution alternatif aux canaux traditionnels. Deux variantes sont pratiquées. La première, développée par Hotwire.com repose sur des prix affichés et un service garanti par le vendeur dès le paiement. La seconde, proposée par Priceline.com, fonctionne sur la base d’une sorte de système d’enchères, les clients potentiels formulant un prix pour une offre qui leur sera d’autant plus accessible que le prix proposé est élevé. Nous proposons un modèle analytique permettant de comparer l’application individuelle et simultanée de ces deux variantes par une agence de voyages en ligne en situation de monopole et faisant face à une demande hétérogène. Deux situations sont explorées : une information complète mais imparfaite et une information incomplète et imparfaite. Les résultats obtenus montrent qu’en information complète et imparfaite l’adoption simultanée des deux systèmes n’améliore pas les profits du monopoleur. En revanche, dans le cas où l’information est incomplète, ce qui semble le plus pertinent, l’utilisation des deux canaux opaques accroît le profit joint de la compagnie et de l’intermédiaire, ce qui jette un doute sur le bien-fondé des stratégies retenues actuellement par les intermédiaires.This paper analyses the properties of sophisticated opaque booking systems, implemented by online travel agencies in conjunction, usually, with traditional transparent systems. We characterize the opaque products as opposed to traditional transparent products. We focus on the two particular distribution models: opaque posted price system developed by Hotwire.com, and the Name-Your-Own-Price system developed by Priceline.com. We propose an analytical model to compare the results of individual implementation and joint implementation of these two models by an online travel agency in a monopoly position. We consider the cases of complete and incomplete information by introducing consumer uncertainty about their relative propensity to pay and about prevailing states of the world. We find that under realistic assumptions, including moderate levels of uncertainty and average number of ticket sales, joint implementation of both systems provides the best results for the online travel agency, which casts doubt on current dominant strategies

    Dynamic packaging

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    Das Erfolgsmodell von Online-Tourismusunternehmen wird von zwei Faktoren bestimmt: vom Kunden und von der Technologie. Der Kunde repräsentiert die Nachfrage des Marktes und somit den Push-Faktor, die Technologie den Anbietermarkt und den Push-Faktor. Gemeinsam entscheiden sie über den Erfolg eines E-Business. Das «Dynamic Packaging» kombiniert beide Faktoren zu einem Maßnahmenbündel. Das Ziel ist ein auf Kundenbedürfnisse zugeschnittenes Produkt, das sich die neusten IT-Technologien zunutze macht. Der erste Abschnitt dieser Arbeit liefert einen Überblick der Tourismusindustrie, die aufgrund der neu verfügbaren Informationstechnologien einen signifikanten Wandel vollzogen hat. Die Veränderungen werden im Folgenden bezogen auf die unterschiedlichen Anbieter von Reisedienstleistungen und -produkten diskutiert. Diese Vorgehensweise soll nicht nur das spezifische Umfeld veranschaulichen, in dem die Anbieter agieren, sondern auch die Herausforderungen, mit denen sie konfrontiert werden. Die Akteure, die in Betracht gezogen werden, sind Fluggesellschaften, Hoteliers, Kreuzfahrtgesellschaften und Autovermietungsgesellschaften. Der Übergang von der Offline- zur Online-Präsenz hatte primär eine Disintermediation zur Folge. Die wachsende Nachfrage nach einer besseren Organisation und Integration der Informationsfülle führte später dann jedoch wieder zu einer Reintermediation des Produktangebots.Die Online-Reisebüros, die den erkennbaren Trend der Reintermediation adoptiert haben, stellen eine neue Zustellmethode für das Tourismusprodukt dar. Ihr Erfolg ist jedoch von der Mitwirkung aller Anbieter abhängig. Touristische Unternehmen nutzen normalerweise eine weit gefächerte Auswahl an Distributionskanälen. Diese können jedoch nicht ad Infinitum vermehrt werden. Die Alternativen werden deshalb sorgfältig durch das Management ausgewertet mit dem Ziel, die tangiblen und intangiblen Vorteile zu maximieren und zugleich die Kosten zu minimieren. Die hier vollzogene Analyse bezieht drei Entscheidungsebenen mit ein: die operationale, die taktische und die strategische. Dabei werden drei verschiedene Distributionskanäle einander gegenüber gestellt: traditionelle Reisebüros, eigene Webseiten der Anbieter und Online-Reisebüros. Um die Diskussion von Online-Reisebüros als Distributionskanal auch im Hinblick auf mögliche Chancen und Risiken zu vervollständigen, wird abschließend eine Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse aus der Kundenperspektive präsentiert.The success model of the e-tourism company could be defined as driven forward by two dominating forces: customer and technology. The customer, who works as the market pull factor and the technology as the push factor, both determine the e-business’s success. Dynamic packaging reflects the combination of these two factors: delivery of a highly customized product based on advanced information technologies. First section of the thesis gives an overview of the current tourism industry which has been significantly changed due to the emerging information technologies. The changes occurred in the last years are discussed separately for the various suppliers of the travel product. This should better illustrate the specific environment in which they operate as well as the challenges they face. The players taken into consideration include airlines, hotels, cruise lines and car rental companies. The transition from the offline to the online environment contributed in the first stage to the disintermediation process. Later, the need for the organization and integration of the information initiated a return to the reintermediation of the travel products. Online travel agencies, due to the reintermediation, present a new delivery channel for the travel product. Their success depends on a high participation level of the various tourism players. The tourism companies most usually use a portfolio of distribution channels. However the channels cannot be ad infinitum added as they emerge. The alternative choices will be carefully evaluated by the management to maximize the tangible and intangible benefits as well as to minimize the costs. The conducted analysis takes into consideration three decisions areas: operational, tactical and strategic. Every conducted analysis includes the comparison of three different distribution channels: the traditional agency, the own suppliers’ web page and the online travel agency. Finally, the cost/benefit analysis will be presented from the customer’s perspective to ensure the comprehensive presentation of Online Travel Agencies (OTA) as a distribution channel, taking into consideration the possible threads and opportunities


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    It is very critical for the organizations to design flexible systems that are easy to use and can accomplish all the requirements by way of offering customizability. Philosophers argue that users are good in adapting the systems; however, research shows users dissatisfaction with existing Online Airline Reservation Systems in terms of task completion. Therefore, researchers are eager to find out ways for improving online usability of the systems, how users' Perceived Usability of the system is formulated by its flexibility functions. This research therefore examines travelers' expectations, preferences and online behavior (Users' Flexibility) and aligns that with designing of flexible online airline reservation systems (System's Flexibility) and users' as evaluators of the online systems to determine its Perceived Usability through users' effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction (Perceived Usability). In this dissertation, both quantitative and qualitative techniques were used to analyze the data collected in the context of SF, lJF and PU of the systems. A redesign solution for enhanced usability was developed based on HCI guidelines and the flexibility tactics used in online travel agencies, which led to a proposed interface with the integration of opaque mechanism. The two interfaces were used in the experiment. Participants were requested to complete the evaluation of the existing and proposed interfaces. The findings suggested that users can be classified on the basis of their Flexible Traveling Behavior which led to the development of a Users' Flexibility measuring scale. It is further investigated that integration of opaque fares concept would increase the usability of the system. Since flexibility is referred to its ability to respond to internal or external changes, systems incorporated with opaque fares would serve the role of external change agent by way of providing flexibility in users' decision making and will also serve the role of internal change agent by way of providing the capability of accepting changed decisions