62 research outputs found

    Transparent SNARKs from DARK Compilers

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    We construct a new polynomial commitment scheme for univariate and multivariate polynomials over finite fields, with logarithmic size evaluation proofs and verification time, measured in the number of coefficients of the polynomial. The underlying technique is a Diophantine Argument of Knowledge (DARK), leveraging integer representations of polynomials and groups of unknown order. Security is shown from the strong RSA and the adaptive root assumptions. Moreover, the scheme does not require a trusted setup if instantiated with class groups. We apply this new cryptographic compiler to a restricted class of algebraic linear IOPs, which we call Polynomial IOPs, to obtain doubly-efficient public-coin interactive arguments of knowledge for any NP relation with succinct communication. With linear preprocessing, the online verifier\u27s work is logarithmic in the circuit complexity of the relation. There are many existing examples of Polynomial IOPs (PIOPs) dating back to the first PCP (BFLS, STOC\u2791). We present a generic compilation of any PIOP using our DARK polynomial commitment scheme. In particular, compiling the PIOP from PLONK (GWC, ePrint\u2719), an improvement on Sonic (MBKM, CCS\u2719), yields a public-coin interactive argument with quasi-linear preprocessing, quasi-linear (online) prover time, logarithmic communication, and logarithmic (online) verification time in the circuit size. Applying Fiat-Shamir results in a SNARK, which we call *Supersonic*. Supersonic is also concretely efficient with 10KB proofs and under 100ms verification time for circuits with 1 million gates (estimated for 120-bit security). Most importantly, this SNARK is transparent: it does not require a trusted setup. We obtain zk-SNARKs by applying a hiding variant of our polynomial commitment scheme with zero-knowledge evaluations. Supersonic is the first complete zk-SNARK system that has both a practical prover time as well as asymptotically logarithmic proof size and verification time. The original proof had a significant gap that was discovered by Block et al. (CRYPTO 2021). The new security proof closes the gap and shows that the original protocol with a slightly adjusted parameter is still secure. Towards this goal, we introduce the notion of almost-special-sound protocols which likely has broader applications

    The security of Groups of Unknown Order based on Jacobians of Hyperelliptic Curves

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    Recent work using groups of unknown order to construct verifiable delay functions, polynomial commitment schemes and non interactive zero knowledge proofs have provoked fresh interest in the construction of efficient cryptographic groups of unknown order. It has been suggested that the Jacobian of hyperelliptic curves of genus 3 could be suitable for this purpose. Regrettably, efficient algorithms to compute the order of the Jacobian of a hyperelliptic curve are known. Concretely, it is unclear whether these groups are competitive with RSA groups or class groups at or above the 128 bit security level

    A note on the low order assumption in class groups of imaginary quadratic number fields

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    In this short note we analyze the low order assumption in the imaginary quadratic number fields. We show how this assumption is broken for Mersenne primes. We also provide a description on how to possible attack this assumption for other class of prime numbers leveraging some new mathematical tool coming from higher (cubic) number fields

    How (not) to hash into class groups of imaginary quadratic fields?

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    Class groups of imaginary quadratic fields (class groups for short) have seen a resurgence in cryptography as transparent groups of unknown order. They are a prime candidate for being a trustless alternative to RSA groups because class groups do not need a (distributed) trusted setup to sample a cryptographically secure group of unknown order. Class groups have recently found many applications in verifiable secret sharing, secure multiparty computation, transparent polynomial commitments, and perhaps most importantly, in time-based cryptography, i.e., verifiable delay functions, (homomorphic) time-lock puzzles, timed commitments, etc. However, there are various roadblocks to making class groups widespread in practical cryptographic deployments. We initiate the rigorous study of hashing into class groups. Specifically, we want to sample a uniformly distributed group element in a class group such that nobody knows its discrete logarithm with respect to any public parameter. We point out several flawed algorithms in numerous publicly available class group libraries. We further illustrate the insecurity of these hash functions by showing concrete attacks against cryptographic protocols, i.e., verifiable delay functions, if they were deployed with one of those broken hash-to-class group functions. We propose two families of cryptographically secure hash functions into class groups. We implement these constructions and evaluate their performance. We release our implementation as an open-source library

    An Efficient Hash Function for Imaginary Class Groups

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    This paper presents a new efficient hash function for imaginary class groups. Many class group based protocols, such as verifiable delay functions, timed commitments and accumulators, rely on the existence of an efficient and secure hash function, but there are not many concrete constructions available in the literature, and existing constructions are too inefficient for practical use cases. Our novel approach, building on Wesolowski\u27s initial scheme, achieves a staggering 500-fold increase in computation speed, making it exceptionally practical for real-world applications. This optimisation is achieved at the cost of a smaller image of the hash function, but we show that the image is still sufficiently large for the hash function to be secure. Additionally, our construction is almost linear in its ability to be parallelized, which significantly enhances its computational efficiency on multi-processor systems, making it highly suitable for modern computing environments

    Constructing hidden order groups using genus three Jacobians

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    Groups of hidden order have gained a surging interest in recent years due to applications to cryptographic commitments, verifiable delay functions and zero knowledge proofs. Recently, Dobson and Galbraith ([DG20]) proposed Jacobians of genus three hyperelliptic curves as a suitable candidate for such a group. While this looks like a promising idea, certain Jacobians are less secure than others and hence, the curve has to be chosen with caution. In this short note, we explore the types of Jacobians that would be suitable for this purpose

    Accountable Safety for Rollups

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    Accountability, the ability to provably identify protocol violators, gained prominence as the main economic argument for the security of proof-of-stake (PoS) protocols. Rollups, the most popular scaling solution for blockchains, typically use PoS protocols as their parent chain. We define accountability for rollups, and present an attack that shows the absence of accountability on existing designs. We provide an accountable rollup design and prove its security, both for the traditional `enshrined' rollups and for sovereign rollups, an emergent alternative built on lazy blockchains, tasked only with ordering and availability of the rollup data.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure

    Do You Need a Zero Knowledge Proof?

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    Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs), a cryptographic tool known for decades, have gained significant attention in recent years due to advancements that have made them practically applicable in real-world scenarios. ZKPs can provide unique attributes, such as succinctness, non-interactivity, and the ability to prove knowledge without revealing the information itself, making them an attractive solution for a range of applications. This paper aims to critically analyze the applicability of ZKPs in various scenarios. We categorize ZKPs into distinct types: SNARKs (Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments of Knowledge), Commit-then-Prove ZKPs, MPC-in-the-Head, and Sigma Protocols, each offering different trade-offs and benefits. We introduce a flowchart methodology to assist in determining the most suitable ZKP system, given a set of technical application requirements. Next, we conduct an in-depth investigation of three major use cases: Outsourcing Computation, Digital Self-Sovereign Identity, and ZKPs in networking. Additionally, we provide a high-level overview of other applications of ZKPs, exploring their broader implications and opportunities. This paper aims to demystify the decision-making process involved in choosing the right ZKP system, providing clarity on when and how these cryptographic tools can be effectively utilized in various domains — and when they are better to be avoided
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