99 research outputs found

    Transparent SNARKs from DARK Compilers

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    We construct a new polynomial commitment scheme for univariate and multivariate polynomials over finite fields, with logarithmic size evaluation proofs and verification time, measured in the number of coefficients of the polynomial. The underlying technique is a Diophantine Argument of Knowledge (DARK), leveraging integer representations of polynomials and groups of unknown order. Security is shown from the strong RSA and the adaptive root assumptions. Moreover, the scheme does not require a trusted setup if instantiated with class groups. We apply this new cryptographic compiler to a restricted class of algebraic linear IOPs, which we call Polynomial IOPs, to obtain doubly-efficient public-coin interactive arguments of knowledge for any NP relation with succinct communication. With linear preprocessing, the online verifier\u27s work is logarithmic in the circuit complexity of the relation. There are many existing examples of Polynomial IOPs (PIOPs) dating back to the first PCP (BFLS, STOC\u2791). We present a generic compilation of any PIOP using our DARK polynomial commitment scheme. In particular, compiling the PIOP from PLONK (GWC, ePrint\u2719), an improvement on Sonic (MBKM, CCS\u2719), yields a public-coin interactive argument with quasi-linear preprocessing, quasi-linear (online) prover time, logarithmic communication, and logarithmic (online) verification time in the circuit size. Applying Fiat-Shamir results in a SNARK, which we call *Supersonic*. Supersonic is also concretely efficient with 10KB proofs and under 100ms verification time for circuits with 1 million gates (estimated for 120-bit security). Most importantly, this SNARK is transparent: it does not require a trusted setup. We obtain zk-SNARKs by applying a hiding variant of our polynomial commitment scheme with zero-knowledge evaluations. Supersonic is the first complete zk-SNARK system that has both a practical prover time as well as asymptotically logarithmic proof size and verification time. The original proof had a significant gap that was discovered by Block et al. (CRYPTO 2021). The new security proof closes the gap and shows that the original protocol with a slightly adjusted parameter is still secure. Towards this goal, we introduce the notion of almost-special-sound protocols which likely has broader applications

    Do You Need a Zero Knowledge Proof?

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    Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs), a cryptographic tool known for decades, have gained significant attention in recent years due to advancements that have made them practically applicable in real-world scenarios. ZKPs can provide unique attributes, such as succinctness, non-interactivity, and the ability to prove knowledge without revealing the information itself, making them an attractive solution for a range of applications. This paper aims to critically analyze the applicability of ZKPs in various scenarios. We categorize ZKPs into distinct types: SNARKs (Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments of Knowledge), Commit-then-Prove ZKPs, MPC-in-the-Head, and Sigma Protocols, each offering different trade-offs and benefits. We introduce a flowchart methodology to assist in determining the most suitable ZKP system, given a set of technical application requirements. Next, we conduct an in-depth investigation of three major use cases: Outsourcing Computation, Digital Self-Sovereign Identity, and ZKPs in networking. Additionally, we provide a high-level overview of other applications of ZKPs, exploring their broader implications and opportunities. This paper aims to demystify the decision-making process involved in choosing the right ZKP system, providing clarity on when and how these cryptographic tools can be effectively utilized in various domains — and when they are better to be avoided

    VOProof: Efficient zkSNARKs from Vector Oracle Compilers

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    The design of zkSNARKs is increasingly complicated and requires familiarity with a broad class of cryptographic and algebraic tools. This complexity in zkSNARK design also increases the difficulty in zkSNARK implementation, analysis, and optimization. To address this complexity, we develop a new workflow for designing and implementing zkSNARKs, called VOProof\mathsf{VOProof}. In VOProof\mathsf{VOProof}, the designer only needs to construct a \emph{Vector Oracle (VO) protocol} that is intuitive and straightforward to design, and then feeds this protocol to our \emph{VO compiler} to transform it into a fully functional zkSNARK. This new workflow conceals most algebraic and cryptographic operations inside the compiler, so that the designer is no longer required to understand these cumbersome and error prone procedures. Moreover, our compiler can be fine-tuned to compile one VO protocol into multiple zkSNARKs with different tradeoffs. We apply VOProof\mathsf{VOProof} to construct three general-purpose zkSNARKs targeting three popular representations of arithmetic circuits: the Rank-1 Constraint System (R1CS), the Hadamard Product Relation (HPR), and the PLONK\mathsf{PLONK} circuit. These zkSNARKs have shorter and more intuitive descriptions, thus are easier to implement and optimize compared to prior works. To evaluate their performance, we implement a Python framework for describing VO protocols and compiling them into working Rust code of zkSNARKs. Our evaluation shows that the VOProof\mathsf{VOProof}-based zkSNARKs have competitive performance, especially in proof size and verification time, e.g., both reduced by roughly 50%50\% compared to Marlin\mathsf{Marlin} (Chiesa et al., EUROCRYPT 2020). These improvements make the VOProof\mathsf{VOProof}-based zkSNARKs more preferable in blockchain scenarios where the proof size and verification time are critical

    How to Compile Polynomial IOP into Simulation-Extractable SNARKs: A Modular Approach

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    Most succinct arguments (SNARKs) are initially only proven knowledge sound (KS). We show that the commonly employed compilation strategy from polynomial interactive oracle proofs (PIOP) via polynomial commitments to knowledge sound SNARKS actually also achieves other desirable properties: weak unique response (WUR) and trapdoorless zero-knowledge (TLZK); and that together they imply simulation extractability (SIM-EXT). The factoring of SIM-EXT into KS + WUR + TLZK is becoming a cornerstone of the analysis of non-malleable SNARK systems. We show how to prove WUR and TLZK for PIOP compiled SNARKs under mild falsifiable assumptions on the polynomial commitment scheme. This means that the analysis of knowledge soundness from PIOP properties that inherently relies on non-falsifiable or idealized assumption such as the algebraic group model (AGM) or generic group model (GGM) need not be repeated. While the proof of WUR requires only mild assumptions on the PIOP, TLZK is a different matter. As perfectly hiding polynomial commitments sometimes come at a substantial performance premium, SNARK designers prefer to employ deterministic commitments with some leakage. This results in the need for a stronger zero-knowledge property for the PIOP. The modularity of our approach implies that any analysis improvements, e.g. in terms of tightness, credibility of the knowledge assumption and model of the KS analysis, or the precision of capturing real-world optimizations for TLZK also benefits the SIM-EXT guarantees

    Improved SNARK Frontend for Highly Repetitive Computations

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    Modern SNARK designs typically feature a frontend-backend paradigm: The frontend compiles a user\u27s program into some equivalent circuit representation, while the backend calls for a SNARK specifically made for proving satisfiability of the circuit. While the circuit may be defined over small fields, the backend prover often needs to lift the computation to much larger fields for achieving soundness. This gap results in concrete overheads, for example, when representing a SHA-256 program as a circuit with pairing-based backend SNARKs. For a class of computations that are highly repetitive\textit{highly repetitive}, we propose an improved frontend that partially bridges this gap. Compared with existing works, our frontend yields circuit representations defined over larger fields but of smaller size. Our implementation shows that for SIMD computation with ≈180\approx 180 SHA-256 instances, our improved frontend improves prover runtime by over 2.6×2.6 \times and reduces memory usage by over 1.3×1.3 \times. Central to our result and of independent interest, is an efficient technique for proving non-native modulo arithmetic

    Verifiable Computation in Practice: Tools and Protocols

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    Verifiable computation (VC) protocols enable clients to outsource computations to untrusted servers in the cloud without compromising the integrity of the computation. Although cryptographic approaches for verifiable computation were mostly of theoretical interest in the past, there has been great progress in the area during the past few years. In particular, efficient constructions for Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-interactive ARguments of Knowledge (zk-SNARKs) were proposed and adopted in practice. These techniques enable an untrusted server to prove the correctness of computations in zero-knowledge using a succinct proof that can be verified efficiently by the client. This thesis aims at addressing some challenges in such VC protocols, and developing practical protocols for cryptocurrency applications. The challenges we address include the proof computation overhead at the prover's side, and the level of expertise expected from the programmers to write secure and efficient programs for VC. More specifically, current protocols require the programmer to carefully express the computation as an arithmetic circuit, in a way that minimizes the proof computation overhead and prevents malicious behavior by the prover, which is a non-trivial task. To address the above challenges, we present a framework that aims to reduce the proof computation overhead, and offer more programmability to non-specialist developers, while automating the task of circuit minimization through a combination of techniques. The framework includes new circuit-friendly algorithms for frequent operations, which achieve constant to asymptotic savings over algorithms used in previous compilers. In addition, we explore and optimize cryptographic primitives that have efficient arithmetic circuit representations. Furthermore, we explore different settings where VC can be used in practice. We present the design of Hawk, a system for privacy-preserving smart contracts. Hawk enables custom decentralized applications in the smart contract setting to run verifiably on top of a public blockchain system, while not revealing the participants' inputs to the network. To achieve practical performance, Hawk relies on a special party per contract (a manager) that is only trusted for posterior privacy, but not for correctness. Finally, we explore how VC techniques and smart contracts could enable practical crimes in the future, which highlights the importance of working on countermeasures

    Polynomial IOPs for Linear Algebra Relations

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    This paper proposes new Polynomial IOPs for arithmetic circuits. They rely on the monomial coefficient basis to represent the matrices and vectors arising from the arithmetic constraint satisfaction system, and build on new protocols for establishing the correct computation of linear algebra relations such as matrix-vector products and Hadamard products. Our protocols give rise to concrete proof systems with succinct verification when compiled down with a cryptographic compiler whose role is abstracted away in this paper. Depending only on the compiler, the resulting SNARKs are either transparent or rely on a trusted setup

    Efficient Representation of Numerical Optimization Problems for SNARKs

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    This paper introduces Otti, a general-purpose compiler for (zk)SNARKs that provides support for numerical optimization problems. Otti produces efficient arithmetizations of programs that contain optimization problems including linear programming (LP), semi-definite programming (SDP), and a broad class of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) instances. Numerical optimization is a fundamental algorithmic building block: applications include scheduling and resource allocation tasks, approximations to NP-hard problems, and training of neural networks. Otti takes as input arbitrary programs written in a subset of C that contain optimization problems specified via an easy-to-use API. Otti then automatically produces rank-1 constraint satisfiability (R1CS) instances that express a succinct transformation of those programs. Correct execution of the transformed program implies the optimality of the solution to the original optimization problem. Our evaluation on real benchmarks shows that Otti, instantiated with the Spartan proof system, can prove the optimality of solutions in zero-knowledge in as little as 100 ms---over 4 orders of magnitude faster than existing approache
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