1 research outputs found

    Identification of AGP genes in centaury (Centaurium erythraea, Gentianaceae) and monitoring of their expression in response to tissue mechanical wounding in vitro

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    Arabinogalaktanski proteini (AGP) su ekstenzivno glikozilovani proteini ćelijskog zida i predstavljaju podklasu O-glikozilovanih glikoproteina bogatih hidroksiprolinom (HRGP). Odlikuje ih visoka raznolikost primarne strukture, velika familija gena koja ih kodira, kao i širok spektar uloga tokom rastenja i razvića biljaka...Arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) are extensively glycosylated cell wall proteins belonging to the super family of O-glycosylated hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins (HRGPs). They are characterized by a high diversity of the primary structure, they are encoded by a large gene family and are associated with a wide array of physiological roles in plant growth and development..